She's Not Safe Here

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Warning: Chapter has several mentions of gore.


The sun burnt through the black fabric of my dress as I scrubbed the stone stairs leading into the palace. A storm had come last night, covering the marble in dirt and grime. To make matters worse, Prudence stood naught 10 metres away, barking orders at the poor groundsmen, put behind schedule by the weather event. My knees were starting to ache from kneeling and my arm had started cramping about an hour ago, but the stairs are wide and deep, leaving a large surface area to clean. I was so concentrated on my task, especially because Prudence was watching and I did not need to give her another reason to hate me, that I had not heard the arriving carriage.

“Lisa!” Jennie’s excited call pulled from my thoughts, I quickly stood and turned. I have not seen Jennie since before the news of her father, but as I turn I am reminded of Prudence’s presence here. Sh*t.


I quick glance toward Prudence from Lisa instantly fills Jennie with guilt and both girls with a wave of dread. Lisa’s letter had meant so much to Jennie, and she meant to thank her… but this is really bad for Lisa.

“I wish to thank you for service to Princess Roseanne, your gardening skills have brought her much relief recently.” Jennie announces loudly, hoping that Prudence will hear and spare Lisa. Lisa bends her knees slightly in a curtsy, head bowed as it has been since she remembered that Prudence was here, careful not to say a word and break Prudence’s top rule in front of her. Tertiary servants are not socialise above their class.

“Young Lady Kim,” Prudence exclaims in the most kiss-*ss voice imaginable, “It is so good to see you back at the castle. Can I help you with anything at all?”

“No no, all is well Prudence. I was just thanking Lisa for the service she has granted Rosé, it has made preparations for the ball much easier,” Jennie said with a graceful smile, “Now if you will excuse me, I must be going.” Jennie turned and made way up the stairs, leaving Lisa with a guilty glance.

Unfortunately Jennie’s efforts came to naught, as Prudence would take any opportunity to make Lisa’s life a living hell. As soon as Jennie had disappeared into the hall, Prudence swung her arm quickly and forcefully toward Lisa, the back of old and bony hand connecting with Lisa’s sensitive cheek. Lisa collapsed on the stairs, her heading landing harshly on the stairs as she came crashing down. Her heartbeat pulsed through her cheek as she slowly reached her hand up to nurse it. Adrenaline pulsed through her veins, numbing some of the pain, but the blood trickling down her face alerted her to the gash on her forehead, caused by the harsh landing on the marble stairs.

She lay there unmoving, knowing better than to further anger Prudence. The old hag walked slowly around Lisa in an almost taunting manor, finally picking up the bucket of cold, dirty water and pouring it over the helpless young girl. She reached over her maliciously, pulling harshly at Lisa’s hair.

“This is your only warning, stupid Loa” (A/N Word is a racist term for a Thai and is used for Literary purposes only, do not use this word or endorse any forms of racism.) 


As soon as I had stepped into the palace, I ran quickly to fetch Rosé. I have to make this right. I have to save Lisa. Quickly finding her within her quarters, we concoct the perfect lie to rescue Lisa from Prudence’s rath.

Quickly, Rosé bursts out the front of the Palace, quickly followed by myself and then Jisoo. But she freezes. We all do. We are instantly paralysed by the sight in front of us. Lisa, held up by hair on the staircase, eyes welling with tears, blood dripping from a deep gash above her left eye, her right cheek glowing pink, her ashy blond hair dyed with specks of dirt as dirty water drips from her bangs into her eyes.

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