The Ball

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The plan was simple.

Rosé, Jennie and Pranpriya (also known as me) would attend the ball and try to keep everyone as occupied as possible. Rosé would take care of the suitors, Jennie would keep Sehun off our backs and I would preoccupy the Queen – an unknown heir in her midst was bound to make her nervous.

Meanwhile, Jisoo would be organising the horses, and satchels of our most important belongings, food and water, quietly behind the servants gate where I entered on my first day. At 11.00 o'clock I would excuse myself, followed by Jennie at 11.30 and then finally, Rosé at 12.00. We would meet Jisoo with the horses and flee into the night unnoticed.

I snuck out earlier that day and found the coach service Rosé and I hired waiting outside the boutique where my dress and stylists were waiting per the princesses request. My dress was perfect, a traditional Thai garb consisting of gold silk with intricate embroidery. My cheeks blushed and lips glossed. They straightened my hair with a heated, metal comb and secured my mother's hairpiece just above my right ear. It was perfect.

Before long I was stuffing myself inside the coach and bouncing along the road on my way to the castle, invitation addressed to the Thai ambassy securely in my hand

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Before long I was stuffing myself inside the coach and bouncing along the road on my way to the castle, invitation addressed to the Thai ambassy securely in my hand.

I lifted my dress slightly as I climbed the stairs I had washed that day, before handing the invitation to the footman by the front door.

"Lady Pranpriya, representing Thailand on behalf of my Father" I smiled.

"We have it here that a Sir Kunpimook Bhuwakul would be attending, with wife and daughter in accompanying" the footman interjected.

"Yes, I am his daughter. Unfortunately, my father fell ill on the journey here and my mother has remained with him for the evening"

"What a good wife she is. Enjoy your evening, Lady Pranpriya" He smiled, returning the invitation to my hand.

"Thank you," I smiled and gracefully walked away with an air of nobility. I released a heavy sigh, the first part was over, how hard could the rest be?



The ball was a grand affair, with symbols of enormous wealth a every turn. I was dressed in the gown my brother had prepared, hanging delicately off my fiancé's arm and smiling through the pain.

Sehun was insistent I wear white, likely to hide the fact he had already stolen my innocence before our wedding night

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Sehun was insistent I wear white, likely to hide the fact he had already stolen my innocence before our wedding night. Throughout the evening, I find myself smiling for another reason. I smile because I know when midnight strikes, I will be far out of his reach.

I glance up briefly when Lisa's entrance is announced.

"Lady Pranpriya Manobal of Thailand!"

She curtsies sweetly to the King and Queen before making her way deeper into the ball room, the Queen obviously quite nervous at her presence.

Soon enough the music halts and our attention is drawn to the double-doors by the announcer,

"Princess Rosanne of the Korean Colonies!"

"Princess Rosanne of the Korean Colonies!"

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(AN: We're pretending its full length)

Rosé's dress swishes elegantly around her feet as she walks through the ballroom, taking her place on her throne to her father's right. Collectively, the room rises from a series of bows and curtsies and return the festivities.

Suitors flock to Rosé and she is dragged upon the dance floor for the first time tonight. As expected, the Queen makes her way quite urgently to Lisa, instantly falling into a deep conversation, playing on her insecurities as a hostess who doesn't know her guest.

Before long, the great clocks rings 11 times and I see Lisa make her way out of the room, under the pre-tense of returning to her father's aid.

I wait half-an-hour, secretly checking Sehun's wristwatch, before excusing myself to use the powder room. Fortunately, Sehun is quickly distracted by some young Lady. I follow the halls out of the castle, before slipping into the shadows and disappearing round back where my love is waiting for me.



Everything was going exactly to plan. Jennie and Pranpriya have both managed to slip out unnoticed. Now, for the hard part, me.

But Lisa and I have a plan.

I keep my eye discretely on the door, until I see Lisa give me the nod, she has changed back into her servant's uniform and is ready to get me the hell out of here. I start making small but obvious actions to indicate ill-health and before long, several suitors and my mother have taken notice.

"Chaeyoung dear, are you feeling alright?"

"I-I think I'll just quickly visit the powder room, mother," I grimace as I start to make my way towards Lisa and the door. I wave my arm in a summoning style, giving her permission to help me along. Lisa quickly runs the few remaining metres into the room, before helping me leave. Being sure to put on a grand show for anyone watching, including my mother.

As soon as we are in the safety of the hallway, we break into a sprint, fighting my dress the entire time. Now it's a race against time, we have to escape into the forest before someone comes looking for me.

I can feel my head pound in my ears as we burst through a servant's door into the gardens and start scrambling down the garden path. I can see Jennie, dark coat draped over her white dress, mounted on a dark-brown mare with Jisoo, donned in a black coat buttoned across her front, standing beside her holding the reigns.

In that instant, I allowed myself to see happiness as not just something I hoped to have forever and should treasure while I still have it, but as something that will be permanent in my life.

That was my mistake

The footsteps of 100 hundred men pounded against the pavement, as I pushed myself to run faster. My shoes flick off my feet and Lisa and I sprint down the path, feet hitting the path in sync.

But several hands wrap around my waist pulling me back as Lisa is tackled to the ground, face pressed into the dirt. I struggle with the persistent hands holding me back, fighting the grip as I watch them pummel Lisa. She lifts her head, making eye-contact with Jisoo. "GO!" she screams silently, before lowering her eyes to me. Her eyes swim with fear, but it's the fragile smile, the one that doesn't stand for happiness but rather faith. Faith that we are going to be ok. I listen to the thundering of hooves as Jennie and Jisoo escape to safety, as I surrender myself to grief.

The plan failed.

And just when I thought nothing could get any worse. Prudence arrives, standing menacingly over Lisa.

"That's her, that's the witch." 


Before Midnight, I was Happy | ChaelisaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora