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*edited version


Before seeing Madam Prudence, I quickly went to my chest to replace the Rosé's satin cloth with one of the scrap ones Jisoo gave me. I don’t want to raise any questions as to how I got such nice cloth. I put it with my extra uniform to wash later tonight before quickly returning to carry the baskets of berries to the Kitchen for Madam Prudence.

I put down the last basket with a huff, before stretching my back.

"Oh good you’re finished."

Nice to see you too prudence...

"The groundsmen need assistance with moving the new garden decorations to their desired locations. Given your... physical attributes, I think you'll be best... equipped to help."

"Madam I-"

"Of course, I'm sure there's many girls who could undertake the task just past the palace walls."

" won't be a problem Madam."
I sigh before quickly leaving the servants quarters to meet the groundsmen in the garden. I approach the large cart full of stone sculptures, a layout plan spread across the lowered tailgate. I glance about and eventually find a groundmen walking along the path.

“Excuse me,” I call, “Hello, I was sent to help you guys with the statues.”

“Oh yes, Madam Prudence told us that she had found the perfect servant who could perform our tasks better than us. You must be it.” The groundsmen snaps at me.

“I don’t understand.”

“Look miss, the plan’s over there. All you have to know is that those statues must be out by sundown and that I’m going home.” He huffs and proceeds to march down the path.

I eventually realise that this is another scheme of Prudence’s to get me to quit. But I cannot, I have no where else to go.

Come on Lisa, the fastest way to get a task done, is to get started.

I approach the first statue, determining where it needs to be via the plan before climbing onto the cart to fight the large swans, forever frozen in their flight to a freedom they will never achieve, into their desired location.

ROSÉ POVI was meant to be finishing my needlework for mother, but the view of the garden, specifically a beautiful young girl working in them, was much more enticing

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I was meant to be finishing my needlework for mother, but the view of the garden, specifically a beautiful young girl working in them, was much more enticing. I watched her eyebrows furrow as she studies the design layout, occasionally lifting her head to point to a statue and/or location. Then she climbs onto the cart and starts to carry a statue towards its desired location, I can feel my eyebrows rise in pure shock. She struggles not to drop the statue while trying to keep her balance, so she doesn’t fall off the cart. Why on earth is she moving those statues?! They're made completely of stone! She'll hurt herself for sure. As soon as she is safely on the ground with the statue, I tare my gaze away to confront the issue at hand.


"Yes Chae" Jisoo pokes her head through from my sleeping chambers where she was dusting.

"Could you go fetch Madam Prudence for me, as quick as you can please."
"Of course" She runs off, ruffling my hair as she passes.

"Thank you Unnie!" I call as she scurries out the door. I watch as Lisa climbs back onto the cart to start moving another statue, pausing to breath for a bit. I watch a drop of sweat rolls down neck, slowly creeping lower...

"You beckoned, your highness?" Prudence snaps me out of my not so innocent thoughts...

"Yes, yes I did... pray tell Prudence, why is that servant girl moving those statues all alone."

"Oh do not worry about her Princess, trust me she is quite capable, that girl never quits" trust me, I did not miss her sarcasm. I can feel my blood boil with anger as I try to control my frustration. I know that if I act like a child I will be treated as such, so I must confront this matter with reason.

"She is just a girl, this is clearly a man’s work. Where are the groundsmen?" I query. 

"Well they have retired for the day your highness."

"Then please, leave the statues for the time being, and let the groundsmen put them out tomorrow morning."
"I'm afraid they must be out before sundown if we are to remain on schedule princess."

"and?" Over the years it seems Prudence has mastered one skill more than any other, getting on my nerves. I can hear the blood pounding through my body, boiling in pure rage as she opens her mouth to argue...


"I must insist you ask the surplus guards or someone to take over, immediately" I snap. Prudence opens her mouth to do what I can only assume is argue. "That's an order Prudence" I spit before the slightest sound of disagreement can be vocalised.

"Yes, your highness," She bows, slightly startled, and finally leaves my quarters.

"God, I hate that women unnie, she's so entitled!". I enjoy venting with my unnie, she always makes me feel listened to. Many people ignore my issues, life must be made of gold for a princess, but in reality I fight entirely different battles. (A/N cliché I know)

"Your telling me, I've never seen her treat a tertiary this way." Over the years, complaining about Prudence has become one of Jisoo and I's favourite past times. Unfortunately my mother believes there is no better housekeeper than Prudence.

"mmmh" Is all I can manage to answer, too intent on studying the scene in front of me. Lisa is glistening from a combination of the hot summer sun and strenuous activating causing her to sweat deliciously (A/N Ah! I turned Rosé into a creep 😭😭😭). 

"Jisoo, do you mind fetching Lisa for me… and please, do not ask me why for I do not know..."

"only for you Rosé" she smiles through her overwhelming curiosity before leaving the room once again.

Much to my surprise, Prudence arrives in the gardens with a deep scowl imbedded in her forehead. She says nothing at all as a group of 6 guards approach me and the cart, taking the statute from my weary arms. I stand there for quite some time, confused but too scared to even make eye contact with Prudence let alone ask her what's happening.

"Lisa!" I turn my head to see Jisoo beckoning me from the doorway, although I fear if I follow I'll lose my job. I turn my head to madam, seeing her flick me away offhandedly. Seeing that I turn to follow Jisoo inside.

"I don't know what you did to the Princess, Lisa, but you've got her twisted around your finger." Jisoo giggles, I just frown confused.

"All I've done to the princess is completely and utterly embarrass myself in front of her." I counter.

“Oh I heard ” Jisoo laughs and continues to lead me through the palace. I lose counts of the number of doors Jisoo leads me past, eventually finding myself in front of another set of gold-trimmed French doors. Jisoo casually enters without hesitation, pushing the door open with her shoulder (striking contrast to Prudence's dramatic flair) me following closely behind.

The room is glamorous to say the least, the immediate room seems to be a sitting room, with a sun bed under the extravagant window. Two sets open, French doors to the left lead to what appears to be a drawing room and a music room, while two more, closed doors stand on the right side of the room. Rosé sat upon the sunbed at the window, her embroidery abandoned beside her. The sun shone from behind adding an angelic glow to her silking blonde hair. Her eyes are full of concern and lips a positioned in an adorable pout. Gosh, I cannot seem to take my eyes off her lips…

"Lisa dear, are you ok? I cannot believe she made you carry those!" Her voices snaps me back into reality as I draw my focus back to her deep, brown eyes.

"I'm ok Rosé, nothing I can't handle." I reply nonchalant like, although I can feel the muscles in my arms tremble from sheer exhaustion. And I only carried two statues! The princess says nothing, just sighs heavily in response. Was that not the right response? I shouldn't even be here... "D-did I do something wrong?" I ask tentatively as always.

"No, no, no of course not Lisa, tell me, do you embroider?"

I smile. Fond memories of an eight-year-old me sitting on my mother’s lap in front of the fireplace as she shows me how to manipulate the needle and thread in a simple cross-stich flood my memory.

"I do, it was one of my favourite past times with my mother"

Before long, myself, Jisoo and Princess Chaeyoung are seated on a cluster of fancy lounges, working on our needle point and sharing stories.


Her smile alone has managed to bring the joy back into needlepoint, her laughter makes my heart lighter again.

But still I feel heavy, why can't she tell me what's bothering her. She never complains, ever. Although I have only known her for a few hour… I must get to know her better. I want her to trust me enough to tell me anything, anything at all.

But first I must find a way to free her from prudence without alluring suspicions.

But until such a time in which Lisa can trust me, our relationship will remain frozen, like the statues in the garden.

Sorry for the wait

Hope you enjoying ;)

Please like and comment, and nag for the next chapter cause my memory is worse than a goldfish.

Before Midnight, I was Happy | ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now