Secret's Out

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To my relief, prudence was still out when I returned from the gardens, Rosé's words echoing in my mind and lifting my spirits. Rosé sent Irene to tell the Queen that she had changed her mind on the design of the invitations, meaning prudence would have to walk to the neighbouring village to change the order and would not be back until the early hours of the morning. Although my head still hurt and I was feeling extremely dizzy and somewhat nauseous, so after adding my dinner to the compost bin, I went for an early bed and sweet dreams about my princess.



As prudence trudged down the dark path toward the servant quarters, she paused to observe the castle. Her heart swells with pride as she takes in her work of art. Each tower, arch and even brick shines because of her, not the thousands of servants she tortures each day. Her eyes swept up the final tower, housing the sorcerer and his office, to then come to a paralysed halt. Her eyes catch the silhouette of a women, standing in the window. There is only one thing this could be.

The palace has been infiltrated by a witch.


Time skip


Rosé and Lisa have grown unbelievably closer since last Monday's horrific events. I would have minded 2 months ago, but these days I enjoy it. It gives me more time alone with Jisoo. Everyday for the past 8 days I have visited the palace and spent my time hiding in Rosé's quarters, but I have only seen Rosé 5 times, including last Monday. If I time my visit precisely between midday and 3 o'clock, I spend those hours alone with Jisoo when every else thinks she is organising Rosé's things.

Those three hours a day with Jisoo have been a blessing, especially with everything going on at home. Kai is struggling to find his feet with father gone, especially with what to do with me. Father had many connections that Kai doesn't, plus Kai has his own wife and family to worry about. Mother will be fine staying in the house until her time, but Kai and I both know that I cannot do the same. It scares me, I have no desire to get married and father knew this. But Kai got married young a simply does not understand why I wouldn't want the same. His friend from Busan, Oh Sehun, has been visiting the house daily now, and each time Kai insists I have at least a small conversation with him. But its hard work, speaking with him is like pushing boulders up the tallest mountain, its not natural like it is with Jisoo.

But there is danger with Jisoo. Our friendship... is more than that. More of a courtship. Which could get us both in a world of trouble if we aren't careful. But being with her is worth the risks. She notices things in me that I don't even notice in myself. She knows exactly what I need before I even know I need it. She's attentive and proactive in a way no suitor ever has been, and I'm not ready to give up on that.


12 o'clock, time to go.

Climbing out of the carriage and beginning my journey through the palace, my heart flutters with excitement. My cheeks burning from the large smile I cannot seem to remove despite my greatest efforts. But then again, this is why I come here each day, because she makes me happy.

Opening the door I find Jisoo bent over the end of the bed, straitening Rosé's evening dress. My knees grow weak at the sight of her, and I'm content with that, more than content. Letting my knees fail slightly, I use my back to close the door with a gentle click, drawing Jisoo's attention.

"Hi" She almost whispers, a smile gracing her beautiful lips. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, she is happy to see me too.



The sunshine almost appears dull in comparison to Lisa's smile. The flowers not quite as beautiful after seeing her eyes. Nothing compares to her infinite beauty and radiant character. I cannot wait for tomorrow when I get to see her again. It seems I can never wait. I want to be with her always. She makes me happy. Being with her makes the most unbearable tasks pleasant. She came into my life and painted it rose. The mere memory of our time together leaves me feeling content as I approach my quarters.

Filled with infinite blissfulness I through open the door, expecting to find Jisoo curled up on the sofa with a book. But reality paralysed me.

Jisoo sat comfortably, with Jennie perched on her lap. Foreheads touching and lips swollen as they slowly withdrew to face me. I could see the fear swimming in Jisoo's eyes as she started nervously playing with her fingers. The visual reminds me of Lisa when she first kissed me. Jennie remains seated on Jisoo, to scared to move as she awkwardly shifts from side to side, mouth opening and closing as she tries to find the right words. But I know there is no right words for this.

My paralysed state breaks into a joyous smile as I race forward to hug my two best friends.

"Oh my Lord, this is delightful! Ah! I am so happy for you two!" I exclaim earning socked expressions in return.

"You-you're not going to a-arrest us?" Jisoo stutters as Jennie remains frozen in shock.

"Well of course not!" I shout before lowering my voice to a whisper and smiling my brightest smile, "that would make me a hypocrite."

"You and Lisa?" Jisoo asks, putting two and two together like she always does.

"Yeah, me and Lisa." I smile, enjoying the way our names sound together.

Before Midnight, I was Happy | ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now