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The sound of dripping water against the cold stone echoes through Lisa's cell. In the furthest cell there's a young girl, chains secured around her wrists and ankles, balled up in the stream of moon-light. The shadows of the bars cast dark streaks across her face, hiding the streams of tears cascading down her cheeks. 

They were so close, but right as the old clock rang midnight, all of their plans were foiled. 

Lisa breathing wavers in quiet hiccups as she tries to lessen the pain in her bruised, maybe even broken ribs. Her hand clutching the crumpled piece of parchment smuggled in with her cup of water and stale bread. 

My lili,

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My lili,

I wanted to ensure you that I am safe, Father has me on house arrest in my room until your trial tomorrow. There are guards everywhere, as it seems Jennie and Jisoo successfully made their escape. The Oh family is furious but I am glad to know they are safe.

My love, tomorrow they will hold your trial for witchcraft, and I must beg you to confess. Witch trials are brutal events and I fear what will happen if you try to implore your innocence. I cannot watch you hanged.

You are smart my lili, I trust that you will find a way to escape. Go find Jennie and Jisoo, I will be able to live happily knowing you are safe.

Mother has arranged for me to marry Sir Chanyoel, he will protect me... but I will always love you.

All my love, your Rosé

Lisa's heart beat painfully, heavy with the knowledge that Rosé was prepared to sacrifice her happiness for Lisa's safety, but also angry that it seemed the princess had given up. Lisa vowed to herself that she would get out of here, with her love in hand or she would perish right here, close to her lover. 



I sit to my Fathers right, my mother to his left and Chanyoel sitting smugly to my right. The metallic rustling of chains echoes through the thrown room as Lisa is deposited on the ground in the centre of the room. 

Fathers clerk moves to the centre of the room, several metres infront of Lisa facing the King. He ruffles with his parchment for some time, before beginning with the opening address of the trial. 

"On the 16th of June 1856 at high noon, I open the trial of Lalisa Manoban on accounts of witchcraft on behalf of the royal court. The royal court provides the following evidence from witness Prudence Im: Miss Im informs the court that she witnessed the accused trespassing within the Sorcerer's dwellings the night prior to attempted kidnapping of Princess Chaeyoung. Sorcerer Jeon, the courts supernatural and alchemy specialist dictates that the accused was likely gathering supplies to complete her mental ensnarement of princess  Chaeyoung, driving the princess to believe she desired to be kidnapped and allow her to come willingly. Due to the presented evidence, the court is certain of Miss Manoban's status as a witch. Should the accused deny associations with witchcraft and thereby the devil, the royal court implores for her innocence to be confirmed with trial by holy water. Should the holy water accepted Miss Manoban, she shall be given a Christian burial, shall the water reject Miss Manoban, she shall be hanged."

My Father nods gruffly, "I agree that her innocence should be proven with the trial by water."

The clerk nods at my father's confirmation before turning to face Lisa. "Miss Manoban, do you confess to having performed witchcraft and therefore to being a witch placed here by the devil to corrupt the people of the Korean colonies." 

My heart rate increases ten fold. Please confess, please confess, please confess, please confess...

"I do not" Lisa announces, more confidently then  one would expect from a feeble girl dressed in chains surround by guards. And then I know, I know not to worry because my lili has a plan. But furthermore, I know that she has not yet given up on me. My heart swells with love, but fear and anxiety swim in whirlpool in my stomach. Lisa lifts her head, a smirk planted on her lips, love swimming in her eyes, asking for me to have faith in her. 

I do Lisa, I trust you...

"I am not a witch... I am much, much worse than a witch. I am the devil's sorceress, and I have chosen your dear daughter as my life tether."

"Kill her, Slaughter her now! Relinquish her grasp on my daughter's pure soul! Kill h-"

"Do you know what a life tether is, your majesty? hm? Its a protective spell, meaning that... if you kill me... you kill the princess as well." 

"I do not believe you! Lies! Lies! Sorcerer!"

Timidly the sorcerer, dressed in purple silken robes, steps forward. "Your highness, I-I have read of such spells but never before have I seen one. She must be a very powerful magic-wielder." 

No one in the room, except Rosé, noticed the weight falling from Lisa's shoulders. It had worked, Lisa thanked her tired mind for remembering Jisoo's ramblings some months prior, but she wasn't out of the woods yet. 

"I'll offer you a proposal, your majesty, I require 1000 pounds and your strongest stallion for my journeys. I vow not to return to your kingdom on the account that you provide me with what I need and set me on my way by midnight this evening. If you fail to fulfil this simple request or if I am followed on my journey, I will not hesitate to take measures to remove myself from this earth and thereby, stealing your daughter's soul in the process. Do we have an understanding?"

The King and Queen deliberated amongst themselves before returning the rooms attention to Lisa, a girl with nothing, seemingly holding everything. 

"We will offer you 2000 pounds and 2 stallions, should only you remain in custody until the evening of the princesses consummation. We cannot trust that you won't return to disrupt the ceremonies" 

"I will stay until the eve of the wedding, another night and your prince shall be marrying a corpse, do we have an understanding?"

"Very well, but I wish to watch you disappear from the castles horizons, personally." 

"As you wish." Lisa smiles smugly before turning and walking away as if not bound be chains and knights.  

Lisa suddenly stopped at the door, surrounded by an air of confidence. She pulled a folded piece of parchment from her robes handing it to the guard and whispering something I could not hear. before continuing her journey from the hall. 

Once Lisa was out of the room, the guard approached the Royal assembly, offering the Letter to me. 

"Give it here boy" My father commanded. 

"Apologies your highness, but she said that their would be extraordinary consequences if anyone but the princess laid eyes on the contents of this letter."

I proceeded to accept the letter, unfolding it to reveal my own letter to my love. Raw charcoal had been used to scratch the words; Meet me behind your rose the eve of your wedding at midnight. burn this. Over the ink I had stained the parchment with the night prior. 

I stood, approaching the nearest lamp and lighting the parchment on fire, dropping the letter and watching the flames consume our secrets. 

"Well," Father queried, "What did it say?"

"I'm not sure, it had a collection of illegible symbols for the most part, although otherwise it only read 'burn this' in hangul."

1 more chapter and an epilogue to go!


Before Midnight, I was Happy | ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now