Getting to know you 2

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It has been a week since I revealed my past to anyone, and the fact that that someone was Rosé... I am somehow okay with it. Whenever I see her, I feel safe... which is a rare feeling in this world that I wish to indulge in while it lasts. There is something inside me begging to be with her all the time, every second away from her is pure agony, but it only makes our precious moments together all the more sweeter.

As the ball draws nearer the daily tasks increase, you can feel the shared stress of all the servants whenever you are in their company. I can feel it in Rosé too... Whenever something remotely related to ball comes up, she loses focus and gets entrapped in her thoughts, but she never answers my questions of concern...

I am currently rinsing the dirt from my hands after having completed this morning's tasks of dusting, cleaning windowpanes and bringing firewood inside. I note the time from the clock above the sinks, although most of the servants can read it and often ask me the time anyway, I am grateful for the clock as its 11:58am... time to see Rosé.

The old clock chimes calling midday as I knock on the door of our secret oasis, as I have done every day for the past month.

knock knock~~ knock

Rosé swings the door open a quickly pulls me inside, a childish smile gracing her lips, our secret knock telling her it was me. She continues to drag me inside in a playful manner until we both collapse onto the sofa, her on top of me. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks when I notice how close we are, I can feel her breath, broken from her laughter, bouncing off my cheeks.

"Hi" I breath out between giggles.

"Hi" she returns, withdrawing another round of giggles from both of us.

Her hair glows in the golden hush of the day, perfectly framing her perfect jawline. I trace each inch of her porcelain face with my eyes, observing the intricate details of her deep brown eyes. Her contagious smile captivates me, eliciting a similar smile of my own. If could do only see that smile for the rest of my life, then I know I will be happy.

Then my mind flicks back to her hidden despair she accidently revealed to me a few days back... I desire to know what is bothering her, I wish to help her... It's these thoughts that bring me to the realisation that I know very little about her past. I am perfectly knowledgeable in her present, during the last month we have drawn so close I sometimes wonder if we can read one another's thoughts... but then I remember I cannot figure out what's bothering her and discard that thought.

I withdraw my attention from my spiralling thoughts to her deep, brown eyes I have been staring at.

"So princess," I begin my mini-investigation, "you know my story... what's yours?" I ask in attempt to learn more about the amazing girl basically sitting on top of me.

"There's not much tell," she laughs, "I was born in privilege, raised in privilege and will likely die in privilege."

"Surely there's something you can tell me? come on Chaeng-ah!"


"Yeah, Chaeng-ah. Now spill." I playfully poke her side to which she squirms on my lap.

"You're asking me to complain about my lavish life?" She raises her brow at me, probably in fear of judgement. But I know that even when I lived her kind of lifestyle, there was always something I wanted, typically my dad and brother to be home more often.

"No, I'm asking you to be real with me" I reply with a kind a smile.

"Alright, how's this for a story." I could see the walls break down, her heart opening as it had wanted to do for so long now, she has been waiting for someone she could trust to listen. And before I can expect anything she vents, she rants about the pressures, the etiquette classes, the dressing fittings, the endless lecture and much more... 5 minutes later she is still going, and I am still listening intently.

"and I am the only heir to throne so therefore I must marry some noble man for there to be a 'reliable ruler'. But I have no interest in marriage. I-I have no interest in men... I-I like g-g-girls..."

I see fear swim in her eyes as she realizes what she has just confessed. I fully understand, this is no minor feat, it is a crime. If anyone were to find out she would be arrested without second thought. I look straight into her eyes flooding with fear.

"Oh god, I don't know why I said that, I feel I can tell you anything. Oh please Lisa, do not tell anyone... Please I-"

"Do not worry, I will never tell a soul... as long as you never tell anyone about this..." I say softly at a volume just barely above a whisper.

And with that, I lean forward a place a gentle kiss on the corner of her lips. Her eyes instantly go as wide as saucers and I start to panic.

What was I thinking?! I cannot kiss the Princess! Oh God I am going to go to jail, I will lose my job, she will never want to speak with me again. Oh God what were you thinking Lalisa?!

I can feel my heart rate start to quicken as panic finds its home in my heart. I am so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I don't notice Rosé moving her face into a closer proximity to mine. I am snapped back into reality when her soft lips meet mine, immediately silencing the thunderstorm of anxiety running through my mind.

"C-can I, in secret of course... but I was wondering if, I c-could court you?" Rosé stutters, her face so close to mine that I can feel each word on my lips.

I feel as though Rosé's kiss has sucked all the words out of me, so I just nod, enthusiastically.

Rosé smiles and lies her head on my chest, and I pray she can't tell how hard my heart is beating.

"You know," she mumbles, "I have barely known you, yet I feel as if we have known one another forever. It just, feels so right with you, even if it's wrong." She sighs.

"I know what you mean..."


Sorry for the long wait for this update...

Hope you all enjoy and like the changes I have been making... Some chapters were seriously rearranged, so I apologise is future chapters don't make sense to you...


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