chapter 29

361 29 39

Dedicated to Akhi99

Gabriel watched as his elder brother charge towards him and hell, he was ready for him this time only that he never got to him since his father stood between the two of them.

"If anyone wants to hit anyone, do it to me," Chris said looking at both of them. "Feel like calling each other names? Call me." He was looking at Gabriel when he said that to him.

Gabriel moved back but Ray dared not to make a move. The guy was ready to kill him any second and he understood why. He had just called him a bastard and as much as it was true, it wasn't his fault. It wasn't his that shit happened between his own parents and he was the results of it. So yes, he had no right to call him what he just did.

But then again, Ray had no right to hit his own brother because of a personal assistant. He had no right to lay a hand on him because of someone who didn't know how to control her feels. He never asked her to like him. Never did anything to show her that he liked her or he was interested in her at all.

Yes, he had used Bella and he would have if Ray hadn't confessed who he was just two days ago. Gabriel had left the party with her when everything looked manageable. All he ever wanted was to introduce her to his girlfriend. His childhood best friend and crush and what did Bella do when they got to the club? She looked happy for him till she took a tequila that she couldn't handle.

Then she spilled her guts out. Cried herself about her own feels and when he said he never saw her that way, she caused a scandal. A scandal that he had to deal with before Natasha got into him. After all, he had loved his her for as long as he could remember.

When Bella had left the club, minutes had gone by and don't get him wrong, he hadn't gone after her at all. He was left weighing his thoughts and what to do without her around. Then the music had died and eyes were focuses on the television. And there he saw how the man he had learned to hate conference being his elder brother.

Imagine the shock. He had planned on apologising to Bella and maybe telling her that he did like her just to learn what he wanted but there was no need anymore. The man in question had come forth.

Did that make him happy? Of course not. It wasn't supposed to be that way. It wasn't meant to end like that...

"I might be a bastard but I know how to respect women." Ray cut his thoughts as he tried once again to charge towards him but Chris won't let him. "You are proving yourself to be a true Rollins."

"Com'n, why do you defend her so much and she is your PA," Gabriel asked wanting to provoke his elder brother. He hated the guy so much. "Don't tell me you're in love with her."

This time Ray used his strength to push Chris away and knocked him down. It hurt and his bite his lip once again hence causing it to start bleeding again. Ray bend to hit him one more blow but Chris pulled him back.

"I hit a nerve, didn't I?" He spit the blood out and tried to get up. The guy could really hurt if he wanted to. "Tell your little doll to stay away from me."

"Don't attar another word from your mouth Gabriel," his father said turning to look at a fuming Ray. "And you need to calm down. Violence won't solve anything."

Ray snored and pulled himself away from Chris.

"Tell your pressures son to stay away from my sister." Ray began to walk away from them.

But Gabriel didn't miss his words. He said that Bella was his sister. How was that even possible? Unless Kimberly had another kid.

"What do you mean by your sister?"

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