chapter 30

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Dedicated to JhinukSen

Chris walked inside the house with his heart beating louder than it ever did. Not even when he learned that Maya was dead did his heart break the way it was doing at that moment. If anything, he was sad and heart broken but not to the extent that he was in at that moment. He couldn't breath and he so needed to take a sip of water.

Who knew that this morning would be the day. The day he fear the most. His family was falling apart and it's all because of him. It's like he was made to hurt everyone he so much loved. First, it was Kimberly. Yes, he had hurt her each time he had held a show and gone kissing his fun. To him back then, it was nothing but innocent way of appreciating his funs and look where that got him.

Maybe back then she understood him. She was the best girlfriend one could ever ask for. She was all innocent and everything until he was forced to marry Maya. Then he had gone on to hurt Maya blaming her for his mistake. It was his cheating ass that had gotten him to that point but he never understood it till it was too late. Till he had made sure that Maya knew no peace.

Once again, he had hurt another person and then here were his kids. The kids that he was ready to lay his life down for them, yet they're hurting because of him. He had caused everything that was happening around him. He had let Prince grow up away from him because he had thought that was the only way he could make it up for Kimberly.

He had let the twins grow up without knowing what really happened to Prince and now Gabriel was blaming an innocent person. He thought that his brother and then best friend didn't care about him. Chris thought he had everything under control. He thought that he was the only one hurting but how wrong he was. His whole life was about hurting the people he cared about.

Wasn't that why his own father left them?

Chris poured himself a glass of water and let it run it cause. He was sweating but at least he was beginning to breath once again. He was really in pain.

I can't loose him once again.

He thought to himself as he put down the glass he had used a second ago. He needed to think.

You've been doing that all your life.

And his subconscious was right, it was time for that talk with his family. Time to let everything out there. It was that damn time.

"Chris," Maya called from behind him and a tear slipped from his eye. He wanted all the pain to stop. "Chris, you..."

"Call the kids to the leaving room," he said stepping away from Maya's touch. It was time for the comfort but the truth. "They need to know the truth."

Maya looked at him like he had grown two horns on his head. "You can't do that," she looked livid, "they won't understand you."

"Maya, the twins are old enough to learn the truth." Chris said looking her square in the eye. "Don't you see what all the secrets is doing to them?"


"Since I got you back from Leo, I've been doing everything to make you happy. Make you feel special, don't you think it's about that time you lemme do something for myself."

Maya looked hurt by his word but they're true. "What are you talking about?" She asked as she looked away from him. "Do you mean that..."

"Maya, the living room right now."

He didn't have the energy to fight with her at that moment. It was time he set the record straight before things got worse. He wasn't ready to loose another kid. Not when Prince chose Michael over him. He chose Kimberly's best friend over his own father. He chose him over his own blood.

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