Hope For A Future

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"Dad I'm scared." I tell my father as he holds my hand from the bed next to mine.

"It's okay sweetheart. I won't let anything happen to you I promise." He smiles a fatherly smile and I feel immediately at ease. "You don't have to do this you know... you didn't have to volunteer, Ashley. We can stop this ri-"

"No." I shake my head. "I want to do it." I nod and smile slightly. "I'm just...nervous I guess." I shrug and he smiles wide.

"Understandable. I've been doing these things for over fifteen years now. Nothing's happened yet." He leans closer to me, looking around us briefly then back to me. "I'm sure this serum won't work, just like the others." He whispers then leans back. "Nothing to worry about." He shakes his head and gives me a nose crinkling smile.

"How'd you get so wise dad?" I ask and return a smile.

He takes a deep breath and looks at me, "Hmph...I don't know. Let's hope it's hereditary though." He winks as one of the nurses comes over with two needles in her hand.

"Now this isn't going to hurt one bit, after the injection we ask that you stay still for at least an hour." My dad and I both nod as the nurse preps the needles. She sticks my father first. He winces for a moment but then relaxes and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Your turn sweetie." The nurse turns to me and says. "You're our youngest one yet." She adds and smiles as she sticks the needle in my arm. It stings for only a moment as the needle penetrates my skin. When she pulls the needle out of drop of blood runs down my arm quicker than she can put the gauze to it. "Here, hold this on here to stop the bleeding." She says grabbing my hand, replacing hers with it to hold the gauze. "Remember, try to remain still." She adds before leaving.

"You alright honey?"My dad asks from beside me.

"I'm fine." I half lie. The injection site is burning now. Is this a normal reaction?

"Try to get some rest. The burning will stop in a moment." He says and I turn to face him.

"You feel that too?" I question. He nods and smiles.

"It's alright. I'm sure it's normal." He tells me. I nod and turn away from him. I hope so. I think as I close my eyes.

"I heard what you and your sister were talking about back there." Carmen says to me as we walk into a room, weapons up, ready to fire on anything that moves.

"I-It isn't what you think." I stumble out.

"I don't think anything." She shakes her head and glances at me. "It isn't any of my business. But Spencer has been like a daughter to me these past months and I'd hate to see her get hurt." She says and turns in the other direction.

"I know and I would never hurt her." I try. Carmen turns back to me with narrowed eyes.

"I will hurt you, Ashley. It may be difficult, but I'll do it if you hurt Spencer." She says and I can tell she means every word of it. Spencer is so lucky to have all these people who care about her.

"I promise that I won't." I shake my head, hoping my words are enough. That she can see I mean every bit of it. I would never intentionally hurt Spencer. She means everything to me.

"Good." She says giving me a hard look then turns away again. I guess that's the end of that conversation. "Two." Carmen whispers and points just to our left. Two zombies are fighting over what's left of a person. They growl and snap at each other as they try to finish off the small amount of flesh left on the person's leg. The body is unrecognizable now. Devoured down to the bone. "You wanna..." She trails off and nods in their direction. I nod once and load my bow. I aim directly for the zombie on the left's head. I get it right in the temple. This causes the other one to turn and face us, it jumps up, the smell of our flesh enticing it. It takes off in our direction but I already have my second arrow loaded. I hit this one right in between the eyes. It hits the ground with a loud umph.

"You're so good with that thing." Carmen turns to me and smiles. I shrug and return the smile before walking over to the zombies and removing my arrows from their skulls.

"I'm gonna need to make more arrows. I'm running low." I point out as I wipe the brain off my arrows and stick them back in the pack on my back.

"We'll see if we can find you some supplies around here." Carmen says.

After clearing the rest of our area we headed back to the lab. Everyone was waiting on us.

"We're all clear." Tim says.

"Us too." Spencer says as she comes and stands next to me.

"I guess we can do lunch before starting on the files." Tim says and everyone nods. "We can clear some other floors tomorrow. Maybe secure the entire building. That way we wouldn't have to worry about anything while we're here."

"Good idea." Arthur speaks up.

"Jo and I will start on lunch." Paula says. Francisco and Jessica take off down the hall, probably playing a game of tag.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Spencer leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Sure." I whisper back and nod. She pulls me back in the direction Carmen and I just came from as everyone else walks off to different areas. "What's up?" I ask Spencer when everyone is out of earshot.

"I got this for you." She says holding up a syringe.

"Why?" I question, looking down at the needle a bit confused.

"We're gonna try your blood on Rebecca." She says simply.

"I don't think we should, what if she gets worse?"

"What can be worse than that?" She asks pointing down the hall to the lab.

What if it works and she gets better... what would I tell Spencer? At least with Rebecca like this I have more time.

"Okay." I nod and she smiles.

She hands me the syringe and kisses my cheek. "I'm gonna give you some privacy. I'm here if you need me." I nod as she walks away. I walk slowly down the hall to the lab, opening and shutting the door behind myself. Rebecca gets a whiff of my scent and begins to struggle in the chair.

"Rebecca." I call her name like she can understand me. And maybe she can... or maybe she can't. I don't know. "Rebecca." I say again, taking the towel from her face. She chomps at me, growling and grunting as she tries to eat my flesh, but the restraints pull her back each time. "I'm gonna try to fix you." I whisper to her. "Apparently, I'm the cure." I chuckle a bit before looking at her again. Her pale gray skin and blood red eyes only understand one thing, humans equal food. I take the needle and stick it in my arm drawing blood, taking the same needle and sticking it into Rebecca's arm.

She calms briefly like she knows I'm trying to help her. For a split second it's as if she stares into my eyes and all the grunting, growling, and moving to break free ceases.

Did it work?


And then the Rebecca I knew is gone again. Our moment is over and she's chomps at me again. "Argh, ugnh." She grunts and I stumble backwards. All her teeth show as she continues to lift her head from the chair, hoping to get a taste of my flesh.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I get up from the floor and rush out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I lean against the door and close my eyes, suddenly unable to breathe. This is all too much.

"It didn't..." Spencer trails off when I open my eyes. I guess she can tell just by my face. "I'm sorry." She shakes her head and wraps her arms around me.

"Lunch is ready." Angel says from beside us. "Ashley you okay?" She asks once Spencer and I turn to face her.

"She's fine." Spencer answers for me. "We'll be there in a sec. Thanks Angel." She smiles a friendly smile.

"Yeah." Angel nods. "No problem." She adds before walking away.

"Do you want a moment?" Spencer turns back to me and asks.

"No." I shake my head. "I'm fine."

"Okay, come on then." She says and helps me from the door. I turn and take another look at Rebecca. I can only hope that we can create a cure so I can save her. She deserves at least that.

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