In The Midst Of Chaos Part I

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"Don't freaking move or I swear I'll blow your brains out all over this concrete."

"What are you doing? We just saved your life remember." The dark-haired girl says.

"Yeah." I nod. "After you put it in danger." I snap.

"Well it worked didn't it?" She smiles a cocky smile, shifting her weight. Aiden's weapon quickly points in her direction.

"Easy there pretty boy, I'm unarmed remember." She smirks, holding up her hands.

"Don't talk to him like that." Glen pipes up.

"Oh!" She says, looking back between Aiden and Glen. "I get it." She points to Glen then Aiden. "You two..." She trails off, letting the statement hang in the air.

"How about you mind your own business." I snap at her.

She shrugs, "No problem." She turns back to me, smirk still planted firmly on her face as her and her partners hands stay above their heads. "But if you haven't noticed, we're kinda about to be attacked, and I'd like to not die today." She nods behind us. I turn and see a massive herd of zombies headed right this way.

One Hour Earlier

"This is never gonna work." Aiden whispers beside me as we watch the hospital from a hilltop across the street. There are hundreds of walkers strolling around in the hospital parking lot.

"There's gotta be an entry point." Kyla says, looking through the binoculars.

"We're gonna need to figure it out soon, we're losing daylight." Mr. Carlin chimes in. I look around, searching for something, anything to help us get inside this building.

"Got it." I say, sitting up a bit, grabbing my bow off my back.

"What is it?" Kyla asks from beside me.

"Let me see those for a sec." I tell her, taking the binoculars from her. "There." I point down the hill.

"I don't see anything." Glen and Aiden say in unison.

"That drainage pipe." I point. "We can go under the hospital, I'm sure it'll lead us right inside." I tell the group with a smile, handing the binoculars back to Kyla.

"You want me, Kyla Davies, to go in the sewer?" She quirks a brow at me.

"That's our only way in." I say rolling my eyes.

"Nope, not gonna happen." She shakes her head.

"It's not that bad." Angel tells Kyla.

"You guys go, I'll be the look out." Kyla suggests.

"You wanna stay out here?" I question, she nods. "By yourself?" She nods again. "With all these zombies?" I add. She turns and looks at the all the zombies and how easy it would be for them to get to her.

"Fine." She sighs. "But I'm no where near happy about this."

"And you think we are?" Glen asks with a raised brow.

"Right. Let's just get this over with." Kyla rolls her eyes and checks the clip on her gun.

"Don't kill anyone with that, please." I turn to her and say.

She turns to me and smirks, "Well it is my first time." She says, then gets up and starts to crawl down the hill with everyone else.

"She's turning into you." Angel smiles and says as she follows behind her.

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