EXcuses, Excuses

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"I'm not really in the mood today dad, can we just not go in today?" I ask and he smiles.

"We can't not go in, Ashley. This is our work. We don't take sick days from the CIA." He leans in and whispers the last part. Kyla is in the living room watching T.V, my mom has already headed to work at the CDC lab downtown and my dad and I are finishing up breakfast before heading out.

"I really just want to lay in bed all day." I tell him with a pout.

"Is this about Jasmine?" He questions, grabbing both our plates from the table and placing them in the sink.

"How'd you know?" I turn and asks.

"I'm your father Ashley, we're not as oblivious as our kids would like to think." He says and smiles as he comes and sits next to me at the table. "What happened?"

"We broke up." I say simply.

"I gathered." He chuckles. "Did something happened?"

"Ky was right, she was liar." I say, shaking my head. I should have listened to my sister and I guess this is the price I have to pay. A broken heart and a fragile soul.

"Do I need to-"

"No dad." I cut him off shaking my head. "Don't send anyone to her house." I add and he smiles.

"Well, if someone breaks my little girl's heart I tend to want to break some bones, or at least a pinky." He says as his lips curl up into a smile.

"It's fine. I learned my lesson, never fall in love too quickly. Only bad things can happen." I say and drop my head.

"Lift your head up." My dad says firmly, putting a finger under my chin. "Never let a relationship define your happiness, sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't, that's just the way life is sweetheart." He says looking directly into my eyes.

"Okay daddy." I say and smile. He really does always know the right thing to say.

"Now let's go to work before the CIA comes looking for us." He smiles and stands, helping me to my feet.

"What's the first step in this process Ashley?" Tim asks as everyone gathers around to listen.

"I tried my blood on Rebecca." I tell the group and everyone looks at me expectantly. "It didn't work." I add and drop my head. Spencer rubs my shoulder comfortingly. I really don't know what I'll do if we make some kind of serum or vaccine but it doesn't work on the people who are already zombies. I can't shoot Rebecca...clearly.

"That doesn't mean that the already dead can't be cured." Arthur says. "Maybe there are other variables that need to be added to the cure."

"I'm not sure, but I can get started on research now." I say and stand.

"We're not done with lunch yet, though." Spencer says pointing to my untouched bowl of rice and beans.

"I'm not hungry." I tell my girlfriend and shake my head. "Aiden could you..." I trail off, but Aiden gets it cause he's already following me.

"Ash are you okay?" He asks once we're far enough away from the group. I shake my head. "What's wrong?" He moves closer to me and asks. Aiden has never seen me so vulnerable, maybe except the time he saved my life but even then I kept my emotions in check. That's the one thing the CIA taught me that they said would save my life, I mean, besides the obvious other skills. They said to never let anyone get too close, to never let my guard down around another person because everyone should be considered a threat, whether that be to your safety or your sanity.

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