Not My Idea of Fun

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"She broke up with you, didn't she?" Kyla smiles as I come into the room everyone has gathered in. I look over to Glen and Arthur and see a boy, fourteen maybe fifteen, the point is he's new.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Kyla.

"Oh, that's Eric." She looks at the boy then back at me. She has that look in her eye. I've seen in her once before. "He's the reason this meeting was called. They found him hiding in the pharmacy. Apparently he was there since the outbreak. He was the owner's son. They were together until his dad was bitten a week ago."

"So he's alone then?" I glance at the boy then back at Kyla.

"Yeah." She nods then smiles. "You didn't answer my question. So I'm assuming she did break up with you." She smiles wider. I roll my eyes and walk further into the room. "This conversation isn't over." She yells to me. I shake my head and smile at my crazy sister.

"So are we keeping him?" I walk up behind Spencer and ask. She turns and looks at me, rolling her eyes, before walking off. "Really?" I call to her, but she doesn't turn around. "You said we were broken up, you didn't say you were gonna totally ignore me." I point out to my now ex-girlfriend as I catch back up to her. "This isn't my idea of fun, Spencer." I add. She stops in her tracks and turns around to face me, causing me to almost crash into her.

"Who said this was supposed to be fun, Ashley?" She asks with a hand on her hip and her right brow raised, waiting for my answer.

"I—no..." I shake my head and trail off. I clear my throat and start again. I'm bad ass Ashley, Spencer will not break me down, I repeat, she will not break me down.

"I'm waiting." She says.

"No one said it was supposed to be fun." I shake my head and move closer to her. "I'm just saying," I whisper, my lips mere inches from hers. Her breath hitches when I move in closer. " can I possibly win you back if you won't play fair?" I ask, taking my bottom lip in between my teeth. A whimper escapes Spencer's lips as I move around to whisper in her ear. "This isn't a game to me, but if it were, we're in the fourth quarter and Michael Jordan..." I pull back to look in her eyes. "I can't lose." I add seductively before placing a chaste kiss on her lips and walking away. I don't dare turn around to look at her again.

Round one to Ashley.

"Okay listen up everyone." Mr. Carlin turns to the group and says. Everyone stops their chatter to listen. I guess until Tim gets back on his feet, Arthur is in charge. "This is Eric, he's fifteen and we found him in the pharmacy we raided yesterday. He has no family and nowhere else to go so we're going to take him in. We have plenty of food and water and this building is big enough for everyone." Arthur finishes, looking around at the group for approval.

"Well, welcome to the group Eric." Tim shakes his hand, the boy smiles down at Tim.

"Now that we've gotten that out-of-the-way, let's talk about the next order of business." Arthur says then turns to me.

"I didn't do it." I say quickly, raising my hands in defense. Most of the group laughs as Arthur shakes his head.

"The cure, Ashley. We wanna talk about the cure." He finishes with a chuckle.

"You guys are scientist?" Eric asks.

"No, not really." I answer for the group. "Well Dr. Johnson over there is." I point to the old man in the corner taking a nap.

"Oh." Eric nods. "Then how are you gonna create a cure? You'd need to right equipment, a test subject and some type of anti-virus to work with. Something proven to combat the X-virus."

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