Chapter Three

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Ianira pov

Three years ago

I woke up when they poured an cold water on me grasping I opened my eyes looking around the room frantically……. I saw two men standing in front of me glaring at me while I looked around to see I am in an small dark room……. I moved backing away from the men’s while they walked out of the room leaving making me sigh…….. Which was short lived when I saw an gaint man walking inside the room making me crawl back in fear……. All the sudden I was lifted from the floor by neck while my eyes met with the same cold green eyes making me stunned……. “You fucking bitch you thought you could escape from me” the gaint said tightening his hold on my neck……. I groaned in pain looking at the same green eyed man I met an month ago The Italian Mafia King Slade moretti…… “please I will not do it again” I said pleaded groaning in pain while he banged my head in the near wall making me scream……. He throwed me away while my body hit the wall banging and fell down……. I felt my whole body hurt badly tears continuously falling from my eyes while I tried to sit up……. I saw him couching down near me while I backed away in fear and terror……

“ahhhh” I screamed when he grabbed my Jaws and held it in the tight grip……. I saw his other hand pull out something from his back…… I grasped in shock when I saw the gun in his hand making freeze in fear……. “Listen here you ugly bitch” he said pointing the gun on my forehead…… “the only way to escape from this place is by dead” he said while I stared at him in horror…… I saw him pull the trigger slightly making me close my eyes in fear……. This is it he is going to kill me I thought in my mind when I heard an gun shot sound making me scream…….. I waited for the pain yet I didn’t felt any making my eyes shot open…… I saw the gaint looking straight at me while I saw his gun pointed to the roof….... Looking up I saw the bullet mark on the wall while he let go of my jaws…… “Porta questa fottuta puttana alla casa delle puttane e assicurati che veda tutto”( Take this fucking bitch to the whore House and make sure she see everything) He said walking out of the room…… I saw his men’s standing Near the door and gave him an nod…… soon they grabbed me from the floor and dragged me to some car and threw me inside…….

I held my head which was paining like an bitch while I clenched my teeth trying to control the pain…… after few minutes the car stopped near some building…… soon they dragged me out of the car walking inside the building……. They walked through some long corridors then stopped near some room…… opening the door they threw me inside while one of them grabbed my hand and chained to the wall…… I stared at the chains in my hand stunned when they left the room leaving me alone…… I looked around the room and saw an bed in the middle making me frown in confusion……. After some times the door opened when two guys dragged an girl inside and throwed her on the bed…… I looked at them in terror while I felt an bad feeling about what is going to happen….. I saw three mens walking inside the room closing the door and started removing their clothes……. I looked away from them not wanting to see when I heard that girl scream “ahhhhh”….. Looking up I saw one of the guy stabbed her in her leg making her scream…….

“Do not look away bitch” I saw one of the guy said looking straight at me……. I stared at him stunned while they tore the girl’s clothes away and thrusted into her making her scream……. I looked at them in horror realising what they are doing while I saw the girl beg and plead at them…… tears continously fall from my eyes seeing the scene Infront of me….. When I tried to look away from them they again stabbed the girl making me scream in fear…… I saw the girl pleadingly looking at me while I sat there watching everything in disgust……. I don’t know how long I sat there watching at them numbly when they finished they walked out of the room dragging the girl away leaving me alone……. I sat there staring blankly how can people be like this disgusting I thought in my mind……. I knew the world is not just black and white but filled with whole range of greys……. I knew an dark world existed in this world yet I didn’t know it was this dark, cruel and inhuman making me shiver in fear……. Now I realised what he said to his men’s this was my punishment for trying to escape from this world……. How can an human be this cruel, heartless and evil I thought in my mind……

I woke up when I heard the door opening sound while I still sat in the same place where they chained me before…… it’s been three days since they locked me in this room and made me watch his mens rape girls everyday……. More over every few hours I heard the girls screaming coming from the next room making me crunch in disgust……. They haven’t given me any food or water in these three days while I felt my throat burning and my stomach pain in hunger……. I looked up and saw two mens standing near the door trying to keep my eyes open…… I heard them saying something which I couldn’t understand an single bit while I felt myself slowly loosing consciousness…… I woke up screaming from the nightmare all I saw an white wall and ceiling…… looking around I saw the room making me frown am I in hospital I thought….. While I heard the door open I saw Louisa walking inside the room giving me an small smile….. Seeing her I realised I am not in the hospital while the flashes of the past three days came in my mind….. “You are lucky they didn’t kill you” she said looking at me softly…… no you are wrong they did killed something inside of me I thought in my mind……


After that day I never tried escaping from this place….. Louisa told me how I got caught that day and about the huge black dog…… every since that day Louisa told me that I had  to feed the dog regularly adding it to my chores…… first time when I went to feed the dog everyone gave me an pity look…… but when I came back they all gave me an surprised look in their faces…… I got to know from one of the maid that every one here was scared of that dog…… because whoever tried to get close to that dog got almost killed by it…… that zitto doesn’t listen to anyone except is master who is none other then the mafia king…….. That was the reason why everyone was surprised when I came back just like I went……. Hearing their words I realised somehow that huge black dog didn’t kill me that night….. Also how it always growled whenever I left him walking away……. the thought of leaving this place vanished from my mind after that incident…… yet this people never forget to remind me where I am and how I Can never leave this……. By making me work in the whore House once in an while…… I still remember the first time when they took me there what I saw made me shocked…… I saw how they treated the girls there and everything which makes me crawl away in fear and horror……

I still remember the way girls are abused, raped, drugged and sold to men’s to satisfy their Lust…… yet an part of me was relieved that It didn’t happen to me somehow even in this detestable situation I got lucky enough…… that I am being not beautiful and ugly somehow saved me from all this horror…… that’s when I felt lucky to be fat ugly duckling in this dark, cruel world…….. Throughout my life my parents, my sister, people in my high school everyone bullied me saying I am ugly and fat…… even though when there cruel words hurt me deeply my grandmother used to say that beauty comes from inside you not the way you look outside…… but now I know one thing beauty is an curse that could destroy your life……. Beauty in this dark, cruel twisted world is an nightmare and now I am glad I am anything but beautiful…….

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Next update will be on Wednesday......

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