Chapter 1: torment her

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I stepped onto the Hogwarts express about one hour ago. I was all alone and my father refused to travel to London with me. He said and I quote "Freya you are seventeen years old, you can do it yourself"

I've been looking for my evil little cousin ever since I stepped onto this crowded and loud, god forsaken train.
It's raining just outside the windows, and tiny water droplets are racing in the opposite direction the train is moving.
I hate my cousin for purposely avoiding me, I'm all alone in this Foreign atmosphere and she has the AUDACITY to abandon me.

Lily and I have always disliked each other our whole lives, though I thought she may have been just a little more welcoming towards me. Lil evil Lily believes she can test my sanity and get away with it. Think again.

I'm rushing through the train and peeking in every compartment window while trying to stay balanced as the Train moves incredibly fast beneath my feet. I'm going to find Lil Lily and I'm going to scream at her and make her life a living hell as I usually do. I'm starting to realize why she purposely avoids me. But it's not all my fault, She's truly evil I can assure you.

As I'm peeking into a window the train abruptly hits a large bump. A tall body stumbles into me, due to the sudden movement of the train. I fall straight to my butt, seeing as I'm tall and clumsy. The boy falls on top of me and our bodies instantly tangle together. I gasp while not yet looking at him.

"Could you watch where you're going!
My god!" I hiss at the boy while lifting my head to meet his eyes. Woah...damn. My eyes widen once they meet his. That is the most gorgeous human being I have ever seen. My mouth is slightly open, lost for words at this stunning, 'god' of a boy on top of me. His captivating, almost hypnotic, dark chestnut brown eyes pear into mine, and his messy and dazzling, silky, long, dark- almost black, wavy-ish hair is draped over my forehead and I freeze, while observing his every feature and embedding them into my memories. He has a perfect face...that's the best I can describe it, perfect with godly beauty and exactly my type. His dark eyes meet mine and he smirks. I'm still frozen awkwardly.

"I think I just fell for you." He says sarcastically, his voice is low, hypnotizing, seductive.

I force myself back into reality and quickly realize that our bodies are still tangled. His breath is soft and warm on my skin, sending tingles to surface. I push the boy off of me and try to hide my blush. He stumbles to his feet and stands over me, offering a hand. I roll my eyes at him and shoo his hand away, then attempt to stand up.

"I can do it myself." I hiss at the boy, with arrogance lacing my every words.

"Fine." The boy replies in a defensive tone, then throwing his hands up. "I was only trying to help." He shrugs.

I stand to my feet on my own and regain my composure and straighten my posture pridefully.

"Yeah, I really don't care." I say bluntly,
"Oh wait! Since your here, maybe you can help me." I say in a kinder tone then before.

"Perhaps.. What is it you need help with?" He asks mischievously while his eye trace my body slowly. I roll my eyes at him again.

"Have you seen a midget-like redhead or ginger? I'm not entirely sure if I consider her ginger or redhead. She probably has an evil gleam in her eyes."

"Actually, yes I have. She doesn't have an evil gleam in her eyes though." The boy says sarcastically.

"We must be thinking of different people then." I reply with the same amount of sarcasm. The boy smiles.

"What is her name?" He asks curiously.

"I must not speak her name, it will haunt my nightmares" I say completely seriously "Though if it helps, she's a more British version of me" The boy chuckles and my lips threaten to curve into a smile.

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