Chapter 3: drink to forget

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It has been three weeks since the sorting hat placed me into Slytherin.. Three weeks of being ignored by my cousin. Three weeks of avoiding The Marauders- and three weeks of feeling utterly alone. I'm a halfblood, as i have been constantly reminded by my fellow Slytherin. They do not accept me, and in turn i have been left with little to no dignity. My roommate pities me. Her name is Narcissa, that's about all i know about her. However i sense she may have a kind soul, even if it's buried beneath her pride and money. We have exchanged few words with each other- including "Freya, please stop sulking." And "Narcissa, would you clean the bathroom." That's it. Ive been hanging my head low and going to all my classes on time, while speaking to nobody, its not like they want to speak to me anyways. I'm the annoying and troublesome American, expelled from Ilvermorny.

I just finished all my classes for the week, and it's Friday. Meaning i can lay in my room for the rest of the weekend and ignore everybody. Seems like a normal weekend for me. I decided earlier that i was going to explore the castle some more, seeing as i have nothing better to do.

I'm walking swiftly through the countless grand corridors, while observing every aspect and every inch of the castle. I want to go outside, perhaps the black lake. Its around 9:00 PM, after curfew. I couldn't care, i like sneaking around after curfew, it gives me extra serotonin and i crave the trouble and adventure that comes with sneaking around at night, the fear of getting caught- is exhilarating. I somehow make it past two Hufflepuff prefects stalking the halls, and finally to the black lake. The cool night breeze instantly rushes over my body and sends shivers down my spine. The smells of fresh grass and damp trees start to relax me. I spot a small tree and i lie down on the grass and stare up at the stunning nights sky. Thousands- no. Trillions of stars shine bright tonight, and they fill the sky like a blanket of sparkles, endless different colors and sizes. As my eyes scan the glistening stars- an old quote, i had read in a book back at Ilvermorny, suddenly jumped into my head.

"Meet me at midnight in the forest of dreams. We'll make a fire and count the stars that shimmer above the trees."

I had always adored the stars- its as though they understood me, better than any human ever could. And the moon is a friend, he reminds me that i am still whole no matter what phase I'm in. If i were to love, i would love like the moon loves. It doesn't steal the night, it only unveils the beauty of the dark. When i feel lonely, i like to look up at the moon because someone, somewhere is looking up too.

I hear a shuffle of grass behind me and it snaps me out of my daze. My eyes instantly shoot to the sound and i stumble off my back and onto my knees, while peering into the darkness and clutching my wand into my hand and pointing it in the direction the sound came from.

"Lumos!" I shout. Dark eyes slowly move closer to me and into the light. Once the figures walks into the light, i instantly relax.

"You nearly scared me to death little guy" i say softly, while reaching my hand out to the large shaggy black dog standing cautiously in front of me. "Its okay, i wont hurt you." I whisper, reaching my hand closer to the dog. The animal relaxes and starts nuzzling my hand with its head. I giggle and stroke its head. "Are you feeling lonely tonight too?" I ask with a small sign. "Who am i kidding. I'm talking to a flipping dog right now, maybe i have finally gone mental."

The dog rubs up against my side and sits beside me. I smile and lean against the tree trunk. The dog climbs onto my Lap and lies down softly. "You're heavy, you know."

I stroke the dogs fur and resume looking up at the stars. "A shame," I blurt out. "Such a beautiful night, and the only person- or animal, i have to share it with is a dog." A sad chuckle escapes through my lips, along with a sniffle. The dog looks up at me, as though its listening to my every word. The black eyes peer into mine and i meet its gaze hesitantly...there is something familiar about this dogs eyes and mannerisms, however i cannot quite place what it is. I push the thoughts out of my mind and sign again. "I hate it- though i am used to being alone, it still stings." The dog stares into my eyes sadly...odd. "My whole house ignores me, because I'm a filthy halfblood. I thought that i had made friends...that turned out to be a sham. Its all my fault, I'm not worth it."

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