Chapter 12: dumbledork is sus

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around a few weeks after the events of chapter 11

"Wait- how do I say it?" I ask. Remus appears amused as he tries holding back laughter.

"Amortentia. It's simple Freya I don't understand why you are pronouncing it wrong." Remus responds in a serious tone.

"Why does it even matter how I pronounce it." I whine. Remus smiles at me in amusement.

"Because it's wrong and it irritates me." I roll my eyes at him and let out a tiny scoff.

"Why does it even bother you how I say Amorteena."

"See!" He gasps, pointing a finger at me. "It's not Amor-teena it's Amortentia." "I don't really care Remus, no offense." I chuckle.

"Silence students!" Slughorn's voice rings from behind. Remus quickly shuts his mouth and I send a glare in Slughorn's direction. Sirius whose across from Remus and I, sits sloppily in his chair beside James and is clearly not interested in whatever the professor is saying.

Sirius leans over and gabs my hand with the sharp end of his quill out of boredom.

"Stop.." I whisper in a soft but bitter tone. All he does is smirk and sink lower into his chair. Obviously he wanted to get a reaction out of me to help entertain him. I swear Sirius is like a 5 year old, constantly needing entertainment.

I glance around the room for a moment and I notice Severus' nose buried in his potions book. He appears to be jotting down what seem to be very detailed notes. I furrow my brows slightly and start to wonder why he finds potions so interesting.

I glance to James and his head is dropped to his chest and his body is slumped over. He looks like he might have fallen asleep in his chair.. His glasses are slightly crooked and it makes me unconsciously smile.

I still haven't spoken to James about what happened between us. If I hadn't overreacted and concluded the night with a broken mirror and bloody clothes, maybe it would be easier to talk about. James overreacted as well though, it wasn't just my fault we had a screaming match like children. Since then we've been awkward around each other and its difficult sometimes. We're pretending it never happened and attempting to act normal. No one has noticed thankfully- but Regulus has been glancing at me from across the room whenever I am around the Marauders. He's absent from class today and it worries me because he never misses class..especially Slughorn's.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and direct my gaze onto my cousin. Lily is sitting with Dorcas and Marlene gossiping about Merlin knows what. I roll my eyes and look back down at my potions book.

Sirius kicks my foot under the table in a playful manner and I glare at him. I toss a warning kick back, implying not to test me right now. He smirks and looks away from me with an innocent whistle. I resume writing nonsense onto a piece of parchment when Sirius kicks me again. I spring to my feet out of reflex and my chair makes a loud squeaking noise. Everyone goes silent and I immediately feel their eyes on me.

"Miss Evans sit down this instant!" Slughorn growls. My cheeks turn red and I slowly sit back down in a very awkward manner. Sirius chuckles. I lean forward until my face is inches from his.

"Don't test me..Sirius." I hiss. He smirks again and leans even closer to my face, his dark eyes burning into mine.

"Say my name again." He whispers in a seductive tone. I cut my eyes at him.

"I find you repulsive.." I speak with disgust lacing my tongue.

"Really- because I didn't think you found me very repulsive a few weeks ago-" I gasp and shove his body with intense force. He loses balance and quickly tumbles to the floor as the legs of the chair buckle beneath him with an echoing thud. My hand shoots to my mouth and a devilish chuckle escapes my lips. The entire class looks at Sirius and a few laughs are heard. James jolts awake and Remus' eyes widen as he looks up from his book.

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