Chapter 7: a forbidden kiss

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tw: chapter contains light smut.

rewrite version;

I wonder if the rest of the Marauders are also Animagi? It's obviously illegal for teenagers to become Animagus, however I'm a rebellious person.. well I try to be at least.
I decided to become an Animagus back at Ilvermorny. I was bored and I thought it would be awesome. Though, I would like to know why Sirius decided to, it is a horribly difficult and tiresome process, it takes months of tedious precision. Did they ever tell me their Patronus? I don't remember.. I should ask. Where would they be at 7:45 on a Sunday?

8:00pm Gryffindor Common Room.

I walk into the common room with my shoulders held high and sitting on the large sofa in the middle of the room, is two girls gossiping so intensely that they don't even notice me walk in. One of the girls has soft facial features and short wavy dirty blonde hair, along with a pair of bright blue eyes. The other one has fluffy long dark hair and chestnut brown skin.

"Have either of you seen The Marauders?" I ask the two girls. The dark haired girl turns around with a grin and opens her mouth to speak, but the blonde quickly covers the girls mouth and whispers 'stop'. "Is it the Slytherin uniform? Would you stop being so incredibly absurd just because I wear green and silver." I scoff. Neither of the girls speak and I put my hands on my hips in an impatient manner.
"I asked a question!" I snap at them.

"Marlene, stop." The dark haired girl mumbles through her teeth. The blonde rolls her eyes and turns her back to me in a huff. "Ignore her, she's obsessed with Sirius and you're always with him. I'm Dorcas Meadowes." The girl holds out her hand for me to shake, and I walk over to her and shake her hand hesitantly.

Marlene is jealous of Sirius and I? Have they dated before? I wonder if that was her hair tie in his room..obviously she'd be obsessed with him- I mean look at the boy..

"Uh- Arabella- or Freya Evans." I blurt awkwardly.

"I have heard a lot about you." Marlene comments in a petty tone and I send her a fake smile.

"All good things, I presume." I reply in a sickly sweet voice. Marlene snorts.

"Oh! For sure!" She says sarcastically.

"Enough girls, calm down." Dorcas says.

"I-just-want-to-know-if-she's-sleeping-with-him!" Marlene screeches.

"I'm not Sirius' little bitch!" The words roll of my tongue like venom, before I can stop myself. Marlene flinches at my the sudden outburst and furrows her brows in confusion.

"Hey, my little bitch." I hear Sirius' possessive voice from behind. I slowly turn around to face him and he's eyeing me with a raised brow and tiny patronizing smirk.

"Oh Sirius! Hi!" Marlene perks up, her tone and expression instantly changing. His eyes snap to her. Leaving me feeling disappointed, to have his gaze no longer focused on me. It's an odd feeling in my stomach and or heart- like an empty pit..

"Marlene! hello." He says with interest, and a smile. "How are you? Good?" Marlene's eyes brighten at that and she smiles at him, her cheeks turning a light pink blush.

"Good, now that you are here." She replies. Her voice is soft and airy.

Ewww! They are obviously flirting, what in the shit fuck... She's really kinda perfect. And I despise it. Why does he even care. He never asks me how I'm doing! That's absurd!

"I wanna leave now." I blurt out, my voice sounding rushed and irritated, not being able to stand her perfectly annoying little face any longer. "Goodbye."

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