Chapter 2: abandon me

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The Hogwarts Express Screeches to a halt, making me jolt awake. I startle Remus, seeing as I'm fell asleep lying on his chest. He jumps back a few inches and looks at me oddly, though I couldn't care. I leap across Remus' body and peak out the window with anticipation fueling my every move. 'Woah' was the only thing that popped into my head as my eyes scanned the incredible shimmering castle. Very dark academia, I love it!

"Thats the most British thing I have ever
seen." I blurt out, my eyes still glued on Hogwarts.

"I cannot tell if that was a compliment." James replies. I snap into reality and roll my eyes at him.

"Let me be honest for a second." I pause.

The castle is elegant and old, with a beauty I'm unable to describe accurately. It is incredibly enormous and welcoming, I feel an odd belonging.

"It feels like home." I say aloud, my lips start to curl into a smile, with sparkling eyes.

"Welcome, to you're new home." Sirius says, his voice is soft and full of sincerity. I look back at him and my smile threatens to grow, however I clear my throat and rekindle my pride, straightening my posture along the way and my face turning emotionless and almost chilling.

I tend to hide my emotions, Ive been like this my entire life. It's just how I am.
It's hard for me to be vulnerable and show that I'm truly happy, It's one of my less likable traits. That's where Lil Lils and I are different, she wears her heart on her sleeve. She shows her emotions a lot. Very emotional. Very dramatic. Very annoying.

"Cool I guess" I say, attempting to sound almost bored and unfazed.

Though it's all a lie, a charade that I built. In reality and all honesty, this whole thing scares the shit out of me..I'm anxious and excited at the same time. So many different emotions are flowing through my body that I couldn't even begin to describe them all.

The Marauders and I gather our things and exit the train, making our way to Hogwarts. We arrive outside two large and grand elegant doors, and I look at Sirius nervously. He nods at me in reassurance and I relax slightly. A woman approaches us, she's old-ish looking, she's wearing long green robes and her hair is tied in a low bun at the back of her head. A professor perhaps?

"Oh dear." She says, her voice is concerned, and I start to wonder why on earth is she concerned.

"Arabella Evans." I say, my voice lacing with a sort of prideful arrogance, while I hold my hand out to the women.

"Dear, I know who you are," she says softly.
I bring my hand back to myself awkwardly, seeing as she didn't shake it. "I'm just concerned that you have found such- troublesome friends." She exaggerated the 'troublesome' part. My head snaps back to The Marauders and I furrow my brows.

"Troublesome?" I repeats her words, though still staring at The Marauders, searching their faces for what the women may be talking about- they look guilty and none of them will look me in the eyes. A tiny laugh escapes my lips and I roll my eyes at The Marauders and turn back to the women.

"You will be sorted soon" she says, changing the subject.

"Okay." I say with a polite smile and nod.
The woman walks away and I turn to the Marauders and poke my tongue at the inside of my mouth and look them up and down, while crossing my arms over my chest and shifting my weight to one leg. I start laughing quietly to myself and shaking my head in amusement. "Trouble. Huh? I can tell" my voice is sharp and clear as I speak to them.

"No way" Sirius says sarcastically, and waves his hands in the air.

"Us? That's absurd" James says dramatically, and with a small chuckle.

"You two are trouble, not me." Remus says while winking at me.

"It is James and Sirius- they are trouble." Peter says.

"Well guessing by that women's reaction- all four of you are trouble" I say, my voice is amused and slightly intrigued.

I like trouble. I always have. Trouble is fun. Another thing Lils and I don't have in common. She hates trouble, she distances herself from it. Her life is boring in my opinion. She's so- how do I put this- prissy and uptight.

"Minnie is just dramatic" James says.
"I agree" Sirius replies.

I laugh again and rolls my eyes as I start to make my way inside the castle and the four boys follow behind me like ducks.

Once we get into the 'Great Hall' I gasp.
it's incredible. The ceiling is enchanted with millions of stunning shimmering stars, and floating candles light the room in a warm hue. It's like nothing I've seen before. Words would fail to describe. The Marauders told me that professor 'Minnie' would lead me to where I was supposed to go, in order to be sorted.
I followed behind two transfer students from Beauxbatons. They walked with elegance and discipline and their mesmerizing and long silky blonde hair swung gracefully across the back of their pastel blue uniforms as they walked ahead of me. I stared at them in malice, the air surrounding them felt as though it were peppy and false. I glance to what I believe is the Gryffindor table. Sirius looks utterly speechless, and his eyes are glued to the two enchanting blondes. Sirius elbows James in the ribs and James looks up at the girls, they both smirk. I scoff and look them in the eyes. Feeling my gaze- they make eye contact and I roll my eyes in a joking manner- as if I'm saying 'seriously'. I continue to walk behind the two girls until we get to the front of the hall. I get a few stares but nothing much, everyone is too focused on the prim and proper Beauxbatons transfers, instead of the obvious American, ginger.

The ceremony goes on for awhile, sorting the first years- well first.. they call the name of one of the Beauxbatons girls and she makes her way to the chair. She's gets Ravenclaw. The other girl gets called just a moment later and she gets Ravenclaw as well. Then all of a sudden my name gets called last.

"Arabella Evans!" Minnie speaks loud and clear. I smile and walk up the few steps with pride and confidence. The Marauders watch me carefully as I sit in the old wooden chair, then Minnie places the hat on my head softly.
I hope they wash this thing. I don't want lice or anything.

"Arabella Freya Evans." The hat speaks lowly "Hmm..very difficult. Perhaps Ravenclaw- hm you are intelligent" I stay silent and I awkwardly smile. "Gryffindor? you somewhat value friendship and you crave adventure." The Marauders stiffen anxiously.
"Hufflepuff? I don't think. Slytherin? Hm yes. I see now. Cunning. Ambition. Power. Slytherin could help you on your way to greatness."

"BETTER BE SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouts.

The Slytherin table starts clapping clumsily and cheering. I curse under my breath, and begin walking to the Slytherin table- refusing to meet The Marauders heavy gaze on me.

A/N: short chapter today, however I've got lots of drama planned✨✨

Anyways, I think Freya is a queen!

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