Chapter 5: the marauders map

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Almost a month later, Saturday Night 5:00PM

The three other Marauders said they'd catch up with Sirius and i later tonight, they snuck out to go to The Three Broomsticks. Sirius said he'd stay with me and eat in The Great Hall.

"May I ask why you avoided us in the beginning?" Sirius asks curiously, while shoveling chicken into his mouth.

"I guess, I just thought you would avoid me after I got sorted, and I wanted to ghost you before you ghosted me." I reply.

"What does ghosted mean?" He questions with furrowed brows. I snort.

"It means ignoring someone. I wouldn't expect you to know what it feels like when someone ghosts you. Besides when I ghosted you of course." He rolls his eyes at me and I reach over and stab a piece of broccoli on his plate with my fork.
"Hey-" he tries to object.

"Don't act like you were going to eat it." I cut him off.

"I might have." He says defensively. I roll my eyes and smirk.
"Yeah sure." I mumble.

I stab a piece of chicken from my own plate and Sirius takes my hand and brings it to his mouth, eating the chicken from my fork.

"Bro!" I respond dramatically, and with a glare.

"I am not your 'bro'" he states, making quotations with one of his hands. taking another piece of food off my plate.

"Why don't you eat off your own plate?" I ask. He smirks and looks me in the eyes.

"This makes you angry, and also because you took my broccoli."

"That's fair." I say, stabbing another piece of his broccoli. He chuckles and his eyes follow my fork as I place the food in my mouth. "You're weird, stop staring"

"I'm not." He says defensively, his voice low almost a whispered.

"Okay then." I say sarcastically. Lily walks over and sits opposite us. "Can we help you?" my voice is now harsh and patronizing.

"I just wanted to check up on my little cousin Frey Frey" she says in a pitchy tone.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?" I complain. She rolls her eyes and looks at Sirius.

"How is Frey Frey doing?" She asks Sirius, as though I'm not sitting right in front of her.

"Fine! Just fantastic, now that you are here!" I express through gritted teeth and a fake smile.

"Frey Frey is a little.. agitated, at the moment" Sirius adds. I turn and glare at him, then look back at Lily.

"I can see that." Lily mumbles. "Anyways.. I was wondering if you could help me with something." A single loud sarcastic laugh bursts out of my mouth. Sirius elbows me in the ribs, telling me to 'stop' and I shut up and clear my throat.

"What is it Lily?" Sirius asks curiously. I lean against Sirius' side and cross my arms over my chest and silently watch him talk to Lily.

"I need both you and Freya" she says, her voice trying to sound sweet, in order to convince me to listen.

"Freya will help!" Sirius blurts out, and elbows me in the side again.

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