Chapter 4: prongs loves to strut

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I make it to The Great Hall for breakfast and I sit by myself and start shoveling bacon and eggs onto my plate. James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter come striding through the doors and I scoff, rolling my eyes. The boy beside me chuckles to himself after he hears me scoff at the ridiculous boys strutting into the great hall.

"Strutting around like they own the place." The boy beside me mumbles under his breath. My head snaps to him and I snort.

"Exactly!" I agree with the boy. He smiles and chuckles under his breath, then returns to eating his food. His hair is straight and long, the color of charcoal, and his eyes are a dark pain filled jet black, like ink.
"What did you say you're name was?" I ask curiously, while taking a bite of bacon.

"I didn't." He says plainly.
"Then what is it?" I ask.

"Severus Snape." He says, his voice is proud but quiet.

"Freya Evans." I say politely. "Nice to meet you." I hold my hand out to him. The second he hears my name his face turns into an unreadable expression and he just stares at me with his head slightly tilted and brows furrowed in confused. I usher my hand to him impatiently. "Well shake it." I say sarcastically. He shakes my hand awkwardly.

"Why have I never heard of you before? I've known Lily since we were little." He says, his voice is slow and intrigued. My expression sinks. Lily never talked about me? It stung hearing those words. Never-mind. I don't care she's stupid and weird.

"Oh- I- uh" I stutter "I'm her cousin from The States, I just transferred here. I got expell- nevermind."

"That's odd." He says bluntly, his eyes scanning my face. I smile awkwardly at him. "You do look similar to her."

"Ouch." I say under my breath.


"Nothing" I respond. Suddenly I feel two strong hands clasps down on my shoulders from behind, and it startles me.

"Why are you talking to him?" I hear James voice ringing in my ears, it's deep and stern- almost possessive. I turn around and glare at him. 

"Because I want to." I say, my voice patronizing. "And you and your little friends abandoned me." Snape watches silently as we talk.

"No we didn't!" James says defensively.

"Yes you did." I hiss at him.

"I remember you avoiding us."

I didn't think about it like that. I suppose I did avoid them. Not purposely of course.

"Well- I" I try to find the correct words.

"Think about it. You avoided us for three weeks after you got sorted, and yes Lily definitely Ignored you on purpose, but we didn't. We tried talking to you, and every time we tried, you shut us down." James explains. That holds more truth than I realized before.

"Sorry.." I apologize, my voice is quiet and sheepish.

"All is forgiven." James blurts out. "We can't lose our Miss Whiskers." I chuckle at that.

"I am so confused" Severus trails out.

"It's none of your concern!" James hisses and I slap him in the chest lightly.

"Be nice!" I shout, pointing my finger at him to behave. "Sorry Severus." James takes my arm and drags me away from the table.

"Come sit with us. Please." James says with puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes at him and follow.

"Bye Severus!" I shout and wave, while being practically dragged away by James. Severus waves awkwardly. In his mind I bet he's saying 'what in the hell just happened'

I follow James to the Gryffindor table and sit beside him, Sirius is on the other side of me, and Remus and Peter are opposite us.

"Hey, guys." I say awkwardly. Sirius smiles at me along with Remus and Peter.

"I got Miss Whiskers back. Thank me later." James says sarcastically. Remus chuckles.

"Mrs. Padfoot!" Remus exclaims. "Nice to finally see you again. I missed you- we all missed you."

"You better have missed me." I say arrogantly. Sirius teasingly messes up my hair with his hand. "Hey! This hair is priceless, you cannot mess it up." I pull away from him with a huff, flattening my hair with my hands along the way.

"Oh i am sorry. Very sorry!" Sirius mocks, sarcasm lacing his voice. I reach up and mess up his hair is return. "Oi! Not the hair." He scoffs. I chuckle turn to Peter.

"So, what have you been up to?" I ask trying to make conversation. Peter smiles at the fact i asked him.

"I got an A on my herbology exams!" He says excitedly.

"That's fantastic! Peter, Good job! You did better than me." I admit shamelessly.

"What did you get?" He asks curiously. I snort.

"You don't wanna know."

"Aw come on, it cannot be any worse than what James and Sirius got." He jokes.

"Hey!" James wines. "It wasn't that bad!" Remus snorts.

"James, you got a C minus " Remus blurts out. I laugh and cover my mouth with my hand.

"Yeah, James. You got a C minus" Sirius mocks. James reaches over me and smacks Sirius in the face, and Sirius glares at him.

"Yours wasn't any better!" James argues.

Remus rolls his eyes. "Sirius, you failed." Remus states. Sirius glares to Remus too.

"Mine wasn't that bad." I say sarcastically. Sirius scoffs and elbows me in the side, making me nudge him back.

"What did you get then?" Sirius and James ask in unison.

"B minus." I say plainly.
"That's not awful" Peter replies.

The Marauders and i talked for the rest of breakfast, laughing and sometimes making fun of one another. I enjoy their company. I felt like i finally belonged somewhere in this infinite world. I had finally made friends...Real Friends.

There are friends. There are family. And there are friends that become family. I feel like someday, perhaps maybe they will become my family. Life was meant for good friends and great adventures, and its the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey. Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

A/N: short chapter today, lmk your thoughts.

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