27. Harriet creates a geyser

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That following hour was probably the longest in my life. Blackbeard's pirate crew was cheering about what they're gonna do once Harriet's time was out. Depending on whether she succeeded or not, they would either have fun terrorising the seas once again, or they would have fun torturing us and capture Harri. And of course get their jar of dirt back. (What was it with that jar of dirt?!)

So in both scenarios they got to have some kind of fun.

Meanwhile me and Severus sat there listening to their speculations about the best way to torture us should they get no ship. And of course the green clad god just sat there smirking as if he knew something we didn't. Most likely because he probably did.

The minutes ticked by and I was growing more and more concerned about having to find out what the blade of Blackbeard's sword would feel like ripping through my throat.

I prayed to every god that I remembered the name of that Harriet would succeed.

When time was almost out we were forced to stand and walk towards the pier. Still with a rope tying our hands together and a sword pointed at Severus' back.

At the pier we stopped abruptly and one of the pirates pulled out a pocket watch. After a few minutes he held up a hand. The whole pirate crew started counting down the seconds.

I seriously thought we were doomed.

But when the pirates reached three they were interrupted by a bubbling sound. Like water reaching its boiling point in a hot cauldron.

A geyser erupted right next to the pier. Except it wasn't a geyser. Harriet landed gracefully on her feet in front of Blackbeard.

"You wanted a ship, here's a ship," she said and pointed at the water from where she had emerged from.

Everyone leaned over the edge to get a better look. I could see how something huge and made of wood rose from the bottom and broke the surface.

A Scandinavian viking ship.

I recognised it because Narcissa used to teach me how wizards would cast enchanting spells on valuable tools, such as the vikings' ships before the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

I have no idea how Harriet managed to get such an old ship that was still in such good condition.

Blackbeard didn't care about how, of course.

"I didn't ask for a Viking ship, gal!"

"I never specified what kind of ship I'd give you," Harriet retorted. "You can either accept this ship, that could at least take you to Florida's coast where you can steal another ship if you so desire. Or not, and be stuck on this island for another ten years or longer. That's up to you."

Blackbeard seemed to contemplate it.

From my point of view it should be an easy choice. Like, if you've already been stuck for ten years, can you really afford to be picky about your ticket to freedom?

Eventually Blackbeard came to the same conclusion.

"Alright, gal, I'll take the ship. But don't think I'll give you my prisoners after that stunt you pulled."

"What?! But she gave you a ship! She kept her part of the deal! It's you who's breaking it now!"

In hindsight, that might not have been the smartest thing to do. Especially since one of the pirates drew his blade and held it tightly against my throat.

"Stupid Boy," Green Clad muttered. "You don't whimper when being threatened. You'll seem like you're weak."

Now if it wasn't for the sword against my throat I would of course have apologised for not knowing the proper manners for when you're being threatened. And denied that I ever whimpered!

The pirates pulled our ropes forcing us to move forward towards the Viking ship.

"Step aboard, my men! We will once again spread fear among the sailors of the sea!" Blackbeard roared as he marched towards his new ship.

But Harriet had apparently suspected that the pirates wouldn't stand by their word.

She had the boat behind her, meaning the pirates had to walk past her to reach it. She now drew Nico's Stygian iron sword to block their way.

"I don't think so, Edward," she stated.

Everyone around her held their breath.

"And here I thought it was one of Poseidon's spawns I was dealing with," Blackbeard muttered.

He starred at the sword in Harriet's hand in horror.

"And you were right. But it pays off to be on good terms with one of Hades' sons." Harriet's face became serious. "Either you give me my companions now, Edward, or you'll have to face my wrath."

Blackbeard drew his own sword.

"Bad move, gal. I am a son of Ares, the god of war. Prepare to loose a limp."

Harri did not prepare to loose any limp. She parried Blackbeard's first flung.

This was the first time I actually got a chance to see Harriet use a weapon in a fight. It was glorious. Her movements came naturally, like this was a dance she knew in her heart since she was a toddler.

I wish I could have such skills with a sword. But maybe I could. If I could find some time to train when I got back to camp.

Harriet and Blackbeard duelled for a good five minutes. We all watched in awe as Harri finally got the upper hand and set Blackbeard's sword flying and landing in the water with a splash.

Harriet put the tip of the sword against his chin.

"My companions, Edward. Last chance."

Without taking his eyes off Harri, Blackbeard gave a signal to the guy holding our ropes. The ropes were dropped.

"Good." Harriet put away the sword and stepped to the side. "Now, there's your ship. Hope it'll take you far away from here."

Blackbeard nodded.

"My men! Step aboard on, um, Percabeth! Our ship shall take us to new lengths!"

The pirates ran aboard their ship with swords in hand.

The one who had been holding our ropes stopped and looked at Harriet expectantly. Harri rolled her eyes and put the jar of dirt on the wood floor between them.

She walked over to us with her wand in hand.


Our wrists immediately was released from those dirty ropes.

"Now let's get back to our own boat, shall we?" Severus asked. "I've had enough of this island."

We all agreed with Severus and headed back to our boat, though Green Clad trailed behind, looking in the direction where the pirates had left with their new ship.

But I decided not to dwell on what the annoying god might be thinking of.

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