6 I'm apparently half a god

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I woke up to sunlight, someone feeding me some pudding tasting like my mum's treacle tart. Hogwarts' could never live up to her standard. Also, someone was mumbling angrily.

"Stupid democracy, how was I supposed to know?"

That was Potter.

"The voting didn't specify that part, only that you have to show him around."

That was not Potter.

"By Poseidon's trident! He choose to stalk us, why can't he show himself around instead?"

Alright, I didn't like it when people made decisions about me without including me in the discussion. I opened my eyes and saw Harriet talking to a blond guy. He turned his focus to me when he saw me move.

"Oh, great to see you're awake! The ambrosia healed most of your injuries, but I recommend you to take it easy with physical activities for a few days. You crushed your body really hard yesterday."


"Yesterday? How long was I unconscious?"

He had the audacity to laugh at me.

"Well, you arrived here yesterday, and now it's morning. Say, maybe twenty two hours?"

"Twenty two hours. Okay, where am I?"

Harriet answered.

"You are at Camp Half Blood, in the infirmary to be exact. If you had just landed when Severus told you to, you could probably have avoided that last part."

"Very funny, Potter!"

I don't think she was trying to be funny, it sounded more like she stated the fact that I was an idiot.

"What happened?"

"The furies knocked you down from your broom when they went to fight me, Severus and Annabeth. You landed in camp, which was lucky for you, and some of the campers took you here where Will Solace here," she pointed with her thumb at the blond guy, "took care of your injuries."

"The ambrosia did most of the job."

He, Will, gestured towards the bowl of pudding he had fed me with.


"Food of the gods. But if you don't eat too much of it, it can also heal demigods."

"And a demigod is what, exactly?"

"It's half a god. They have one mortal parent, and the other one is a god. Like I have a mortal mother, but my father is the Greek god Apollo. You don't happen to know if your godly parent is your mom or your dad?"

"Excuse me?"

Harriet chipped in.

"What Will means is, is it Lucius or Narcissa who is your mortal parent? If it is Lucius your godly parent would be female, and male if it is Narcissa, most likely."

"Excuse me! Both my parents are-"

That's when I remembered what mum had told me. That I was an affair baby.

"Never mind...Narcissa is my mum. But I don't think I'm a demigod for that."

"Well if you were not a demigod the ambrosia would have killed you. Only gods and part-gods can eat that."

"Wait! Are you saying that you fed me something that would've killed me had I not had the right parentage?!"

" Calm down, we already knew since you were able to get through the barrier. Mortals can't."

I laid back down on the bed.

"Fine! Whatever..."

Right there I wished I had just stayed at Hogwarts. But don't tell Harriet that! I don't want to give her that satisfaction.

"Anyway, I have to take care of other patients now. The chariot race yesterday sure led to a bunch of broken limbs. Good luck, Harriet!"

Will left to tend to those other patients. Harriet sat down on a chair next to my bed. She buried her face in her hands. Now was probably the best time to ask questions.

"So, demigods?"


"Half god, half human?"


"With one parent who is a god or goddess?"


"So, my dad's a god?"

"Seems so."

"I'd like to know which one."

"I don't know that."

"Okay... is there a way to find out?"

She removed her hands from her face and looked at me as if she had decided that she might as well talk to me.

"Your dad have to claim you."

"Claim me?"

"A claiming occurs when a deity acknowledges his/her demigod offspring, usually by sending a hologram of their symbol of power to appear over the particular child's head. Earlier that didn't always happen to all demigods, but after the Second Titan War my brother took a promise of the Olympians to claim all their children when they turn thirteen by the latest. That is the only way to know for sure, but one can always make some accurate guesses by looking at personality traits and talents. But as I said, you can only know for sure who it is once they claim you."

"Alright, so when will my father claim me?"

"When you turn thirteen, if he hasn't already. When's your birthday?"

I then realised what date it must be today if I arrived in the country yesterday.

"To... today? I turn thirteen today."

Harriet looked mildly surprised.

"Huh? June 5th?"

"Yes. That's my birthdate."

"Well, congratulations. Then the due date for your dad to claim you is today. He'll probably do that at the bone fire tonight, that's when most demigods are claimed."


I acted way calmer than I was feeling.

"So, you are a demigod as well?"


"Do you know which god is your parent?"

Harriet as quite. Apparently debating weather or not to respond. Was this a sensible subject for her? Was her parent perhaps the god of something embarrassing, like a god of rainbows or rabbits? Maybe something that wasn't embarrassing, but not something Harriet liked? Someone like her, who had lost almost all extended family members, would probably not be a fan of a god of death or war. Or maybe it was not what her parent ruled over that was the problem? Maybe she and her parent simply was not close?

"Yes, I know who my godly parent is."


"Does it matter?"

"I'm curious!"

She calmed herself down by taking a few deep breaths.

"I'm supposed to show you around here at camp. You've rested enough to take a walk now? I'd like to get it over with."

As she obviously wasn't going to answer more questions until we start the tour, I nodded and got up. Someone had changed my robes for an orange t-shirt with a text that I guessed read 'Camp Half Blood' but it was hard to tell as I saw it from above and therefore upside down. I also wore some kind of blue shorts. I'm not an expert on muggle clothes.

"Maybe we could start with where I'll be sleeping? I don't want to spend every night in this infirmary."

"I can show you the cabins, but since you get sorted by who your godly parent is, we won't know in which one you'll stay until your dad claims you."

"No, of course not..."

We left the infirmary.

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