Balance: Wonder

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Carissa POV 

My heart raced as the light finally dimmed down around us. When we looked around, we realized that Chandler had dropped to the floor, unconscious. 

Iris burst into the room, and was shocked to see an unconscious body on the floor. Lev was immediately behind her, but his expression was blank. It was if nothing had happened at all. Talia was sitting down next to Chandler, brushing his hair out of his face. 

Dawn was across the room, her icy stare piercing through Talia's brown hair. 

Vega was gone. 

Auriana suddenly appeared behind Lev, her arms crossed and her face contorted into a scowl. 

"I told you we could't trust anyone!" Auriana shrieked. Talia looked up, angry to be disturbed. 

"Auriana, it was your ego and foolishness that led us here in the first place. Don't even try to-"

"Stop fighting!" Iris screamed 

"I can't take it anymore! All you guys do is fight!" Iris screamed in frustration. 

Auriana was still angry. 

"But she-" 

"I don't want to hear it. Either we stay together and defeat this villain together, and we go out separate ways, or we get defeated and picked off by the villain one by one." Iris gritted her teeth angrily. 

Talia turned to Auriana, her face apologetic. 

"Auriana, we can put this behind us. Let's-" 

Auriana interrupted her, her hand in front of her face. 

"Stop. My only family is gone. So don't even try." Auriana stormed out of the tent, her boots leaving singes in the grass. 

Nathaniel and Lev each went out of the tent, while I followed them. Talia, Iris, and Dawn stayed inside the tent, watching carefully after the unconscious Chandler in the middle of the room. 

"What's wrong with him?" Talia wailed. 

"Not like you cared before." Dawn muttered underneath her breath. Talia turned to glare at her, but was met by Iris' piercing eyes. 

"That's it!" Iris cried for like the tenth time today. She pulled Talia and Dawn by the wrists to the campfire. She threw them onto the grass, and Dawn landed with a thump. Auriana, scared of what Iris could do, settled into a chair. Lyna was not there to keep the peace, so Iris had to settle it in her own way. 

"Iris, what about-" Nathaniel tried to interrupt. She silenced him with a wave of her hand. 

"Okay, let's try this open forum. Tell us why you guys are fighting." Iris said exasperatedly. 

No one answered. 

"Carissa, do you care to explain?" Iris laid her icy blue eyes on me. I gulped under her gaze. I shook my head, shying away. 

"I don't know why we're fighting. It's just been so long. I feel like we don't know each other anymore. We just drifted apart." Talia explained. 

Dawn was still angry. 

"I know why I'm still angry. You broke my brother's heart!" Dawn pointed an accusing finger at Talia's head. 

Talia stood up to defend herself. 

"I didn't do anything!" 

"That's what you always say! Little miss perfect can do no wrong?!" she questioned, staring fiercely into Talia's eyes. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now