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Taichi's day started the way it normally did; with volleyball. Shirabu had dragged him out of bed early that morning, forgoing his normal routine to get in some practice with Taichi before even the third years arrived.
Shirabu was even more militant and focused than usual, setting ball after ball and Taichi tossed and leapt, barely keeping up with Shirabu's intense regiment. Taichi didn't mind helping his friend out, he just wished Shirabu would admit the reason they were there in the first place, aka a certain grey-haired setter. Shirabu was very proud of his position as the starting setter, but Taichi knew it got under Shirabu's skin a bit as well, because he didn't always feel like he deserved it.
Semi was objectively the better setter, and he spent more time working at the sport, what, with all the practice he put in with the other third years. He and Shirabu both knew that Shirabu was a better fit for Shiratorizawa's current play style— Semi did. like to show off— but that didn't stop it from bugging his friend every once in a while. It also didn't save Taichi from these early morning sessions. Taichi also suspected that there was another reason Shirabu was so sensitive in matters regarding their upperclassman, but he hadn't said anything to Taichi about it yet, so for once he decided not to be an asshole and just leave it alone—for the most part anyway. Though if Shirabu didn't stop taking his sweet time about it, Taichi might have to intervene. Graduation was coming up after all.
Shirabu had finally laid off and let them both take a break. Taichi stared at Shirabu thoughtfully, sipping as his water bottle. Shirabu noticed, and Taichi could practically see a muscle twitch in his jaw. Oh. Taichi grinned. So he was in that kind of mood today.
"What do you want. I don't like the look on your face."
This was going to be entertaining.
"What, are you grumpy today, Kenjiro?" Taichi cooed. Oh. Shirabu was livid now.
"I know what you're doing, Taichi." Shirabu gritted out, "what ever it is you're thinking, cut it out. I've told you not to psychoanalyze me."
Psychoanalyze Shirabu? As if Taichi could do that. One day, maybe. That was the hope and the dream. "Not this again. I'm not." He paused and lifted an eyebrow playfully, "Is there a reason I should be?"
"You're impossible."
Screw it. Forget what he'd said earlier. He was going to be an asshole. It was so much more fun. "Say, Shirabu, what's Semi doing next year?"
"Don't bring him up." Shirabu's tone was clipped but his eyes said it all.
"It was just a question." But it wasn't really, and Shirabu knew it. "I was just wondering, because Ushijima's obviously going to go pro, and I think Reon and Yamagata are gonna try and go that way, too, or at least do something volleyball related. Tendo's not sure, but he was thinking about heading to Paris for a year; taking some time, figuring some stuff out. I have no idea what Semi's doing though."
"Yeah, well, he doesn't talk about it much." Shirabu said stiffly. He looked like he was going to say something else, but as the others started to arrive, he seemed to decide against it.
Shirabu walked away, and while some might consider this a fight, he knew better. He and Shirabu both just said what they thought, and had enough respect for one another that it never was a big deal. It was part of their dynamic, and honestly, his favourite thing about their friendship. They didn't dance around things, they were either direct or didn't say anything at all.
Taichi grabbed another sip of water, and after a moment, Shirabu waved him over to the passing circle he'd joined with the third years. Taich stretched, and allowed himself a small smile before heading over.
Soon, practice had fallen into an easy rhythm, and they were practicing spikes. Taichi started out hitting, practicing some quick attacks with Shirabu. He knew he wasn't bad per-say, but they just never seemed to come naturally to him. He was pretty sure he just overthought them, and as such his movements were a bit stiff.
He watched Tendo, who in perfect contrast effortlessly timed his leap, pulling off an impressive attack with Shirabu. People always commented on how watching Ushiwaka play volleyball was a sight to behold, but Taichi disagreed. Wait, that didn't come across right. Ushiwaka was powerful; fast and impressive by anyone's standards, but in Taichi's opinion, Tendo was the one you couldn't take your eyes off of.
He just looked so free when he played. The redhead was always moving, reading the play, talking to his teammates, and of course, harassing his opponents. Ushiwaka made volleyball look majestic, but Tendo, he made volleyball look fun.
They switched up the drill, and now Taichi was a blocker. He watched as one of the other second years, a substitute, soon to be regular— Taichi tried not to think to much about next year, and what would happen when the third years were gone— went to battle at the net, and managed a touch to slow down one of Ushiwaka's spikes. It was well done, but the poor guy looked like he regretted everything as he winced, clutching his likely already throbbing hand. The ace raised a hand in apology. The second year waved him off, they were both just doing their best after all, these things were going to happen. Regardless, he still had to sit out for a bit to ice and tape a few of his fingers.
Taichi was up next, and he already felt it as Tendo's eyes bore into him. He let out a breath, and watched the ball fly towards the setter while Goshiki, Reon and one of the other first years all began their approaches. The ball could go to any one of them. No one would expect him to be able to position himself quickly enough to shut down the ball once he saw where it was going, that would be unrealistic. All he had to do was get enough of a touch on it, or at least cut off enough of the angle to give Yamagata a chance to get the spike up. All he had to do was wait for the set to go up.
Except, that wasn't what happened.
Taichi couldn't really explain it. One moment, he was staring at the centre of the net as the ball came fell down towards Shirabu's hands, and the next, he was moving to the right, where Goshiki was still making his approach.
Shirabu hadn't even set the ball yet. It was still just resting in his hands as time seemed to slow. There was still no indication of where his friend was going to place the ball. Even as part of him cursed himself for a fool—what was he doing?— the other part was calm, somehow. It was like he knew where it would go.
Sure enough, Shirabu sent the ball flying towards Goshiki, and Taichi head an ecstatic voice exclaiming:
"Yessss!!!!! That's it! A guess block!"
Still, he hardly paid it any attention. A guess block? What was Tendo talking about?
He watched closely as Goshiki aimed for a straight. Taichi covered it carefully, but at the last second, that same instinct that had prompted him to move early possessed him once again, and he found himself swinging his arms across his body to block a cross shot— just as the ball slammed into them. It dropped to the other side of the net, bouncing a few times before settling next to Goshiki's feet. The first year looked stunned.
Everyone was silent for a moment until Tendo tackled him from behind.
"Taichi! A guess block, hmm? You little bastard, gunning for my techniques and taking my job already, are you?" Tendo certainly didn't seem mad, though. In fact, this may have been among the happiest Taichi had ever seen him.
"I knew you had it in you," Tendo crowed. "You moved early and everything!" Taichi watched as Tendo wiped away what may have been an actual tear, "look at that guys, Taichi's all grown up."
Seriously, what was up with that guy? Taichi couldn't help but smile though, as he finally realized what had just happened. For once, he had stopped overthinking and just went for it. And it had worked.
Maybe his instincts weren't as bad as he had originally thought. They would never be as good as Tendo's, but maybe, just maybe, they were good enough to pull off something amazing every now and then. He hadn't realized it was there, but now it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
He and Goshiki, they had big shoes to fill. All of the underclassmen did, but him and Goshiki especially. If he were honest with himself, he never really thought he would be able to fill the gaping hole left by Tendo's absence. He had never even considered that he could possibly be up to the task. But now... well, he certainly wasn't Tendo, and would never be, but he was starting to realize that he might be able to do more than just hold down the fort. May s be had it in him to do something amazing as well.
He made eye contact with Shirabu, and he knew the setter could tell just how much it meant to him. Shirabu always could read him like a book, despite all his accusations that Taichi did just that.
Shirabu crosse over to the other side of the net, and true to character, tried to look annoyed. "What are you grinning like an idiot for?"
Taichi just grinned wider, and finally, Shirabu broke, punching him in the shoulder playfully.
"You've been holding out on us, Taichi."
Taichi gaze around at the third years watching them, a look of both pride and amusement on each of their faces.
"You know what?" Taichi reflected, "I think we might be okay next year after all."
Goshiki had crosses over to congratulate him as well, and in a rare moment of affection, Shirabu grabbed him by his practice shirt and pulled him over.
"Okay? Come on Taichi. You, me and Goshiki? We're gonna be great."

I'm tired and I refuse to edit this, so yes, there will likely be errors. I may or may not fix them eventually. I'm sorry it's been forever, I'm finally on summer break, so theoretically I should have more time to write now. I also got stuck on this chapter for a while, but now it's finished and I'm moderately happy with it. Thank you to everyone who still gets excited when they see this story has updated, it means a lot. I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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