Ah, Goshiki (Part 3)

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*Trigger Warning* - Bullying

Goshiki had been having a good day up until lunch time. He'd played well in practice and gotten a good mark on his math test. He'd even found some spare change he'd forgotten in his gym bag, and as a reward he'd decided to get something from the vending machine.
Figures his good luck would run out. It always did, why would it be any different today? Good luck was a sham.
It was those three second years from yesterday— and the week before that, and the week before that. Goshiki tried not to let it get to him. He'd been picked on before. Haircut, earnestly, height (he'd grown late), take your pick. Plus, these three were just a few jealous losers who'd been rejected from the volleyball club and were looking for an easy mark to take their frustrations out on.
Goshiki knew all this, he did. He also knew nothing they said meant anything. Still, it didn't stop it from hurting a bit. Goshiki sighed, "Guys, look, I don't want any trouble. Just back off." He knew immediately it was the wrong thing to say, but he didn't know what else to do.
One of the boys shoved him and he fell back a step. Maybe he should fight back? No. He didn't want me to resort to violence unless he absolutely had to. Besides, he was strong but he wasn't Ushiwaka. He doubted he'd come out on top over three of them.
What, you don't have anything else to say, Bowl Cut?"
Goshiki still didn't get why that was supposed to be a big insult, but whatever.
"Oh, by the way, we saw that serve you flubbed last game. It really was spectacular." The dark haired boy smirked. His friend, the blonde, laughed and shouted "Home run!" Imitating Tendo Satori, one of Goshiki's upperclassmen. The first boy laughed and shoved Goshiki again.
"I guess that's what happens when you're the baby of the team. They let you get away with shit like that because they pity you too much to bench you."
"Well, well. What's this? I had no idea you three were on such close terms with Coach Washijou. What, after he rejected you three last year," a new voice purred.
Goshiki brought his gaze up, and almost didn't recognize the middle blocker. For one thing, his shoulders were back and his posture was rigid, bringing him up to his full intimidating height. The thing that was most shocking however, was the look on his face. His gaze was cold and hard, and his mouth was twisted into a mocking smirk.
Tendo Satori towered over the group. Goshiki could hardly connect the grinning, playful, manga-loving guess blocker with the third year in front of him. He'd known a lot of people found Tendo scary, and he'd heard the nickname "Guess Monster" whispered frequently by their opponents, but he'd never really understood why until now.
"Hey, back off," one of the guys spluttered. "It's none of your fucking business."
"None of my fucking business, hmm?" Tendo cocked his head, "Well, if it's none of mine then don't quote me in your conversation." He rolled his shoulders. "Now if I were you, I'd get out of here."
"Oh? And why would we do that? I know exactly who you are," the second year spit. "You're the creepy third year who has no friends outside the volleyball team and got suspended for punching a classmate in his first year. It's no wonder everyone calls you the Guess Monster."
Tendo took another step forward, looming directly over the second years. "Forgive me if I don't take offence at the jealous words of a couple of cowardly assholes, hmm?" Tendo's tone was ice cold. "Now if I were you, I'd get out of her before I do something we'll both regret."
The three of them nervously backed up a bit before turning quickly and heading for the building's side exit. "Freak!" One of them called back over his shoulder before they all stepped through the door and out of sight.
Goshiki let out a sigh of reif and glanced at Tendo, "Thanks."
"Hey, no problem. You alright?" He sounded completely serious for once and it caught Goshiki off guard.
"Y-yeah. You?"
The two fell into step beside each other. Neither were really that hungry anymore, so they moved past the vending machines and headed in the direction of the cafeteria. They walked in silence for a bit before Tendo spoke again, hesitantly.
"Um, I'm sorry if I, you know, scared you a bit back there."
Goshiki blinked, surprised. "What? No! Of course not. I mean, sure you were intimidating, but that was awesome! I wish I could stand up to people like that." Tendo's eyes widened. He looked baffled, and— grateful. "Hey, umm, where'd you get that reputation anyways? What was that guy talking about?" Goshiki regretted the question instantly. It was stupid and insensitive, and why oh why was he such a moron?
"Gahh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that, you don't have to answer!"
Tendo wet his lips, "Nah, it's alright. Back when I was a first year, there was this kid who wouldn't leave me alone. He pestered me for weeks, and finally I just... snapped. I got picked on a lot in elementary and middle school, and I had hoped things would be different in high school. When they weren't, I was crushed, but I was also angry. Eventually, I just lost it and slugged the guy. He never bothered me again after that." Tendo smirked a bit, and Goshiki was relieved to see him looking more like himself. "Of course, that's all anyone talked about for weeks." He flourished a hand, "and there ya have it. That's my sob story of why people are freaked out by me." Tendo winked, "that, and they think I look scary."
"Really? Goshiki asked, "so you defended yourself against a bully once in your first year and everyone still holds it against you?"
Tendo shrugged. "Welcome to high school. And not everyone, just some."
Goshiki couldn't help himself, he laughed. "Well, you sure scared the crap out of those guys. Did you see their faces?"
Tendo grinned, "Well, I guess this reputation of mine's good for something, huh, Goshiki?" Tendo mimicked the boys' expressions and the two started cracking up.
A couple minutes later, they entered the cafeteria together, still laughing.

Thanks for the patience with this update! It was a difficult one for me to write so it took a while. Thanks for almost 3k reads and I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story!

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