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Tendo let himself slump down over his mathematics homework. Today had not been a good day. It had started off alright. Despite the early mornings, Tendo actually enjoyed his and Wakatoshi's established routine. Morning practice had been good too. Goshki has been doing what he did best, and as a result, Tendo had gotten to have a little fun. Ah, Goshki and his bangs. Always a bright spot in any gruelling day. Unfortunately, things had only gone downhill from there. He'd gotten a poor mark in mathematics, one of many, and by lunch time his parents were already on his case. It had been a long tine since they'd last threatened to pull him from volleyball, but apparently they were back to doing what they did best too. They never had been able to accept the fact that he wasn't in the college stream.
He sighed and just to switch it up, flopped backwards this time. His chair started to tilt backwards and Tendo began pinwheeling his arms frantically.
Mistake, mistake, mistake! he thought as the chair tilted further backwards. Still, a part of him could appreciate the comedic value of a moment like this.
Crash! The chair hit the floor and he winced as his back slammed into the uneven back of the chair. Tendo made to sit back up, but his back smarted as soon as he shifted. Maybe he would just stay here for a while after all. Stare at the ceiling for a bit. A knock sounded at his door.
"Come in Wakatoshi-kun." He called out. Ushiwaka was the only one who ever knocked so stiffly. To his surprise though, it wasn't Wakatoshi, but the grey-haired setter. "Semisemi?" Tendo asked, aiming for nonchalant despite his position on the floor. "What brings you by?"
"What are you doing on the floor, Tendo."
"Straight to the point as usual, huh Semisemi? I'll have you know I just wanted a different perspective." Tendo batted his eyes up at Semi, "You should try it sometime. I feel... enlightened."
Semi rolled his eyes, "Oh please, I know you fell. Everyone heard the crash."
"Then why'd ya bother asking?" Tendo cocked his head and smirked.
"I was wondering how you fell." Tendo could see Semi's temper rising. Poor Semisemi, such as short fuse. Before Tendo could respond, Semi continued on. "Anyways, that wasn't what I came here to ask you, I—" he stopped. "Will you please sit up and stop grinning at me like that?" Tendo grinned some more, but righted himself, ignoring the already-fading twinge in his back.
"Alright, so watcha wanna talk to me about, Semisemi?"
"Stop calling me— oh never mind." Semi shook his head exasperatedly. "Look, could you please just take Reon up on his offer? We have the inter high tournament coming up and we really can't afford to lose our best middle blocker."
Tendo raised a brow, "Best middle blocker you say? Why thank you Semisemi, I'm flattered."
"Geez, I'm fineee. Look, I doubt my parents will actually pull me from club activities. It's all just empty threats, so don't worry about it, hmm?"
"Cut the crap Tendo, you know it's not just that. You were miserable out first year, and I don't want a repeat of that." Semi seemed uncomfortable.
Tendo put a hand to his chest dramatically, "Aww, Semisemi, you do care." Semi looked so frustrated, Tendo thought he might explode, so finally he sobered up and met Semi's gaze. "I swear I'm fine Semi, and if I'm ever not, you'll be the first to know, okie dokie?"
"Fine," Semi agreed, "but I'm serious Tendo."
"As am I, my good sir." Tendo sketched a bow.
"Obviously." Semi rolled his eyes. "See you at practice tomorrow."
"Bye the bye, Semisemi!" Semi left and Tendo turned to right his desk chair, which was still lying knocked over on the ground. Sighing, he flopped back into the chair and let his smile fall as he traced the meaningless words of his mathematics textbook over again. Back to square one.

So this was supposed to go up a couple days ago, but then some of what I'd typed got deleted and I didn't have the mental capacity to rewrite it till now. Thanks for reading!

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