Guess Monster

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Ushiwaka stretched out on his bed and rolled over onto his side. The clock red 5:59, approximately one minute before his alarm clock would start to ring. Unceremoniously, he shut it off and set about getting ready for this morning's volleyball practice. Slipping on his club jacket and smoothing his hair down, Ushiwaka stepped out the door and into the third year hallway of the Shiratorizawa dorm. He nodded to Semi Eita who had just stepped out of his room further down the hall. The latter nodded back, and both proceeded to go about there business. The time was 6:30, and practice started a 7:00. Ushiwaka stopped outstide room 315 and knocked stiffly. A groan sounded from the other side, followed by a muffled 'go away.' Instead, Ushiwaka let himself in and found the red head middle blocker still sprawled out on his bed, pillow pressed tightly over his eyes and ears. Ushiwaka entered the room and walked over to the window, drawing open open the curtains. Early morning light filtered in, and the red head twitched wildly on the bed and slid onto the floor, sheets and all, in a heap.
"Ah commonnn Wakatoshiiii, why you gotta be like that?" The red-head whined.
"You're going to be late for practice, Tendo." Ushiwaka stated, returning to his post by the door.
"No, we're going to be late for practice, Wakatoshi-kun." Tendo flipped over onto his back, rubbing at his eyes, "seeing as you're still here and all, so how about you go on ahead and I'll catch up later, hmmm?" Tendo blinked up at Ushiwaka from his place on the floor, tilting his head to the side.
"Coach will make you run laps if you're late." Ushiwaka glanced around the clock again. It was 6:40.
"Gahhh!" The red-head cried out, scrabbling to his feet, suddenly in a hurry. With an enormous yawn, he ran a hand to though his hair, which hung down passed his ears. Tendo slipped into the bathroom, and Ushiwaka waited, somewhat impatiently, though it didn't show on his face, for him to return. Ten minutes later, Tendo emerged looking like a completely different person. Hair spiked up high, spine uncurled, bringing him up to his full height at 6'2, basically the same height as Ushiwaka. The biggest change however, was in his demeanour. Where a sleepy and friendly vulnerability had once taken up residence, a cocky smirk now played across his lips, even bordering on creepy. This was the Tendo Satori people knew. This was the Guess Monster.
"Well come on now Wakatoshi-kun, better not be late... you know I'm not much of a runner." Stretching his hands up and resting them behind his head, Tendo strolled out of the room, and Ushiwaka followed close behind.

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