Ah, Goshiki (Part 2)

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Tendo's day was off to a bad start. First off, he had slept badly, and unlike a lot of his teammates, Tendo needed a good night's sleep or he was screwed. Then, he was late to a practice he hadn't been planning to attend in the first place.
Damn you and your persistence Wakatoshi-kun.
Now, to top it all off, he was doubled over clutching his stomach while the first year who had spiked the ball panicked and apologized profusely. Geez that smarts, he thought, but did his best to straighten up a title, lifting one corner of his mouth weakly.
"Don't-cha worry about it, hmm? Wasn't paying attention, too busy being a smug bastard and looking this good." He tried for a smirk but it turned into a wince. " Now if you don't mind, I believe this provides me with an excellent excuse to take a quick break."
Without waiting for a reply or assent from the coach, Tendo made his way to the bench and sat down. He grabbed Wakatoshi's water bottle—he had forgotten his own— and leaned back against the wall, taking a long swig. He was still a bit winded, but overall felt fine, so he watched his teammates thoughtfully as they continued on with practice. As much as he liked to tease his teammates, he was fiercely proud of their team and it's members. They were a tight knit group, and it was one of the things Tendo would miss most when he graduated. After all, he hadn't had much luck finding this kind of camaraderie anywhere else.
After a few minutes had gone by, Tendo stood up again, stretched, then made his way back to where Ushijima was filling water bottles just outside as the rest of the team began a rally.
"You fill em, I'll bring em back over to the gym, Wakatoshi-kun." Ushijima nodded wordlessly and the two fell into an easy rhythm, the kind that only comes from playing and working together for many years.
Eventually, when the rest of the team had finished up practice, the two stayed late to clean up. Normally the first years would take care of this part, but the coach didn't plan on letting either of them off the hook even a little bit. Tendo gritted his teeth. This was starting to bring back some unpleasant memories from when he was a first year, always staying late to sweep the gym and filling water bottles for his upperclassmen. Goshiki, of course, had insisted on staying, arguing that as a first year it was still his duty to stay and help tidy up as much as he could. Tendo has tried to brush him off. Why not give the first year a break?
"You're sweet and all Goshiki, but seriously, no sweat, ya know? Let your upperclassmen handle this one." Tendo leaned against the broom handle and smirked.
Goshiki, however, had already made up his mind. "No, as a first year it's my responsibility to make sure the gym is well kept!" Tendo sighed as the wing spuket hurried off to grab another broom. Oh well, if Goshiki wanted to help, who was he to fight it?
When the first year returned, Tendo ruffled his bowl cut. "Ah, Goshiki. Somebody's gotta teach you how to loosen up. I'll make it my mission before graduation, hmm? After all, it's not like Shirabu or Taichi will be any help in that department next year." Tendo winked. "Now you take that half and I'll do this half while Wakatoshi-kun tidies up the storage room."
A couple hours later, Tendo was in the middle of a long and dreary school day. However, things were starting to look up as he and Wakatoshi walked towards the lunchroom, discussing the new Shonen Jump issue that the ace has just finished reading. Tendo couldn't really tell if Ushiwaka actually liked it or if he just read it because Tendo made him, but it didn't really matter. As long as Tendo got to take about it with someone else else. Unless of course it was his favourite manga, then they would have a problem.
"So, Wakatoshi-kun, what'dcha think about that final fight?"
"It was very tense. I wasn't sure whether or not the protagonist would come out on top for a moment."
"I know right!? It was insane! I can't wait to see the aftermath in the next issue." They passed another corridor and Tendo paused. "I'll meet you at the usual table, I think I'll grab something from the vending machine today. Cafeteria food's getting a bit of old, ya know?"
"I don't think the food from the vending machine is that healthy though. And we have practice after school," Ushiwaka pointed out.
Tendo waved a hand dismissively, "I'll be fine, gotta enjoy the teenage experience while I can. Sleep deprivation and junk food!" Tendo sighed with vaguely amused resignation. Unfortunately, it was a little too accurate. Ushijima shrugged and the two parted ways for the moment.
Tendo hummed a little song to himself as he walked. He rounded the corner to where the vending machines were situated, and noticed Goshiki and a couple of second years. Something was definitely off, and Tendo's eyes narrowed. He has seen this scenario play out far too many times not too notice what was going on here. He straightened, and it was not Tendo Satori who approached the group, but the Guess Monster.

This chapter is a bit of a mess, but it's not going to get much better and it's been a while since I've updated, so here we go! Thanks so much to everyone who follows this story!

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