Move Night (Part 1)

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Tendo darted around the room gathering his stuff while Wakatoshi leaned against the door frame. He threw some clothes off the chair and grabbed his favourite grey hoodie. Ushijima grimaced at the clothes now strewn across the floor.
"Surely there was a better way to get at the hoodie, Tendo. Now you're just going to have to clean up later."
"It's about the effect, Wakatoshi-kun!" Tendo spread his hands, "plus, tearing apart one's room is therapeutic. You should try it."
Ushiwaka glanced down at the mess again, "I think I'll pass."
Tendo shrugged amiably and picked up a movie disc. He was pretty sure that was everything. This was going to be fun.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" The ace asked, "he's probably busy, and you didn't give him any warning."
"That's all part of the fun!" Tendo snickered, "don't worry, hmm? It'll be fineee. I have everything we need and I talked to Kawanishi just to be sure. I did so much planning! I was rather proud of myself actually. Now we're finally getting to the good part."
"I still don't understand why you think this is a good idea."
"We're gonna bond! Make memories! The whole works. And what better way to bond than by being scared witless!" Tendo waved around his DVD. "Anyways, I should be off now. Always a pleasure Wakatoshi-kun, wish me luck!"
Ushijima just shrugged and followed Tendo out into the hall before the two parted ways. Already grinning mischievously, Tendo made his way to the second years' floor.

If he'd known what was coming he wouldn't have bothered starting his biology homework. It was Friday night and volleyball practice had just wrapped up. Shirabu had finally gotten the chance to settle down and open up his textbook after a shower and a quick meal. These questions were technically optional, but he figured the practice couldn't hurt. It was just like volleyball, the more you practiced, the better you got. Besides, he didn't have anything better to do, and there was no point in wasting time.
He'd just started the second question when there was a knock on the door. Shirabu frowned. He hadn't been expecting anyone. He got up and grasped the door knob anyways, thinking maybe Taichi had come by to go over some chemistry work or something. However, when he swung open the door, it wasn't Taichi standing there, but Tendo Satori... and he was holding a horror movie and a bag of popcorn. Shirabu sighed, already knowing his biology homework would remain unfinished tonight.
"Tendo-san, what are you doing here?"
"Ken-ji-ro!" Tendo sang, "isn't it obvious? The two of us are having a movie night."
Shirabu glanced again at the DVD in Tendo's hand, his lip curling slightly with distaste. "A horror film?"
"Come onnnnn, you'll love it!" The middle blocker paused, "well, you probably won't, but it'll be a bonding experience! Plus," he shook the bag, "popcorn."
"Shirabu glanced at his textbook, "I— have homework."
"Not tonight you don't, Kenjiro!" Tendo smirked excitedly, "we are gonna teach you how to relax. Also, Kawanishi told me you finished most of your homework yesterday, hmm?"
Shirabu reluctantly stepped aside and held the door open wider, a silent invitation. Tendo took it immediately and practically skipped into the room. Shirabu let the door close and silently cursed Taichi for getting him into this situation.
"Heya, Shirabu, where's your laptop? I'm gonna set it up."
"It's in my backpack. Why didn't you just bring your own?"
"Cuz I figured yours worked fine. Plus, mine is so slowww."
A moment later, the redhead raised Shirabu's laptop in triumph, before setting it down at the end of the bed and flopping down himself.
Well Tendo set the movie up, Shirabu busied himself by shutting the blinds and grabbing some blankets and drinks (pop, not alcohol. Tendo drunk was the last thing he wanted to deal with). Shirabu set the cans on the bedside table within easy reach, then grabbed a bowl and poured the popcorn into it. Finally, he took the blankets and spread them across the bed before chucking one at Tendo and curling up in one himself. If they were going to do this, they were going to do it right.
Tendo's head emerged from underneath the blanket Shirabu had thrown, and the redhead wrapped it around his shoulders before turning to face him.
Ya ready?"
"I suppose," Shirabu responded, before turning his attention to the laptop screen.
"Alrighty then!" Shirabu could practically feel Tendo grinning with anticipation as he played the movie.
Shirabu sighed and snuggled deeper into the blankets. He really hoped he wouldn't regret this.

Hey guys! So this is a bit of a weird update. It's been written for a while, but I've been in a bit of a funk where nothing is sounding right to me, so I've changed it about a dozen times and I'm still not that happy with it, but oh well. Thanks so much for 4k everyone and I hope you continue to enjoy the story! Side note, to all the writers out there, what's your writing process? I'm curious because everyone's is pretty different. I know for me I have to write it by hand first and then type it up! Anyways, I hope everyone is having an okay week and staying safe!

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