Ah, Goshiki (Part 1)

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Goshiki saw the toss go up. Timing his approach carefully, he swung his arms back and brought them up as he leapt. He made sure to hold his form in midair, trying to mimic Ushiwaka, the team's ace. The ace's form was always flawless, and if you held it well it gave you so many more options when trying to avoid a block.
The ball was at its apex as Goshiki reached the highest point of his jump. He felt a swell of satisfaction. He had timed the jump perfectly. On the other side of the net, Taichi jumped up as well, obstructing Goshiki's view of the other side of the court. However, Goshiki could tell that Kawanishi was focusing on closing out the cross shot, hoping to pressure Goshiki into making a mistake with the narrow gap left for a straight. It was a good strategy, but Goshiki was confident. This was his chance to show off the killer straights he had been working hard to develop. He aimed carefully and slammed the ball down.
The ball flew through the air and struck the ground in the back corner of the court, completely avoiding the block. Goshiki grinned, even Ushiwaka would have to admit that that had been one heck of a straight. He could do this! He was the future ace of Shiratorizawa after all! A powerhouse school! He looked over a bit smugly to where Ushiwaka was placing a couple volleyballs back into the bin. With his back turned.
Goshiki slumped, defeated. It was impossible to have a proper competitive rivalry with Ushiwaka the way spikers on other teams did. For one thing, it was very one-sided. Goshiki didn't think the ace even noticed he was there half the time. For another thing, Ushiwaka's skill and power completely outclassed most other people's, including Goshiki's own.
"Well now, looks like little Tsutomu's been practicing his straights, hmm?" Goshiki glanced up to see Satori Tendo spinning the ball Goshiki had just spiked in one hand, smirking good-naturedly.
Goshiki perked up immediately. Praise from the Guess Monster was still something after all. "Yes! Thank you!"
Tendo snickered a bit fondly, "Ah, Goshiki," then tossed the ball over to Ushiwaka, who placed it neatly back in the bin.
Goshiki rejoined the hitting line. He felt fired up. He felt ready. He couldn't wait until it was his turn to spike again. He would really show Ushiwaka and the rest of the third years how much he had improved. He would...
Goshiki's train of thought came to an abrupt halt, and he blinked for a moment. Shirabu was glaring at him.
"Focus. Don't get so far ahead of yourself. Just spike it."
Goshiki flushed, a bit embarrassed. "Yes! Right!" Was he really that easy to read?
"Now, now Kenjiro, take it easy on him, would yah? After all, you two are gonna be partners in crime next year after us third years are gone." Tendo made a frame with his hands and squinted, almost like he was picturing it. "I can see it now! Kenjiro and Tsutomu, setter and ace, the wonder duo!" Shirabu rolled his eyes, and Tendo winked at Goshiki. "And don't forget to take a breath, hmm Goshiki?"
In response, Goshiki closed his eyes and did as his upperclassman had requested. He felt himself loosen up a bit. Tendo was right, he realized. Sometimes when he got himself too psyched up, he started to make more silly mistakes. Tendo noticed the moment when Goshiki relaxed as well. The middle blocker rolled his shoulders, a self-satisfied smile on his face. Right up until a volleyball caught him directly in the stomach.

Thanks so much for over 1k reads everyone! I hope people have been enjoying the story so far. This part originally wasn't gonna have a part two, but I didn't want to rush the next bit or have this part be a lot longer than some of the others. Anyways, I'll try and put part two up soon. Also I know I said I was gonna update the other story first, but I felt inspired to write this one so here we are!

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