The Libero

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Yamagata dove.
Diving was his favourite part of volleyball. That moment when people are sure that the ball is about to hit the ground, and then, all of a sudden, it just doesn't.
That feeling of putting in every last shred of effort just to throw yourself towards the ball, consequences be damned. To know that everything you had went in to that play, and when you're successful?
There was nothing he loved more.
So, as Taichi slammed down Shirabu's set, Yamagata dove.
He was airborne for a moment and he felt the ball connect. Rolling out of it, he looked up to see the ball travelling in a perfect arc towards Semi.
"How the hell do you always get those?" Shirabu grumbled.
Yamagata flashed the second years a quick grin that only made Shirabu pissier, and got back up, continuing to follow the play.
After practice, he fell into step with Shirabu and Taichi. Yamagata was close with the rest of the third years, but he also got along well with their younger teammates, Shirabu and Taichi especially.
The three made their way towards a small grove near the back of campus. It was quiet, and when the weather was nice, they usually made an effort to sit out there. Yamagata sat down at the base of one of the trees, leaning his head back contentedly.
Shirabu and Taichi were already in the middle of one of their arguments, ans for now he wasn't interested in getting involved.
"I asked you to wake me up this morning on your way to practice."
"And I did," Shirabu retorted. "You just fell back asleep."
"You came in at six. Six! Of course I fell back asleep." Taichi groused, "who wakes up at six?"
"Lots of people." Shirabu said, annoyed. "It's not that unusual."
"Yeah, well, my bad. Most sane people don't wake up at six if they can help it. Anyways, I hope you're happy. My arms feel like they're going to fall off from all the servers coach made me do as punishment."
Yamagata finally interjected, "Well, you were half-an-hour late. Also, your serves suck." He and Shirabu snickered while Taichi glowered, though clearly his heart wasn't in it.
"By the way, you were on fire today," Shirabu commented.
"Seriously," Taichi agreed. "It didn't matter where I hit the ball, you were all over it. Of course, maybe if Shirabu's sets were better—"
Shirabu punched Taichi in the shoulder, cutting him off abruptly. Taichi just smirked back at him.
Yamagata rolled his eyes as the two stared at each other. Shirabu glaring and Taichi still smirking.
"Why don't you two just kiss and make up already?" Yamagata half-teased. Shirabu and Taichi were best friends, but they had that kind of energy were it seemed they could be kissing one moment and the next discussing their crushes (he wasn't convinced they didn't do that, actually).
However, they spared him today, breaking eye contact and returning to the conversation. They sat there till the end of lunch, then, the three parted ways. Shirabu and Taichi towards the school building and Yamagata in the opposite direction. He has a free period and was in the mood for a quick jog around campus.
As he sped along the pathway, he felt his mind start to wander. He still couldn't quite believe he and the others were in their third year now. Yamagata still remembered that first practice. He grinned, recalling how Tendo has obliviously leaped up to block that first spike of Ushiwaka's — yeah, that hadn't gone well. Tendo had moaned and groaned about that for days afterwards. That had been the last time Tendo had tried to make a block without putting some force behind it.
Surprisingly, through you wouldn't know it by looking at them now, Ushijima and Tendo hadn't gotten along at all until after their first official match that year. 
Yamagata slowed, then, making a decision, he veered off the main path and started towards the band room. Semi has a free period as well, and tended to spend it there.
He, Semi and Reon had been fast friends since they'd met. None of them had quite known what to make of Tendo or Ushijima at first, either. Yamagata chuckled. Sometimes he still wasn't sure what to make of those two.
Things had really started to get interesting when Shirabu and Taichi joined the team, though. Semi and Shirabu were at each other's throats almost immediately. To this day, Yamagata had no idea what either one's actual feelings towards the other were, though they still clearly enjoyed arguing back and forth.
As he'd expected, Semi was in the band room strumming an electric guitar.
Without saying anything, Yamagata sat down and picked up a bass guitar. He plucked a few things to match up with Semi. Yamagata wasn't all that musically gifted, but he'd taken a lot of lessons when he was younger, so he could somewhat carry a tune.
They did this pretty often. He was okay, but Semi was really good. Like really really good. Yamagata wouldn't be surprised if he started a band one day.
After a bit, they came to a stop and Semi spoke up.
"So, how was lunch with Shirabu and Taichi?"
"You know, the usual. What about for you? Did I miss anything interesting?"
"Well, I can now have an in-depth conversation about a manga I've never read. Would you like me to enlighten you?"
"I'll pass," Yamagata grinned. "I'm sure I'll hear about it tomorrow at lunch anyways. Tendo had very specific interests."
Semi scoffed, "you got that right." He put the guitar back in its case and Yamagata followed suit.
The two headed out of the room and down the hallway. They passed a first year classroom and Yamagata peered in. He caught sight of Goshiki, who, unsurprisingly, had fallen asleep in class again.
Oh, Goshiki, he thought, amused. The first year certainly was something.
Semi noticed as well, and shook his head, resigned. Yamagata caught a bit of a smile on his face too, though.
Yamagata let out a contented sigh. This year's team certainly was something.

Finally!!! I'm sorry it took so long to properly introduce Yamagata. He didn't deserve that.
Stay safe and take care of yourselves!

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