The Star Pupil

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Taichi Kawanishi was a middle blocker at Shiratorizawa, though not the one you typically pictured when the words "Shiratorizawa" and "Middle Blocker" came to mind. No, that was Tendo Satori, the loud and unpredictable red-head revered for his borderline psychic intuition and game-changing guess blocks. Morning practice had just wrapped up, and Taichi was on his way to his first class. He was a member of Class 5, one of the college prep classes, so he worked hard between long practices and studying to keep his grades up. On his way to class, he passes the team setter, Shirabu. They nodded at each other, not bothering with a verbal greeting, and slipped into their respective classrooms.
"No, no, no, Taichi! You gotta get your hands up higher, ya know?" Tendo lectures as Taichi missed one of Reon's spikes. "Make the spiker know you're there, ready to shut them down! They panic, then, boom! The ball's dropping on their side and they're looking up at you like what the hell just happened" Tendo cackled, "There's nothing better!" Taichi didn't reply. Goshki lines up, ready to hit the next ball from Shirabu.
"Watch and learn, Taichi!" Tendo stretched his arms over his head and got ready as the first year made his approach. A scary look of intensity fell over Tendo's face then, and Taichi knew Goshki was screwed. Taichi only ever saw that look on his upperclassman's face when he was about to shut someone down. Goshki leapt, angled slightly, and Taichi was sure he was going for a cross shot. Tendo delayed his jump, and leaped up too, timing it perfectly to shut out the incoming cross. In the blink of an eye though, as Goshki swung his arm, Tendo changed the direction of his block, angling his arms to cover a straight and brought them down slightly. Sure enough, Goshki hit the ball right into Tendo's awaiting block, completely shutting him out.
"Gahhhh!" The future ace mussed up his careful bowl cut in frustration, before turning and bracing himself for the inevitable tongue lashing he was about to receive from the coach.
Taichi shook his head. He didn't know how Tendo did it. He's been sure Goshki was going for a cross. In fact, every indication was there, so what had made the red-head change his mind? Tendo patted Taichi on the shoulder as he walked over to the bench, once again back to his teasing self, and Taichi stepped onto the court again. "Hey Tendo, what made you cover the straight back there?" Taichi asked.
"Hmmm?" Tendo blinked, "well, everything indicated that Goshki was gonna go for a cross, but I figured that would be too easy, so I went for the straight, ya see? Now, it's your turn, Kawanishi!" Tendo sang.
Taichi did not see, but he shrugged and set his mouth in a firm line, preparing to block. Reon started his approach — of course it was Reon again, though he supposed anyone was better than Ushiwaka — and Taichi got ready to jump. He was all too aware of the other middle blocker's gaze on him as he moved two steps towards the edge of the court and jumped. He didn't have Tendo's observational skills or his intuition, but he could rely on his technical training, and he had his height. He watched Reon's form carefully on the way up, trying to glean something that would allow him to pair aspects of Tendo's guess block with his own read blocking skills. He watched as Reon swung his arm, and all of a sudden Taichi knew he must be going for a cross. The set has been a bit short, and the wing spiker was at a bad angle for any sort of straight. The next moment, Taichi felt the sting of his forearms as the ball made contact with his block full force, and fell back over the net. Taichi let out a breath, and a slow clap started from behind him. He turned around, and it was, of course, Tendo.
"Not so tight anymore, huh Taichi?" Tendo exclaimed, resting his elbow on Taichi's shoulder. Taichi shook his head is exasperation, but allowed one corner of his mouth to lift just a little.

Thanks to everyone who read this chapter. Taichi's a little more difficult to write from then some of the other characters because I know less about him, but I like him a lot so I'm gonna include him where I can.

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