Running Early (Part 1)

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Shirabu hoisted his gym bag over his shoulder and made his way down the hallway and out of the second year dormitory. He set off towards the gym at a casual pace, taking his time to look around the campus. It really was beautiful this time of year, and Shirabu especially enjoyed the early mornings when the normally bustling campus was quiet. He'd started this routine back when he was just a first year. Every morning, he would wake up especially early before volleyball practice and take a walk around the campus. Often, it was his favourite part of the day. Shirabu took out his headphones and popped one in, letting the other dangle. He hit shuffle on his phone, put it in his pocket, then immediately took it back out. He hit the next button a couple more times before he was satisfied, then put his phone away again.
About half an hour later, Shirabu found himself heading for the gym. He was a bit earlier than normal, but he found he was restless this morning and was eager to get started. As he glanced through the open gym doors on his way to the change rooms, he noticed that a few of the third years had already gotten started. Semi and Reon were hitting up serves while Yamagata received them with a practiced ease. Shirabu noticed that neither Ushiwaka nor Tendo were here yet, which was odd. Usually when the third years came early to practice, all of them came together after heading out to one of the off-campus cafes to grab some coffee and a quick breakfast. Shirabu continued across the lawn and headed into the change room. He hung up his gym bag and sat down on the bench to tie his shoes. When he finished, he stood and slipped off his track jacket before exiting the room.
On his way back to the main gym, Shirabu passed Goshki, a first year wing spiker who was just arriving. He also happened to be the only first year on their starting line up, and was on track to becoming the next ace after Ushiwaka graduated. Goshki looked a weird mix of frazzled and pumped up, which wasn't unusual. Shirabu rolled his eyes. Goshki could be a bit of a pain sometimes, at least, in his opinion, but he raised a hand in greeting and Goshki waved back. After all, it wasn't that he disliked Goshki, it was more like Goshki was the little brother of the team, and so naturally, he sometimes got on Shirabu's nerves. Still, there was no doubt that the first year had talent.
He finally entered the gym again causing Semi to glance over. His upperclassman nodded at him and went back to his serving. Semi was a setter too, and a third year, but with the style of Shiratorizawa's current team, the coach thought Shirabu was a better fit for the starting position. Semi had found another way to carve out his place on the court though. The third year had spent countless hours honing his serves, and now was the team's primary pinch server as well as back up setter.
Shirabu shook aside his train of thought and picked up a volleyball from the bin. He headed over to the nearest wall to practice his sets while the third years utilized the court. He spent a couple minutes warming up, setting it against the wall again and again. Soon, some of the other second years started to filter in as the start of practice drew nearer. Shirabu caught the ball he'd been setting up when he saw Taichi Kawanishi heading over. Without a word, Shirabu tossed the ball up again and Taichi passed it back with a nice high arc. Shirabu felt the ball connect briefly with his fingertips before it was sailing back towards Taichi who spiked it right back at him. They continued like that for a bit until the coach showed up and called the team in. Shirabu glanced around, realizing that both the Super Ace and the Guess Monster still hadn't arrived. Even with Tendo's tendency to sleep in, the two were almost never late, Ushiwaka made sure of that.

Thanks for reading, I hope people are enjoying the story. This chapter was originally longer, but it didn't flow quite right, so I cut out the original end and decided to put it in two parts. Shirabu is an interesting character, and unfortunately I tend to overlook him sometimes. I'm glad I finally got to write a chapter from his perspective (plus, he's on the cover so I figured I should get it together).

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