Mr. Dependable

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Reon Ohira was a wing spider and the vice captain of Shiratorizawa's boys volleyball team. He wasn't a flashy player, but he was dependable and good at keeping some of his more eccentric teammates from flying too far off the rail.
The bell rang and Reon stepped out of his classroom and making his way towards the cafeteria to buy lunch. On the way, he ran into Semi Eita and the two joined the line together. Reon glances over to where Ushiwaka already sat, and to his surprise, found that Tendo wasn't there yet. That was a bit odd. Usually the cheerful red-head was out of class as soon as the bell rung, and would have already been holding an animated, one-sided conversation with Ushiwaka about whatever manga he was into or a movie he has recently watched. "Hey," Reon said, turning towards Semi, "where's Tendo?"
Semi shrugged, "How should I know? We're not in the same class." Reon didn't reply, scanning the crowd again. Not seeing his friend, he shrugged too and turned towards the counter to get his food.
A couple minutes later, he and Semi were sitting down at the table with Wakatoshi.
"Have you seen Tendo?" The ace asked as they sat down. Semi looked vaguely annoyed at hearing the question again, and opened his mouth to say something, but Reon answered instead.
"No, not yet, it's weird that he's late." No one replied, and an awkward silence settled between the three of them. No one quite knowing how to continue on the conversation. Usually, Tendo was the one who kept the conversation flowing, happily chattering on about this and that. Usually, Reon just exchanged an amused glance with Semi and half listened, but right now he would have been grateful for the easy prattle. After a moment, the third years turned their attention towards their food, eating in silence.
"Hey Wakatoshi-kun, did you finish that new issue I lent you yet, hmmm?" Reon looked up to see the middle blocker set his tray down on the table and take a seat beside the ace. As usual, Tendo only had a bowl of rice and a small plate of whatever else the cafeteria was serving that day.
"No. I'm still reading it."
"Please tell me you've been reading the actual manga this time!" Tendo sighed dramatically, before starting to pick at his food. A minute later it was effectively forgotten as Tendo launched into an elaborate discussion of the current arc of his favourite Shōnen Jump.
"Hey, Tendo, what held you up on the way here?" Reon heard himself ask. Tendo's smile faded a little, and he scratched the back of his neck in a very un-Tendo-like action.
"Ah, it was nothing, just, you know, classes. Whatcha gonna do." Tendo went back to his conversation with Ushiwaka, but Reon wasn't ready to let it go just yet. Back when they were all first years, he had tutored Tendo for a little bit. Tendo had never been the best at school, he'd always done well enough to pass, but he certainly had no plans to attend college afterwards. Reon remembered how miserable Tendo had looked back then, though he'd always tried hard to hide it. The only time Reon ever remembered seeing him look truly happy was while playing volleyball. Luckily that had all changed, but Tendo has been under so much pressure to be someone he wasn't. It had gotten so bad that Tendo had started coming to class exhausted, having stayed up far too late studying, especially with morning practices added to the mix. His parents had even threatened to make him quit volleyball club. It had gotten better over the years, but Reon wondered if Tendo's parents had started pressuring him a little more again in his third year.
"Need any help with that, Tendo?" He asked.
Tendo paused, surprised, and Reon watched as something like shame crossed his face. Reon wasn't sure why, aside from him, it's not like the rest of heir friends were particularly invested in their schoolwork.
Tendo forced a laugh, "don't-cha worry Reon, just a bad test is all, ya know? You worry too much, hmm?" The red-head's expression said otherwise,but Reon played along.
"Alright, he said, changing the topic. "Ready for practice this afternoon? I think coach has us doing serves again."
"Ugh." Tendo slumped dramatically and Reon tried to keep himself from smiling. Despite all his skills as a blocker, Tendo was not a good server, and the rest of the team wouldn't let him forget it. Especially their coach.
The bell rang again, signalling the end of lunch period. Reon got to his feet and headed towards his next class. He waved at Tendo as he heads off in the opposite direction, and the middle blocker tilted his head and grinned back, before swaggering off down the hall and out of sight.

Sorry, this update is kinda rough, but it's late and I'm tired, so this is as good as its getting. Thanks to everyone who read this far!!!
- lunxpop

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