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Semi Eita was a third year and a setter at Shiratorizawa, but not the team's official one. No, that title belonged to Shirabu, a second year at the school. Another person might be bitter about being replaced by their junior, but Semi didn't mind. He knew exactly why Shirabu had been selected over him. Unlike himself, Shirabu was content to take a backseat and make way for Ushiwaka, the ace, to take the spotlight. Semi, on the other hand, was not. That was why he had begun practicing his serving in greater earnest. On a team like Shiratorizawa, if you weren't Ushiwaka, the only way to stand in the spotlight was to serve. However, that didn't change Semi's position. Official or not, he was still a setter.
It was near the end of practice, and the team had divided into two teams to play a practice match. Semi sent a high toss up, close to the net, but not too close. It sailed perfectly towards the lanky middle blocker in front of him.
"Here! We! Go!!!" Tendo shouted gleefully as he made a fast approach, slamming the ball down on the opposite court. "Victoryyyyy!!" Tendo crowned as Reon dove for the spike, just barely missing it. "Nice toss SemiSemi!"
"I told you not to call me that!" He snapped, though his heart wasn't really in it. It had been a great toss...
Tendo just shrugged cheekily in response and walked over to talk to Ushiwaka, signalling the end of the practice.
Semi stretched out quickly, than gathered up his belongings. He wanted to stop by his dorm room again before classes started. On his way out, however, he stopped to glance over at Tendo, who was still talking animatedly to the ace, the latter saying almost nothing in response. This didn't seem to bother Tendo though. He slung an arm over Ushiwaka's shoulders and gestured up at the stands. Semi followed the motion, and the usual sight greeted him. A bunch of second and third year girls had come out to watch Ushiwaka practice again. Not that the ace would ever have realize if one of his teammates didn't point it out. Whatever else could be said about Ushijima Wakatoshi, he sure was committed to the game.
Semi glanced back over to where Tendo and Ushiwaka stood and smiled slightly. Though he found Tendo a bit, well, strange, he actually liked the guy well enough. His easygoing nature brought the team together, and even managed to make the super ace seem less intimidating and aloof. Sure, he could seem a bit scary, and he definitely loved to tease his teammates, something Semi knew all too well, but Semi couldn't imagine this team without Tendo Satori.

Thanks to everyone who read this far! I've never attempted fan fiction before, so I hope it's going okay. I don't have a concrete plan for this story, so if there's anything you want to see included in this story or if you have any ideas or suggestions, just comment and let me know!

Shiratorizawa - Dorm Daysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن