[Part 1 - 5:00 am]

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Y/N: *wakes up because of really loud music* "Whoever of the boys it is can be prepared for something!" *walks into the kitchen*

TJ: *sits on the kitchen's table, cries, eats ice cream and listens to 'Shout Out To Me Ex' by Little Mix*

Y/N: *a little bit mad* "TJ Hammond... It's 5 in the morning... What are you doing?!" *realises that TJ's crying* "Wait, what's wrong?!"

TJ: *mumbles* "Bad mood..."

Y/N: "Talk to me if you want..."

TJ: "Mhm... Mhmh..."

Lance: *comes in* *a little bit mad* "Hammond, it's 5 in the morning! There are people that want to sleep!

TJ: *cries more*

Y/N: "Lance! Leave him alone!" *death stare*

Lance: "Yes sorry... But he shouldn't cry! I wanted to sleep..."

Y/N: "Oh TJ... You're grown up... Don't cry..."

TJ: *slowly calms down and continues eating his ice cream*

Y/N: "Well if I am awake, I'll make breakfast..."

Lance: "Can you make pancakes? *does puppy eyes*

TJ: "Yes, that would be nice..." *sniffs and does puppy eyes too*

Jack & Chris: *come in*

Jack: "Pancakes?

Chris: *sleepy* "Did someone say pancakes?"

Y/N: "Boys, I won't make pancakes this morning!"

Lance, Chris, Jack & TJ: "Pleeeaaase, Y/N!"

Jefferson: *comes in* "What's going on here?"

Y/N: "They want pancakes..."
Jefferson: "Y/N... Make them pancakes..."

Y/N: "Make pancakes fo those chaotics yourself!"

Chase: *comes in sleepy* "What's it about pancakes?

Jefferson: "Y/N makes pancakes?"

Y/N: "Okay... But I'll make scrambled eggs and bacon too, alright?"

Lance: "And fruit salad?"

Y/N: *nods* "Okay if it has to be... But one of you goes to wake Carter!"

Chris: "What about Bucky?"

Bucky: *comes in* "Morning..."
Y/N: "Morning Bucky! Have you been sleeping well?"

Bucky: "Yes, I have, Y/N... Until someone thought of turning on music..."

Y/N: "But it's at least something! So who goes to wake Carter? Lance?"

Lance: "Why me?"

Y/N: "No discussion, Tucker! You go to wake Carter!"

Lance: *pouts and goes to Carter's room* "Wake up! I am amazed that you aren't awake with this noise! And now get out of bed, Baizen! *throws a pillow at Carter*

Carter: "Leave me alone, Tucker..." *turns around*

Lance: *throws another pillow* "Baizen, come on!"

Carter: *throws a pillow too* "Go away, Tucker!"

Lance: *catches the pillow* "Whatever... No pancakes for you then!" *about to go*

Carter: *suddenly totally awake* "Pancakes?" *gets up and runs past Lance into the kitchen* "There are pancakes?!"

Y/N: "I think so!"

Carter: "Yay!"

Lance: *comes back*

The boys: *sit down and wait for the food*

15 minutes later

Y/N: "Foods ready! *gives the boys their food*

The boys: "Thank you, Y/N!"

Jefferson: *smiles at Y/N*

Y/N: *smiles back*

Everyone eats and is happy again.

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