[Part 15 - Driving, Part 1]

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The next morning after breakfast

Y/N: "So guys, now put the things in the car and off you go!"

The luggage is loaded and a little later everyone is sitting in the car, divided into two cars.

With Y/N, TJ, Jack & Chris

TJ: "Who's driving?"

Chris: "I'm driving! And we won't let you behind the wheel anytime soon, TJ..."

TJ: "Why?"

Y/N: "You know why!"

TJ: "That's not fair!"

Jack: "We just don't want anything to happen to you..."

TJ: "It's good..." *kisses Jack gently*

Jack: *kisses and gets a little more intense*

TJ: *also gets more intense*

Y/N: "Guys, continue your make-out session afterwards!"

TJ: *pulls away from Jack and blushes* "Ehm... Sorry..."

Jack: *blushes too*

With Jefferson, Carter, Bucky, Lance & Chase

Carter: "Why do I have to be in a car with those who have allied against me?! *desperate*

Jefferson: "You still have Bucky and me!"

Bucky: "Exactly!"

Carter: "You guys are sure to ally yourself with the two of them!"

Bucky: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Chase: "Oh, come on, Carter... We didn't mean to disturb you completely! Besides, you could knock!"

Lance: "Where he's right, he's right!" *gives Chase a kiss on the cheek*

Jefferson: *longingly glances past Carter at Bucky*

Bucky: *returns his gaze apologetically and sadly*

Jefferson: *smiles at him understandingly*

Carter: "What are the looks? Why don't I understand?!"

Lance: *turns to the three* "What's going on?"

Bucky: "Nothing..." *looks out the window*

Jefferson: *shrugs*

With Y/N, Jack, TJ & Chris

Jack: "Y/N? I'm hungry!"

TJ: "Me too!"

Chris: *sighs* "We got the two toddlers, I guess."

Y/N: "Yes, with me, they are even the youngest ones!"

TJ & Jack: "What do you mean now?!"

Y / N: "It doesn't matter... What do you want?"

TJ: "Pizza?"

Jack: "Salad?"

Chris: "Okay... I guess we're going to eat... Y/N, give the others a call!"

With Carter, Chase, Lance, Bucky & Jefferson

Carter's cell phone rings.

Carter: *answers and puts on speaker* "Hey!"

Y/N: "Hey! Are you hungry?"

Jefferson, Bucky, Chase, Lance & Carter: "Yes!"

Chris: *laughs* "I guess we're really going to eat something!"

So you go to eat something.

20 minutes later

TJ: "Okay, who goes on with who?"

Y/N: "Chase, Lance, Jack and you, TJ, and Chris, Carter, Jefferson, Bucky and me!"

Chase: "All right!"

Lance: "Should I drive guys?"

TJ: "Why can't I?"

Chase, Lance, Carter, Y/N, Chris, Jack, Bucky & Jefferson: "Because!"

TJ: "It's okay..."

Jack: "I'm driving. End of discussion."

All split up again.

With TJ, Jack, Chase & Lance

TJ: *grabs Jack's hand*

Jack: *looks at him questioningly, but concentrates on driving*

TJ: *smiles at him*

Jack: *smiles and looks back at the street*

Chase: *puts his head on Lance's shoulder*

Lance: *strokes his hair* "Hm?"

Chase: "Hm?" *giggles and kisses him gently*

Lance: *kisses back* "I love you..."

Chase: "I love you too..."

Lance: *strokes him*

Chase: *falls asleep*

Lance: *falls asleep too*

With Y/N, Chris, Bucky, Jefferson & Carter

Carter & Chris: *sleep*

Bucky: *holds Jefferson's hand while sleeping*

Jefferson: *looks sadly out the window and strokes the back of Bucky's hand with his thumb*

Y/N: "Hey Jefferson, are you okay?"

Jefferson: "Hmm? Yes, everything is great!"

Y/N: "Really?"

Jefferson: "Y/N promise me something... Promise me that you won't tell anyone..."

Y/N: "I promise..."

Jefferson: "Bucky and I... We are together..."

Y/N: "I thought of that... You fit together..."

Jefferson: "What? How did you get that?"

Y/N: "You have changed a bit..."

Jefferson: "But please don't say anything... Bucky is scared of telling you everything..."

Y/N: "Okay... I won't say anything..."

With Chase, Lance, TJ and Jack

TJ: *gives Jack a kiss on the cheek* "I love you..."

Jack: "I love you too..."

Chase & Lance: *wake up again*

Chase: *hugs Lance immediately*

Lance: *strokes him gently*

Chase: *smirks and strokes Lance's leg*

Lance: *looks at Chase in panic and hisses* "Stop it!"

Chase: *just smirks more and carries on*

Lance: *moans softly*

TJ: *looks at the two*

Lance: *blushes*

Chase: *smirks dirty and giggles*

TJ: *turns away, shaking his head and calls Y/N*

With Jefferson, Y / N, Bucky, Carter & Chris

Y/N: *gives Jefferson her phone* "Take it! It's TJ!"

Jefferson: *answers* "Hey TJ! Y/N is driving and the rest are asleep, that's why it's me!"

TJ: "Hey Jefferson! I think we have to make another stopover!" *softly so that Chase & Lance can't hear him* "Lance just needs to be rescued from a dirty Chase... Before the two do it right now, I don't want to share Carter's experience!"

Jefferson: "Oh... Okay!"

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