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Pairings: Adam Cole x OC Nurse

Featuring: Y/n, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Mr. Williams Daughter.

Summary: Adam is at a loss with the case, and y/n wakes up.

Warnings: not much, Adam being a douche, police stuff, errors I missed.

w/c: 634

It's been two weeks since they found a bloody and bruised woman in Mr. William's barn.

Adam exhausted all leads. The blood they found wasn't human, it was animal blood.

Adam tapped his fingers impatiently on his desk. Looking at the results from the blood they found two weeks ago. He put the piece of paper down. Letting out a frustrated groan.

"How about we get a warrant or something so we can get her blood?" Roddy suggested. Looking up from the PC screen.

"I have a better idea, we wake her up, grill her till she breaks," Adam suggested. Making Roddy look at him with concern.

"Are you sure?" Roddy asked. Voice laced with concern.

"Unless you want an innocent man wrongly accused, we have no other choice, plus I think it's time for her to wake up, I'm sure she would remember now, she's been in a coma for two weeks,"

"How do you know she will remain; they say she has had brain trauma," Roddy spoke.

"Because it is our only option," Adam grumbled. Getting up and grabbing his coat. Roddy let out a sigh. Getting up and following Adam...


Kyle smiled at the barista as she handed him a water bottle and a sandwich he ordered. He turned around, only to bump into a woman.

"Sorry," Kyle apologized. Giving her a small smile. His smile dropped as he realized who it was. It was Mr. Williams, daughter.

"You should be, because of you everyone in this town thinks my father hurt that woman, that he held her hostage, that he tortured her," She growled out. Tears collecting in her eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. Or if she, did it must have been a few hours. She had dark circles underneath her eyes.

"Well, what else was I supposed to think, she was injured," Kyle snapped.

"Are you just being petty because I broke up with you?" She growled out. Through clenched teeth.

"That has nothing to do with it," Kyle snapped. Glaring at her.

"Well, I hope you are proud of yourself, my father literally had a heart attack," She snapped. Spinning on her heel and walking away...


Adam walked into the hospital. Looking around the hospital in search of Connor. Adam walked over to the nurse's station. Smirking as he saw it was the nurse that always flirts with him. Roddy followed behind him.

"Where's Doctor Rhodes?" Adam asked her.

"In surgery why?" She asked. Batting her eyelashes.

"No reason," Adam smirked. Giving her a charming smile before turning around and walking to the unknown woman's room.

Adam looked around before entering the room. Seeing if the coast was clear. Roddy followed behind him feeling slightly unsure if they should do this. He tried to talk Adam out of it on the way to the hospital, but Adam didn't listen.

Adam took out a needle, with a liquid substance.

"Where did you get that from?" Roddy asked. Eyes widen in shock.

"A friend," Adam responded. Walking over to you. He took the cap off the needle. Putting the needle into your cannula.

Adam smirked as he put the liquid substance into you. Roddy felt his heart rate quicken. Gulping as he felt like this was all a bad idea.

Your eyes opened wide. Looking around the room to see two male figures looking at you. You saw two figures standing there. Eyes widen in fear as you saw a police badge on their uniforms. Your mind quickly flashed to the nightmares you were having. The guy who beat you up had a badge. The sound of the machine monitor beeped loudly and rapidly. Roddy felt worried thinking it was the liquid substance that was affecting you. Maybe you were having an allergic reaction...

𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮 ❪𝐎𝐂/𝐖𝐖𝐄❫✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora