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Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Reader

Featuring: Y/n, Connor Rhodes

Summary: Y/n and Connor reconnect but is it too much for Connor.

Warnings: fluff, flashbacks, light angst, kissing, medical themes, errors I missed.

w/c: 2654

A/N: flashbacks are in bold italics, FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!

After hours of CAT scans, MRI scans, CT scans, an echo, blood testes among other tests, among other tests, you were grateful that you didn't have to take anymore. All you had to do was wait for the results.

Connor walked into the room with a huge smile on his face. Holding a bunch of clothes in his hands. you quirked an eyebrow.

"I got the results back, and you are in the clear, there were a few things that were a bit concerning but as long as you get psychotherapy to gain some of your memory back," Connor spoke. As you smiled brightly at him. You sat up.

"Finally," You beamed.

"I got a nurse to get you some clothes to change into, I got Rhys to buy some for you," Connor spoke.

"Oh," You spoke. Having no idea who Rhys was.

"He is one of the nurses who work here, and my friend," Connor spoke. Connor placed the clothes on the bed. As you pushed the blanket back.

Connor's hand rested on your lower back as you tried to get up. Connor assisted you.

He felt panic rise inside of him as you wobbled a bit. Your hand grabbed his arm for balance.

"Are you going to help me change?" You joked. Making Connor's face turn red. He awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Do you need help? Because I can get a nurse to help you," Connor spoke.

"I'll be fine," You responded. Giving him a small smile.

Connor arched his eyebrow at you. Looking at where your hand was holding his arm for support.

You quickly took your hand away from his arm. Feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Alright, I will go get my stuff, then come back," Connor spoke. Giving you one last longing glance, before walking out of your room.

You slowly took small steps towards the clothes. Slowly undoing the hospital gown. You cautiously put the clothes on that Connor gave you.

Just as you put the sweater on there was a knock at the door. Making you turn around.

"Come in," You called out. Connor walked into the room. An amused smile gracing his lips as he held onto the strap. Keeping it from slipping. He was dressed in dark jeans, a top, and a black leather jacket. You quickly adverted your eyes back to his.

"Don't laugh, It's not my fault I have a sling," You spoke in a pouty tone. Pouting at him. Connor let out a laugh. Walking closer to you.

"I'm not, I just think you look adorable, I discharged you while I was waiting for you to get changed," Connor spoke.

"What would I do without you," You jokingly spoke.

Not get beaten up by your toxic abusive ex-boyfriend, Connor thought to himself. He wanted to say that, but instead, he said something else.

"You ready to go?" Connor asked. Making you nod enthusiastically. He quickly walked to the door opening it for you.

You quickly walked towards him.

𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮 ❪𝐎𝐂/𝐖𝐖𝐄❫✔Where stories live. Discover now