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Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Reader, Adam Cole x Nurse

Featuring: Y/n, Connor Rhodes, Adam Cole, Nurse, Will Halstead [mentioned], Jay Halstead [mentioned], Roman Reigns [ mentioned], y/n's ex-boyfriend [mentioned]

Summary: Y/n learns more about herself from Connor, and Adam gets desperate.

Warnings: fluff, light angst, deceit, hospital themes, police themes, errors I missed.


A/N: please leave votes/comments! FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!

You looked at Connor in shock. Your brain processing the words Connor spoke. Connor looked at you with a worried expression. While you looked down at the sheets.

You looked up at him. Parting your lips.

"Tell me more," You gasped out. Heart beating faster.

Connor let out a sigh. Inching closer to you.

"You are from Chicago," Connor started to say. Smiling slightly.

"You have two brothers, Will and Jay. Jay is actually your twin," Connor told you.

"Twin? I'm a twin," You gasped out in disbelief. Making Connor smile.

"Not identical though," Connor chuckled. As a small smile graced your lips.

"You did have a boyfriend, but you dumped him, then got together with another man, which no one knows what he looks like, other than his name, which is Roman," Connor spoke again.

"Oh, do you think he did this to me?" You asked. Heart plummeting as you waited for his response.

Connor let out a sigh. Casting his eyes down. his thumb absently caressing his thumb across the tattoo on your wrist. your eyes traveled down to where his thumb was. Sparks igniting in your body at his touch.

" I think he did, I wouldn't put it past him," Connor finally spoke. Looking up at you. making your breath hitch.

"But the guy I saw in my dreams had a badge," You gasped out.

"Yeah, your ex was a cop, wait you had dreams about what happened to you?" Connor spoke.

"Yeah," You spoke quietly. Connor looked at you with concerned eyes.

"Your brother is a detective, didn't like your ex-boyfriend, thought he was a corrupt cop," Connor told you.

"Will or Jay?" You asked.

"Jay, Will is a doctor, and well you are a nurse, Will also hated your ex as well," Connor replied. As you looked at him. Hanging on his every word.

You didn't want to hear more about your abusive ex, so you changed the subject.

"What about us? How do we know each other?" You asked. This question seemed to throw Connor off guard. He looked at you with wide eyes. A shocked expression on his face. You raised your eyebrow at him. Wanting to know why he had that reaction.

It made you want to know the answer even more. Obliviously something went down between the two of you. Since he got nervous under your gaze. He looked away, delaying his response.

"I didn't ask how you are feeling?" Connor asked. Avoiding your question by asking a question of his own.

This made you want to know even more.

"I'm fine, but you didn't answer my question," You spoke.

Connor ignored the last word you spoke. Taking his stethoscope from around his neck. He put the earplugs in his ear. Grabbing hold of the bell. Bringing it towards your chest. You grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Connor's breath hitched at the contact of your skin on his.

He took a deep breath before speaking. Avoiding eye contact.

"We were friends... best friends," Connor spoke. You gave him a confused look at how he was reacting. And how long it took him to reply.

You opened your mouth to speak, but Connor beat you to it.

"It's complicated, we are best friends, but we had a friend with benefits kind of relationship as well, then it went downhill, then I left," Connor spoke. Still avoiding your gaze. He looked sad.

"Because of me?" You asked. Voice-breaking. This made Connor finally look at you.

"No," He responded.

"It wasn't your fault, I didn't leave because of you," Connor spoke again. Grabbing a hold of your hand. Both of you gazing into each other's eyes.

Just as you were about to speak the door opened. Making Connor get up. He stood up. Looking professional, as the nurse made her way into your room.

She arched her eyebrow at Connor.

"Just checking on our mystery patient," Connor spoke.

"Your up," She spoke. Directing her gaze at you, then back at Connor when he spoke.

"No thanks to Cole," Connor grumbled. The nurse gave a forced smile. You could tell it didn't reach her eyes.

"Doctor Cooper wants you for a consultant on one of his cases," She spoke. Giving Connor a fake smile. Connor looked annoyed. He gave her a fake smile too. Before looking at you. Giving you a genuine smile. You could sense the tension between them.

"I'll see you later," He spoke. Giving you a sincere smile, before walking out of the room.

"So... what were Doctor Rhodes and you talking about?" She asked.

'Not much, just asked if I could remember what my name was as well as if I could remember what happened to me?" You spoke. Lying to her. As she checked in on you.

"He seemed pretty close," She spoke.

"He was just checking in on me," You spoke. Making her give you a fake smile.

"Okay, I'll check in on you later," She responded. Giving you another fake smile, as she exited the room.

She quickly walked over to the nurse's station. Taking out her phone. Unlocking her phone. She quickly went into the messaging app. Pressing the conversation she had with Adam.

No budge. Though Connor and she seem pretty close She sent to him...

Adam gripped his phone tighter as he reread the message over again. He let out a grunt of annoyance. He was about to reply when the door to his office opened. Mr. Williams Daughter storming in. Roddy trailing behind her. Adam gave her a forced smile. Adam placed his phone on his desk.

"How can I help you?" Adam asked.

"Of course you are just sitting there doing nothing, you should be grilling that woman," She snapped. Fists clenched.

"The truth will come out, we are doing everything we can, " Roddy reassured her. But she just turned around to face him. giving him a deadly glare.

"My dad isn't a kidnapper or abuser," She snapped. Storming out of the office.

Adam picked up his phone. Typing a message furiously.

Spy on them. Listen in on their conversations, report back to me.

Adam smirked as he sent the message. He would find out who that woman was...

𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮 ❪𝐎𝐂/𝐖𝐖𝐄❫✔Where stories live. Discover now