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Pairings: Kyle O'Reilly x Reader

Featuring, Y/n, Connor Rhodes [mentioned], Kyle O'Reilly, Aurella [OC], Norah Williams [OC], Jey Uso, Austin Smith [OC] [mentioned]

Summary: Y/n slightly remembers what happened to her and tries to apologize to Norah. Kyle sees y/n again.

Warnings: Fluff, angst, fight, memory, blood, errors I missed.

w/c: 1026

A/N: if your name is Aurella just use an alternative name.

You stared at the painting that was hanging in the psychotherapy waiting room. Waiting for your appointment. Technically it was CBT- Cognitive behavioral therapy, at least that's what Connor told you last night. You were surprised he told you that. He has been acting weird and distant ever since you kissed him.

A woman who looked like she was in her late forties came out of the room. Then another middle-aged woman came out of the room as well. She gave you a warm welcoming smile.

"Come in, my name is Aurella," She spoke.

You quickly got up. Walking into the room and sitting on the chair. Aurella shut the door. Walking over to the chair in front of you. She sat down.

"So, you've been through a lot, and since you suffered a brain injury and a head trauma. Your brain had repressed your memory. I'm here to help you regain some of those memories, like your name, life before coming here, and only if you want to what happened to you that lead you to have such this massive trauma," She spoke in a comforting voice. You nodded your head. Giving her a small smile.

"First we are going to start small, we are going to start with your name," She spoke.

"Lay down, and close your eyes," She told you. You did as she told you to do.

"Now relax," She spoke again. You heard paper moving.

"I want you to picture something that makes you feel calm," She spoke. Looking at your body language.

You tried to relax, but your vision just showed black.

"Some people picture the beach or lying in a field of flowers looking up at the sky," Aurella spoke.

Your vision slowly picturing the field of flowers. Strolling through the field of flowers, you hear someone call out your name.

"What name do you hear?" She asked.

Your mind pictured you wandering in a field of flowers. A voice saying y/n. you turned around to see a guy with an evil smirk. Your heart racing. You looked down to see blood. You could smell the metallic smell of blood.

Your eyes shot open. Breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Aurella asked you. Looking at you with a concerned look.

"Y/n, that's what I heard," You told her. Leaving out the part of the guy you saw and the blood.

"Okay," She spoke. Writing notes down in the book she was holding. She looked back up at you. Giving you a warm smile. As she noticed you looked uncomfortable.

"I'll see you next week," She spoke. Standing up.

"It was lovely meeting you," Aurella spoke. As you got up. She assisted you to the door. Opening the door for you.

"You two," You responded.

"Take care," She spoke. As you walked out the door. Giving her a small smile. You walked over to the receptionist. She looked up.

"I have you booked for the same time and day next week. No need to pay Connor, I mean Dr. Rhodes paid for it," She spoke.

"Thanks," You spoke. You turned around to walk out of the room, as well as the hospital. Walking through the town.

You saw the flower shop. Your eyes darted around, as you thought whether to talk to Norah. You decided to talk. After that image, you saw you had to tell her. Maybe she would hate you less.

You took a deep breath. Walking over to the flower shop. As you entered the flower shop. The door chimed. Anxiety bubbled up inside of you.

Norah looked up. Her warm welcoming smile disappeared as she realized it was you. She looked angry.

"Norah..." You started to say. But she cut you off.

"How do you know my name?" She snapped out. Your heart quickened.

'From yesterday," You gulped out.

"Oh, right, why are you here? What do you want?" She snapped out. Fury in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, for what you are going through, people accusing your father of hurting me, I know he didn't do it," You spoke in a soft voice.

"Then tell the cops," She growled out.

"It's complicated," You sighed. She let out an annoyed huff.

Neither Norah nor you noticing someone was listening. Hiding behind the back room. That person happened to be Jey Uso.

Jey's eyes widened in shock. Mouth a gap. You were alive. He felt a small bit of relief. He had to tell Roman.

'You know what you can do, go away, everything was fine till you showed up," Norah snapped.

"I'm sorry," You gasped out. Feeling tears prick your eyes.

"Why don't you do everyone in this town a favor and disappear again, this time show up in a town not covered in blood," She snapped. Storming off.

You let out a heavy sigh. Turning around and walking out the door.

Feeling deflated. You walked down the streets. looking down at your feet.

"Hey," You heard a familiar voice call out to you. You looked up to see Kyle coming towards you.

"Hey Kyle," You greeted him.

"How are you doing?" Kyle asked.

"Alright, how about you?" You replied.

"Same, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again, on Saturday, have some coffee and lunch, at the same coffee shop, only if you want to," Kyle suggested in a nervous tone.

"Sure," You replied. Making Kyle smile brightly. You smiled at him.

He took out a piece of paper. Handing it to you. You arched an eyebrow. Seeing numbers on it.

"It's my phone number," He spoke.

"Oh, thank you, I don't have a phone, but I will definitely see you on Saturday, what time?" You asked.

"A bit after eleven," Kyle responded.

Another voice called out Kyle's name. Making Kyle turn his attention towards the person who called his name.

Kyle looked back at you. Giving you a warm smile.

"I have to go, I'll see you on Saturday, take care," Kyle spoke. Giving you a warm smile.

He took off running towards his friend and co-worker Bobby. Leaving you to stare at the piece of paper that had his phone number on it...


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