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Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Reader, Kyle O'Reilly x Reader, Norah Williams x Kyle O'Reilly.

Featuring: Y/n, Connor Rhodes, Kyle O'Reilly, Norah Williams

Summary: Kyle and Y/n get to know each other, but Connor is jealous.

Warnings: fluff, angst, errors I missed.

w/c: 1130

A/N: if your name is Norah just use a default name.

You let out a heavy sigh as you heard the front door of his apartment close softly.

Carefully pulling the blanket and sheet off your body. Getting up. You walked to the bathroom. Stripping your clothes off. Turning the bathroom taps on. Putting the plug in. filling the bathtub up with warm water, as well as putting shower gel in the water.

You grabbed a washcloth. Stepping inside the water. Cleaning yourself off. Once you finished cleaning yourself, you got out. Pulling the plug out. The water going down the drain. You wrapped the towel around you. Drying yourself off. Then wrapped the towel around you again. You quickly went over to the basin. Brushing your teeth, then cleaning your tongue.

Once you finished cleaning your teeth, you walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Walking over to the tallboy. Opening the draw, that seemed to have your clothes. It hurt your heart that he kept your clothes, yet he doesn't want to kiss you. You grabbed a pair of panties. Dropping the towel. You put them on with great difficulty. As well as the rest of the clothes. The jeans were the worst.

You let out a sigh of relief. Walking out of the guest bedroom. You saw a note on the kitchen island counter. Walking over to the counter. Reading the words on the note. Your psychotherapy appointment is tomorrow at 11 am.

You let out a sigh, dropping the piece of paper. He could have just told you that in person and not left it on a note. You needed air. But you didn't have the keys to the place. You thought about it for a second before deciding to leave. It was the last unit on the top floor, and you could just wait by the door anyways.

You left his apartment. Closing the door. Walking towards the elevator. You pressed a button. Making the elevator make a noise as it went up to the top floor. Doors opening. You quickly rushed into the elevator. You pressed the lobby button. The doors slide closed. The elevator descended, till it reached the lobby. Making a chiming sound. The doors sliding open. You quickly exited. Sidestepping a woman, as she got into the elevator. You felt a little self-conscious as some people in the lobby stared at you. You felt a little relieved as you exited the apartment complex. You looked back at the building to see a name, but it had no name.

"Great," You muttered to yourself. You hoped you didn't get lost.

A cool hitting your face. You slowly walked down the sidewalk. Taking in the buildings and stores.

You weren't really watching where you were going. Running into a woman and a stand of flowers. The flowers cluttering to the floor. The woman cursed.

You got up. Helping her out. The best you could.

"I'm sorry," You apologized profusely. The woman took a good look at you before letting out an annoyed huff. Making you grumble.

"Course it's you. Haven't you done enough?" She snapped. You looked at her confused. Feeling slightly hurt by her words.

You were about to speak when you heard a familiar voice.

"Seriously, Norah, you don't have to be a bitch, it's not like she purposely set out to wreck your flowers," Kyle snapped. Making Norah look at him. Clenching her jaw. Eyes narrowing into slits. You could tell something happened between the two of them.

"Of course, you would defend her, my father isn't an abuser, he didn't do this to her," She growled out. Storming into the flower shop.

"She hates me," You sighed. Kyle moved to stand in front of you.

"Don't worry about her, do you want to go get coffee?" Kyle asked. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"On a date?" You asked. Arching an eyebrow. This simple gesture made Kyle's heart race,

"Just as a get-to-know basis?" Kyle responded. Making you give him a small smile.

"Aren't you working?" You asked.

"My shift isn't until later on," He spoke. Making you smile.

"Okay," You agreed. Kyle flashed you a smile.

Both of you walked towards a small coffee shop. Taking a seat on one of the outdoor chairs.

"Say if it was a date would you say yes?" Kyle asked. Making you look at him in surprise.

"Well....I mean....I could be in a relationship or married," You gasped out.

Kyle looked at your left hand. Seeing no ring occupied it.

"I don't see a ring on your finger," He replied cheekily. Making you let out a tiny chuckle.

"True... could have slipped off," You spoke. Making Kyle frown. Before he smiled again. He was about to speak when a waitress came up to the table. Handing Kyle and you a menu each. Kyle and you smiled at her.

"Thank you," Kyle and you both spoke at the same time.

Both of you looked at the menu, then ordered. The waitress wrote down Kyle's order as well as yours. Taking the menus from Kyle and you. Telling the two of you that the coffees should be out soon. Then left to go inside the coffee shop

"So... what's up WITH Norah and you? I mean I get she hates me because of that whole thing with her father, but I feel like there was something more, I felt tension?" You asked. Kyle let out a heavy sigh.

'She is my ex, long story short, it was a horrible relationship," Kyle explained. You gave him a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry," You spoke.

"It's not your fault, we were young and stupid," Kyle sighed.

The waitress came back with two cups of coffee. Placing them down on the table in front of Kyle and you.

Kyle and you thanked her. Taking a sip of coffee.

"Y/n," Connor gasped out frantically. Making you turn around. You gave him a slight smile. He looked frantic. Eyes full of worry. Hair was disheveled.

"I've been looking for you," Connor gasped out. While Kyle raised his eyebrow. What has Connor your keeper?

Connor felt intense amounts of jealousy when he saw Kyle and you sipping coffee.

He knew he had no right to get jealous since he rejected your advances last night. But it was only because he wanted you to remember him. Remember what the two of you shared before he goes down that road again or tries something.

You quickly finished your coffee. Giving Kyle an apologetic smile. You got up.

"I'll see you around," You spoke. Giving him a soft smile. You turned around. Walking over to Connor.

Connor and you walked away. Leaving jealousy to boil in Kyle's veins. He felt so crushed as he watched you walk off with Connor....


𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮 ❪𝐎𝐂/𝐖𝐖𝐄❫✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя