40. ...Unravels a Tapestry

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Well, this was a hard chapter to write. Not sure what happened, but I think it turned out well. Certainly nothing to complain about.

Hopefully you all enjoy it!

The world came back to Karkat in bits and pieces, and then all at once. It took him only a few moments to come back to consciousness, the bright lights and the cold bringing him to as he slowly sat up. The memories, however, arrived immediately.

"Frostbite?" Karkat shakily got back on his feet, looking around the room frantically. He could see the passed-out mass of white fur not far away from. "Frostbite! Jesus Christ, get up man!"

The halfa didn't waste any time moving toward the shifting pile of fur, grabbing on of the yeti's arms and pulling him up. Frostbite looked just as dazed as he did, stumbling as he finally got back onto his. Calliope, shaken but unharmed, was quick to clasp onto her father's leg.

"Well. I can easily say that out of thousands of possibilities, I didn't expect a human to infiltrate this place." Frostbite chuckled, reaching down to pat his kid's heads. He was met with empty air for one of them, causing him to go rigid. "Where's Caliborn? Did he-"

"Yeah, and I have no idea what Doc Scratch wants to do with him, but I'd suggest finding him as soon as possible." Karkat looked around, trying to figure out which way they were. "Do you have anywhere we can drop of Calliope? Someplace to keep her safe?"

"Yes, but did you just say you knew that man?" Frostbite seemed to still be waking up from his sudden bout of unconsciousness, but he seemed to be getting his faculties back. "And how did he get one of the Eyes of English?"

"Doc Scratch tried to let Fright Knight out of his coffin, and he was at a demonstration of a human opening a ghost portal." Karkat raised his hand, cutting off any further questions that he was definitely planning on answering later. "I'll explain when we have the time. Is there a safe place we can drop off Calliope?"

"I- you- Fine. I'll call someone down. The raider situation should be handled. Something tells me it was a distraction anyway." Frostbite grabbed at a walkie-talkie on his belt before looking down at his daughter. "Will you be okay until I come back?"

Calliope didn't say anything but nodded. Karkat figured she'd be fine if Roxy sticking close to the girl with obvious worry was any indication. Frostbite just nodded, turning on the walkie-talkie and giving out some orders.

Someone was able to get down quickly and take Calliope up to a different location with other armed guards. The raider situation was still ongoing, but it was obvious it wasn't a serious attack. Karkat's friends were wrapping things up and helping get any caught raiders into a safe place.

Karkat had decided to make himself useful by using the Red String ability he had, focusing on Frostbite's bond with Caliborn. It gave a good trail to follow behind and Karkat figured that it wouldn't take long to find Scratch and the boy at all.

However, that did leave them both alone, and the yeti ghost obviously wanting some answers. Karkat wasn't entirely sure what to tell him.

"What exactly do mean about a human opening a ghost portal?" Frostbite seemed to still trust him, despite the fact most people would have some suspicions by now. "I wasn't aware that had occurred. Usually something like that would catch attention."

"Yes, and trust me, I've got a handle on it. As long as some ghosts don't go around causing havoc on the other side, it's all good." Karkat was still trying to figure out what a respectable human scientist was doing ghost crime for. "Doc Scratch was at a demonstration held by da- Doctor Spades Slick, the inventor. He did take a brief space walk and saw a building floating in here, but that's it as far as I know."

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