10. Killer Garage Sale

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Hello everyone! Glad to see you're still reading this and I hope you're enjoying yourselves. It's been a good week for writing so far and I hope this chapter is up to par!

You've probably noticed by now that some of the episodes or plots from the show are being switched around or combined in some way, which is on purpose. While I'm keeping the narrative loose, I am manipulating it so certain beats I want to fulfill are there. If any of you like, I can upload the file of the current "schedule" for episodes I have. I might not just so you guys can be surprised, but you can give me your opinion first if you do want to know.

Either way, enjoy the chapter and I hope to hear from you all soon!

The ticking of the clock was starting to get annoying in Karkat's opinion. He could honestly say that he never visited the counselor's office before, but it was quickly becoming his least favorite place.

The smell of hand sanitizer, the old self-help magazines piled up on a side table, and the absolute chill in the air made things nigh unbearable. He'd never really been here before, but he wondered if it was always like this before new management came along.

He almost welcomed the sound of the door opening behind him if it wasn't for the fact that meant he'd have to start talking.

"Ah, it looks like you're already here." A pleasant-sounding female voice said. He felt a chill go down his spine as she passed, a surprising amount of blue entering his vision.

Karkat looked over the new counselor, surprised to see such a young face in the position. Blonde hair that hung down as far her shoulders, a blue, long-sleeved dress that resembled a librarian's ensemble, red heels, and black pointed glasses accentuated her looks. She looked pretty professional for someone that couldn't have been much older than Sollux's brother.

"I suppose introductions are in order." The woman made a move to seat herself in the chair behind the desk, a demure smile on her face. "I am Aranea Serket. I've been asked to counsel you and your fellow students. Do you have an idea why?"

"No idea. Can't be the fact that we had the school almost blow up and somebody nearly set fire to the zoo while on a field trip. I can't imagine that would make some people concerned at all." Karkat didn't exactly know why he was being sarcastic right now, but he couldn't help himself.

Aranea sighed, opening up a file that she put on her desk. "I suppose I set myself up for that one." She looked over some details on the file, reading some of them allowed. "Karkat Vantas, son of Spades Slick. About seventeen years-old, no criminal history, and generally a good student."

"They also count how many times I swear a day in that thing?" Karkat raised an eyebrow. Already looking through his personal records. That's not alarming at all.

"Other than saying 'a lot,' it doesn't say much on that." Aranea closed the file, folding her hands in front of herself. "However, I'd like to hear more about yourself first, primarily from your own mouth."

Karkat shrugged, looking away from her for the briefest second. "Not much to say, honestly. I'm not exactly the most interesting guy in town, if you're wondering."

"I suppose that title would go to your father, correct?" Karkat narrowed his eyes at that, watching as Aranea reopened the file. "It seems like he has quite the reputation around here. Most of it the infamous variety, considering how as a scientist, his experiments often go wrong."

Karkat sighed, rolling his eyes at this. "Of course." He whispered. He felt the urge to put his feet on the table but decided not to. "It's not my fault dad's experiments go wrong all the time."

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