Ch. 2

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"I'm not doing this." He mumbled to himself as he paced his whole house. "I can't get dragged into whatever the hell they're doing now. I just can't. Not again."

To say Izuku was at a moral crossroads would be an understatement.

"No way, no way, no way." He nearly screamed as he threw the letter on his couch. "Why now?! Why after all these years?"

"I can't believe them. Trying to waltz right back into my life when they need help. I mourned for them! I mean I knew they weren't dead, but they might as well have been, for all the good they did me. Ugh! This is ridiculous, why am I even entertaining the idea of helping them? They don't deserve it. Not after what they did."

"Not now."

"Not ever."

So Izuku threw the letter and the chips right into his trash, deciding to ignore the order and continue his life.

He couldn't help himself from going back to the trash an hour later, grabbing the letter and chips. He hid them safely in his bedroom.

Just in case.


"So these two guys just called you up after years to ask for your help?" Uraraka asked with a confused look as she restocked a shelf up front.

Of course Izuku told her as soon as he got to work that morning, she was his best friend after all. He told her everything.

Well maybe not everything. He kept a few details out, like what exactly they wanted his help with.

"They didn't even call, they wrote me a letter. I can't even be sure it's them!" He complained, handing her another book.

Uraraka nodded, understanding his frustration with the situation. "That's fucked."

Izuku just hummed in agreement. He could have gone the rest of his life without hearing from the two.


He should have seen this coming. He should have known they wouldn't have gone to him if he wasn't a last resort. They wouldn't have involved him unless it was urgent and he was the last person they could trust.

One second he was stocking shelves with Uraraka, the next the windows were shattering, the sound of gunshots ringing out, screams coming from the streets and his best friend.

Izuku wasn't sure how, but it was like his brain went on autopilot. Everything they had ever taught him came rushing back, no matter how sure he was he banished all the memories from his mind.

Uraraka was screaming, kneeling on the ground next to him. They were both behind a bookshelf, relatively safe for the time being, but Izuku knew that whoever was trying to kill them wouldn't stop until they were sure. They would come into the shop.

They needed to get out, and fast.

He grabbed Uraraka's wrist, signaling to her that she needed to keep quiet. She looked absolutely terrified, but she trusted Izuku.

They crawled behind the desk, the gunshots not ceasing. There was a 'Employee Only' door that led to a back room. There wasn't another exit besides the one up front, but there was a decent sized window.

Izuku went straight to that window. "Fuck, this is gonna hurt." He mumbled, right before ramming his elbow through the glass.

Uraraka let out a small wip, but Izuku held a hand over her mouth. "Ura, I need you to be silent. If they know where we are, they'll come in."

Her eyes were misty as she nodded. The poor girl had no idea what was happening, but Izuku seemed to know. What had her best friend been keeping from her all this time?

Izuku used the sleeve of his coat to brush off any glass that was left over, motioning for Uraraka to come closer.

"Where's your car?" He asked as he helped her out the window, jumping over it himself after.

"Back lot." was all she managed to whisper, her voice hoarse from screaming.

He held his hand out to her. "Keys?"

Her eyes widened in realization and horror. "There behind the desk."

Izuku shook his head, placing his hands on her shoulders. "That's okay, don't worry. Just take me to your car, okay?"

She mutely nodded, leading the way at a run. The gun fire had stopped, so they only had a few minutes before whoever it was realized they were gone.

"It's locked." Uraraka said softly, motioning to her car.

Izuku didn't seem phased, breaking the driver side window with his elbow again. "Fuck, I'm not used to that." He hissed, a dull throb coming from his surely bruised elbow.

"Get in."


Uraraka had learned a lot about Izuku in the past tenish minutes. He had no problem breaking windows with his elbow, he could hotwire a car, and the man was apparently a professional stunt driver.

"Where did you learn to drive like this?" She managed to ask through her shock and fear.

Izuku nervously chuckled as he weaved through cars, took turns too sharply, and continuously checked the rearview mirror. "Remember those two friends I was telling you about? Yeah, well I might have left out a few details."

Uraraka just turned her wide eyes back to the road in front of them. She wasn't sure what to even say now. Instead, she just kept her mouth shut and let Izuku get them away from danger.

At least that's what she thought he was doing.

Until they pulled up to his apartment building, coming to a screeching stop.

"Get out." Izuku instructed, already halfway out of the car.

She followed his lead, but voiced her concerns. "If they're after you and they know where you worked, they're going to know where you live! Why'd we come here?"

"It's safest, and I need to grab a few things before we can run." He explained simply.

Uraraka shook her head, but jogged after him. They went up the stairs, quickly making their way into Izuku's apartment.

"Okay you asshats, you're more paranoid than me, so I know for damn sure you have my place bugged. You wouldn't drop something as important as this without taking precautions. Help would be greatly appreciated right about now." Izuku said in a sickly sweet voice as he rummaged through his drawers.

He grabbed something Uraraka couldn't exactly see, shoving it into a duffle bag, along with a few changes of clothes, a huge wad of cash, and a...

Holy shit Izuku had a gun.

"Why do you have that?!" Uraraka screeched, her heart beating a million miles a minute.

Izuku just looked at her in faint shock that she still had it in her to ask questions. "Because I'm paranoid."

He walked past her at a brisk pace, grabbing a set of keys off the counter.

"You own a car?" She asked. He had always walked or gotten a ride from her, she'd never seen him drive until today.


"We're taking yours?"



"With any luck, hopefully it'll be bugged too."

hey guys!!

plz this book is so much fun to write. expect frequent updates dudes.

anyways, i hope you guys have a good day!🤍❤️💚🧡

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