Ch. 5

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"Can we at least know where we're going?" Izuku mumbled to the car.

They had been driving for nearly two days straight now. They've made a couple of stops at gas stations, but other than that it was constant driving.

Uraraka shifted her head so it was leaning on the side of her seat closest to Izuku. "It's weird that they can just hear everything we say."

He couldn't help but agree with her. "Weird and creepy."

"That too." She said with an affirmative nod.

The car finally pulled off the main road they had been traveling down, instead heading for back roads. They traveled for a little while longer, couldn't have been longer than an hour when they reached what the gps said was their final destination.

"A run down farm?" Uraraka asked with a raised brow. "This is what we've been driving for two days straight to reach?"

Izuku shrugged, not knowing any more than her. "I guess."

The two exited the car, Izuku grabbing his duffle bag and holding it over his shoulder. He had reloaded his gun and placed it in his waistband. Just because Katsuki and Shoto thought the house was safe didn't mean it actually was.

He didn't trust anything anymore, not after Iida.

Uraraka followed his lead, staying a step behind him as they walked up the front steps of the rickety house. She didn't know what could be waiting for them inside.

To both their surprise and relief, the house seemed to be empty. It was dusty, but otherwise uncluttered and organized. It was.... Clean, but seemed to be unlived in.

"Well this is spooky." Uraraka whispered to Izuku as they cautiously walked into the house.

It was quiet, empty, and well off the beaten path. Realistically, it would be the perfect place to lay low.

Izuku nodded in agreement, grabbing his gun. Yeah, call him paranoid, but something about this just didn't sit right with him.

The movement didn't go unnoticed by the brunette, who grabbed the back of his shirt tightly, terrified of being separated from her friend and, really, her only source of protection.

"We're gonna look through the house and make sure we're the only ones here, okay?" He said to her in a soft voice. He knew she must have been panicking, so he wanted to try and ease her worries, at least a little.

Uraraka gave a nod, signaling she understood.

The two of them started to slowly and silently walk through the living room, heading for the hallway. There were three doors lining the space and a staircase at the end of the hall.

They carefully checked each of the three rooms, finding a kitchen, bathroom, and what looked like a sunroom, but no one else.

"Ready to head upstairs?" Izuku asked Uraraka, his voice quiet.

She nodded.

The stairs didn't creak under them as they walked, which was surprising considering how old and rundown the house seemed to be. It was off putting.

Once upstairs, they were faced with another set of doors, this time only two.

And if the scuff they heard coming from the one on the left was anything to go by, these weren't empty.

Uraraka's breath hitched at the noise, her grip on Izuku tightening.

There was someone else in the house. They weren't alone. They weren't safe.

Izuku held a finger to his lips, a signal for her to keep quiet as he slowly approached the door, gun raised. He kept it up as he carefully turned the handle of the door and threw it open.

His gun was instantly locked onto the figures in the room, daring them to make a wrong move.

"Whoa!" The tallest said, hands up.

Izuku let out a tense breath he wasn't aware he was holding, but didn't drop the gun. "What the hell?" He hissed.

"Put the fucking gun down, damn Deku." The blond growled right back, not bothering to get up from the desk chair he was sitting in.

The taller of the two, whose hair was half red and half white, dropped his hands and smacked the blond across the back of his head. "Could you just pretend to not be a dick, for like, two seconds?"


Izuku rolled his eyes. "Still as charming as ever, Kacchan." His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

The brunette behind him nearly shook in fear at the interaction, her eyes going wide in realization. "Wait, this is them?" She asked Izuku quietly.

Her friend just nodded.

"Put the gun down, Zuku-"

"Don't," Izuku cut Shoto off harshly, "Call me that."

The half and half man held his hands up in surrender once again. "Just put the gun down and we can talk about this."

"This would have been easier if pink cheeks had stayed out of the way." Katsuki grumbled, and Izuku quickly changed from aiming at Shoto to the blond.

"Don't fucking talk about her like this is her fault. You two are the reason either of us are here right now. You dragged us into this. You don't have the right to complain." He said with so much venom in his voice, Uraraka was wondering what happened to her happy go lucky friend. She had never heard him this mad.

Katsuki just looked up at Izuku like he was contemplating something, a variable he hadn't seen coming. He must have found an answer that satisfied him, because his face relaxed and he stood up from his chair.

"Put the gun down, before I make you."

Izuku just cocked the gun.

"Zuku, please don't do this. You know you won't win." Shoto said in a strained voice.

Izuku looked like he was genuinely debating what to do, but Katsuki didn't give him the time to decide. He was on Izuku before he could think to shoot, not that he was sure he'd be able to anyway.

In a matter of seconds, the gun was out of his hands and he was in a headlock, kept him place by Katsuki's arms.

"Missed you, green bean."

hey guys!!

how we feeling? finally met up with shoto and katsuki.

prepare for tension, Izuku's pissed.

anyways, i hope you guys have an amazing day! 🤍❤️💚🧡

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