A sort of practical present?... and something your waiting for(hopefully)

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Jess's POV: (Christmas day)

"I got you guys something, you don't have to take them, but..." Luke grips S's good hand spinning her to face him and, as has become the easiest way to stop her talking nonsense about how she's not good enough, kisses her. She relaxes into him as he gently brings his arms around her, wary of her bad shoulder.

I head straight to the bottom of the tree, finding the three almost identical boxes, each labelled with impeccably calligraphed names, or at least nicknames.

I hand North his box, black with 'My North Star', which makes both me and him smile. He goes to open it, but S shakes her head pointing from Luke's arms to the other two boxes, gesturing for me to give Luke his. He unwraps one arm from Sang so that he can take the box, the label makes me smile again, To 'Un Ninja abbastanza bravo da rubarmi il cuore' (A Ninja good enough to steal my heart). To my knowledge that the closest that S or Luke have got to saying those magic, beautiful, words.

Luke's eyes heat up as he reads them, before he tugs her onto the main sofa with him. He shuffles back to the large corner square (our favourite (often highly contested) place to sit on the sofa(me and North glance at each other and decide to let them have it this time)), his arm not holding the box drops to round her waist so that her back is pressed against his chest. I watch her shift so she is sitting sideways, I think so she can see his face. Her legs spilling over the side of his lap.

Her feet stretch out almost kicking North, who just threw himself down on the sofa, without missing a beat he hooks an arm under them and drops them into his lap. It almost seems like an automatic reaction; I watch her legs tense for a moment, before she relaxes into both their holds. She glances at me, you ok? Her eyes question, flicking to the box, that I still haven't read. I nod, grinning at the sight of her between the two boys, it just looks so... right. The box in my hands calls my attention. 'J, Mia sorella, per sempre' (J my sister, forever). I watch as she bites her lip, seeming nervous about her messages, written on each present. I love mine.

I just throw myself on the seat, the other side of them to North and slightly awkwardly hug her, she hugs me back instantly.

"Thank you!" I breath in her ear, her grip tightens.

"Now open, open up!" She sounds truly excited now. She grins at us, expectantly, we all exchange glances, Sang is really, really, enthusiastic for us to open these. "All together! 3, 2, 1, open!" North meets my eyes. Why does she sound like Luke on a sugar high...wait, you think this is the first time she's had a Christmas that's good, without being at Uncles? I just nod, biting my lip, first to stop from crying then laughing as I see Luke ripping into his package. "Come on or Ninja will ruin your surprise!" we both roll our eyes as we take the paper off. I can't help but smile, I love opening presents!

Mine reveals a non-descript, white, box. North has a black one, Luke's matches the writing on the outside, pale blue. The intrigue continues, we all shoot her looks, but she just smiles one of her secretive smiles, waiting. We all lift the lids.

"Oh!" I gasp, inside is a thin silver chain, a bit like the one that S had on earlier, but it has a simple J hanging from the middle. I glance at the boys, they both have one very similar, but Luke with an L and North an N. I'm not sure what to think, it's beautiful, but not what I was expecting, I guess, in fact I'm know this wasn't what I was expecting.

"There's another part to this present!" Sang bites her lip, as she pulls the chain from round her neck out. Finally, I can see what the charms are. An S in similar style to ours sits in the middle. Surrounded by tiny charms. Tiny parts of us. All of us.

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