Chapter One

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It was a dingy day at the Wammy's house as the sun was peering through the hazy clouds. Children from different age-groups were seated at the long oak wooden table in the dining area wearing perfectly fresh ironed clothing, their hair smoothly combed. Well, that is except from the two teenage boys sitting at the top of the table on the left with scruffy mismatched clothing and bed-head, awaiting to be served breakfast. One of the waiters whom works at the Wammy house puts down a large plate of stacked pancakes as another puts down a variety of toppings to go with it. Immediately everyone stretches over from their seats to grab a pancake or two.

"Where exactly is the chocolate spread?!" An angry Mello yells at no one in particular.

"You don't remember?" Matt giggles, "chocolate has been removed from your diet for a week as you've " irrelevantly continued to be knocking down Nears block towers" don't stress though, only four days to go." he grins.

Mello bangs his clenched fists against the table, causing most to look his way. "Then I refuse to eat these pancakes! Besides, they look a bit pale." Sitting in his chair, he pushes it back with his feet sliding against the cold wooden floor as he excuses himself from breakfast. Matt follows his steps, grabbing a pancake and thrusting it down his mouth before he leaves.

Finishing his last bite he says, "Wow, whether you think they look pale or not they sure do taste good!"

Mello sighs as he ascends the large staircase, "I just want to get out of this dumb institution, I'm tired of having to abide by all these ridiculous rules, some that won't even apply outside of here...". Matt gulps, he's lost for words and believes whatever he says right now will only come out as a sarcastic joke.

They reach the top of the staircase, "However there's only two things that are keeping me here and as long as they're both available I plan to stay."

"Uh huh? And what might these two things be?" Matt asks.

"I also don't plan to share that with you." Mello replies sarcastically.

"Just me? Hmm... Last time I was aware I'm the only person you actually care about who currently walks this institution." he raises an eyebrow with a grin spreading across his face.

As they walk into the room they both separately share together, Mello collapses onto his bed. Must I share everything with you only because I love you? He thinks to himself.

"I told you that a while ago, pleased to know you still remember." Mello answers expressionless.

He infuriates me but somehow he manages to keep my heart racing with excitement. Matt thinks to himself.

Consequences Of Love: Matt x MelloWhere stories live. Discover now