Chapter Eleven

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Mello is sat at his desk soundlessly studying as Matt is sat slouched on his bed on his DS. Quillish opens the door, startling Matt and Mello. For a moment Quillish is quiet, his eyes looking over from Matt to Mello.

"Mello, I would like to have a discussion with you in my office immediately." His tone is more formal than it regularly is which obviously means it's something rather significant.

Mello's turns to look to Matt whom is already staring at him apprehensively. Mello closes his books and stands up, heading towards the door where Quillish awaits him. He notices a small, slender white-haired boy who stands behinds Quillish, his face looking drowsy with the heavy bags under his eyes. That bastard, he hasn't has he? Mello thinks to himself as he gazes directly into Near's tired eyes.

"Matt, I will be talking to you too once I've dealt with Mello." Quillish says before closing the door behind him. Mello and Quillish approach his office, leaving Near still standing outside Matt and Mello's room. Why would he? I thought I made it clear to not mention this to anyone, especially Quillish!

"Before you." Quillish says to Mello as he generously hold open the door. Mello walks through, feeling uneasy about this 'discussion'.

Mello takes a seat on the squeaky, old wooden-legged chair as Quillish sits in his usual tufted, green, leather chair. Clasping his hands he asks, "So, how have you been Mello? Are your studies coming along well? I'm sure they are."

Seriously? can't we just get to the core as to why I'm here? "I'm doing well, and my subjects are coming along fine, thanks."

Quillish nods his head, a thin smile spreading across his lips showing the wrinkles on his face. His smile was always warm and assuring. "Great. However, I didn't request you here to discuss your subjects, Mello." He clears his throat, Mello's heart race begins to increase anticipating what he's going to say. "Near visited me in my office last night, he looked rather jaded and anxious. He explained to me how he walked into your's and Matt's room, Matt was sat on top of you..." my hands begins to tremble, "he believes you were both kissing each other. Is this true, Mello?"

I notice a tint of sadness in his facial expression but also disappointment which causes me to look away. "Yes." I mumble.

"Ok. I appreciate your honesty. However, I don't tolerate this kind of behavior in this institution. It's completely unacceptable, and you're aware of all the rules, yes?" Quillish asks gently.

"Yes." Mello responds, staring down at his quivering hands.

"Therefore, I'm afraid my only conclusion is to separate you both. Matt shall be moving dorm rooms. I've already found an extra dorm for him to share with, the transition will be tomorrow morning."

Mello immediately responds to this by getting up from the chair, and banging his fists down on Quillish's wooden desk. "You can't! Parting us isn't the answer! And it was only a kiss, it will never happen again!" I can't promise that.

Quillish approaches Mello's fury in a calm manner, like he always has with every situation. "I'm so sorry Mello, but you said yourself that you're aware of the rules. It's my only conclusion and you're both remarkable students. I'm disappointed it's came to this."

"You're only conclusion?! You aren't even going to try chancing us once more?!" Mello yells. His hands have stopped trembling and he's no longer anxious, not even about trying to justify himself.

"No, all apologies Mello but you both brought this issue upon yourselves." Quillish sighs jadedly.

Without much consideration Mello says, "Then I'm leaving."

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