Chapter Five

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Matt casually strolls into the dorm Mello and Matt share, his long, lustrous, red hair dampened by the water from his shower.  He wears only a white cotton towel around his waist with another around his neck. 

Mello sighs, "Don't you know how to dry yourself properly?" he looks down onto the floor, "you've left a trail of water on the carpet."

Matt turns his head to look behind him, "It'll dry."

Mello turns around on his chair, going back to studying from his textbooks. He struggles to concentrate, hearing Matt drop his towel onto the floor behind him makes him flush. Mello's throat goes dry as he tries to search the words for a sarcastic comment but fails.

"We should go out today," Matt says unexpectedly now that he's dressed. "I mean we never go out and you're always studying."

Mello's surprised as it isn't usually Matt that suggests leaving. He closes his textbooks and stands up to face Matt, "You're right. Lets go, now." 

Getting permission to leave Wammy's House was always difficult, you could only leave for a certain amount of time before security agents were sent to find you, there was an immense garden with spectacular scenery but sometimes, when you were enclosed within these metal fences for so long, it just wasn't satisfying enough. There's high security so you're always going to get caught, well, unless you have a technical genius with you. 

Matt finishes off with tinkering with wires and cameras, or so that's how it looks to Mello as he's standing slouched against the wall observing his movements, looking unamused.

Matt stands up wiping the dirt from his trousers, "We should be okay now."

~ Part Two ~

The sun peers through the grey clouds as they stroll down the busy streets of England. Mello and Matt's long hair blow wildly in the wind, enjoying the mild breeze brush past their face. Contemplations and emotions occupy the silence that surrounds them. Matt's eyes shift down to Mello's hand, seeing his long, slender fingers hang and he want's to clasp his hand into Mello's but hesitates despite how lonely it looks.

"What was the discussion with Quillish about yesterday?" Matt says, finally. 

Mello turns his head to looks towards Matt who walks beside him, Mello's eyes focuses on his soft-looking lips and shivers run down his spine with the single thought of their lips meeting. 

"It was nothing important. He just mentioned that he was pleased with the effort I'm putting into my studies." Mello replied.

Consequences Of Love: Matt x MelloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt